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Studying the Fa Well: The Basis for Eliminating Attachments and Negative Emotions

Oct. 26, 2018 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I was bothered by negative and pessimistic emotions during the past week. Once the feelings emerged, my mind was full of thoughts about what my future would be like.

I am single. My recent attitude towards marriage has been to go with the flow, under the precondition of being responsible to my cultivation. Although I did not perceive myself to be influenced by ordinary notions towards marriage, negative feelings surrounding it has been affecting my mood recently.

I knew I needed to rectify my cultivation state. Therefore, I studied the Fa more, cleansed my mind, and then sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate this negative and pessimistic emotion. It sometimes had a great effect, and my field felt very clean. However, the negative emotion returned the next day. After trying this a few times, I still couldn’t change my state. I knew that I had to find and eliminate it from its root.

When I was reading Master’s teaching about the celestial eye, I suddenly realized the shortcomings in my cultivation and had a deeper understanding of the negative emotions.

Master said,

“Nowadays, some people think that this pair of eyes can see any matter or object in this world. Therefore, some people have developed the stubborn notion that only what one can see through the eyes is real and concrete. They do not believe what they cannot see. In the past, such people were considered to have poor enlightenment quality, though some people could not explain clearly why these people’s enlightenment quality was poor. No seeing, no believing. That may sound quite reasonable. Yet from the perspective of a slightly higher level, it is not reasonable.”(Zhuan Falun)

“Precisely because in this physical dimension we have this pair of eyes, people receive a false impression and are prohibited from seeing things. Thus, in the past it was said that if people did not believe what they could not see, such people would be regarded by the community of cultivators as having poor enlightenment quality, as being deluded by the false impressions of everyday people, and as being lost among everyday people.” (Zhuan Falun)

There was a time when I often thought about marriage, thinking that life would be more difficult in many respects if I remained single. I would have to depend on myself for everything. Yet, if I chose to marry, I didn’t want to find someone that didn’t suit me, because as a practitioner, I need to be responsible for my cultivation environment.

When I read Master’s Fa, I realized that I had been trapped in this ordinary thinking. This acquired notion filled me with pessimistic emotion towards the future. In fact, I had the negative emotions because I believed my physical eyes and the secular concepts I saw in society.

As a Dafa practitioner, my path is well arranged by Master. There’s nothing else I should consider except doing the three things well. Since I couldn’t see my future path, I was worried and came up with various assumptions using human notions. That was strengthening my attachments and thought karma, which didn’t align with the Fa.

As a life created by Dafa, I should have the ability to be self-sufficient. In this way I can shoulder the responsibility that history has given me. Regardless of whether I get married or not, I cannot let such ordinary thinking bother me.

Master said,

“If, beyond being responsible to the Fa, you have no human attachments, none of your own things, and none of your personal factors mixed in, then you are sure to do that thing well. Whereas once you've mixed in your own factors, then you can't do that thing well.” (“Teaching the Fa at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Students” from Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. VI)

Attachments can be restrained for a while through sending righteous thoughts. To eliminate them, I must study the Fa seriously and enlighten from it. When I discovered the attachment behind the negative thoughts and got rid of it, I felt clear and clean.