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Senior Citizen Facing Trial for Practicing Falun Gong

Feb. 6, 2018 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Beijing

(Minghui.org) Police raided the home of Ms. Li Xiuru, a 73-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from the Dongcheng District of Beijing, on April 12, 2017. They found Ms. Li visiting with her three friends who also practice Falun Gong.

All four were taken into police custody. The police found and confiscated a Falun Gong book, six CDs, and four booklets about Falun Gong from Ms. Li's home.

Ms. Li was given criminal detention and taken to Dongcheng Detention Center the next day. She was released on bail two days later. Her case was sent to the Dongcheng Procuratorate on August 3 and submitted to the Dongcheng District Court on November 28.

Early this month, Ms. Li Xiuru was taken from her home and driven to the local police station. She was met by two Dongcheng District Court officers and shown a statement of the charges against her. Ms. Li was ordered to sign the statement and informed that a court date would be scheduled. She was given a choice of hiring her own lawyer or using a court-appointed lawyer.

Prior to her latest arrest, Ms. Li was detained in January 2017 and August 2016 for talking to people about Falun Going and the persecution.

Before her retirement, Ms. Li was the assistant director of the radiology department at Dongzhimen Hospital.