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Renouncing the Chinese Communist Party at New York Parade to Commemorate the April 25 Peaceful Protest

April 30, 2018 |   By Minghui correspondent Cai Ju

(Minghui.org) To commemorate the 19th anniversary of the April 25 Peaceful Protest in Beijing, over 1000 Falun Gong practitioners held a grand march in Flushing's Chinatown in New York on April 22, 2018.

More than 400 people renounced the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations at the event: 95 quit the the Party itself and the Youth League; 192 quit the Youth League; and 116 quit the Young Pioneers. Here are some of their statements.

Grand march in New York commemorating April 25 demonstration and supporting 300 million people renouncing the Chinese Communist Party.

“I watch every Falun Gong parade”

A man in his 40s stood next to a fence near a subway station where the parade was to begin. A practitioner walked over and told him about Falun Gong.

He told the practitioner that he had been in the United States for more than a decade. He said, “I watch every Falun Gong parade. Your Falun Gong is so spectacular, especially the people who play the drums. That really makes people feel good. Last year's parade was the most spectacular—there were so many people.

“I don't go back to China anymore. I can't tolerate the pressure there. How good it is here! There are no such parades in China.”

When the practitioner asked him whether he had ever renounced the Party, he replied, “I am not a member of the Party.” The practitioner told him that quitting the Party included quitting the Youth League and the Young Pioneers, too, he said, “Then I quit the Young Pioneers.”

“I will leave after the parade”

Before the parade began, a well-dressed man in his 50s stood observing the Falun Gong practitioners getting organized. A practitioner went over to him with a flyer and said, “Hello. Please learn about Falun Gong.”

The man initially looked blank and did not respond. After a short pause, he asked, “How much are you paid to distribute these flyers?”

The practitioner answered, “I don’t get a penny. No matter where you go, Falun Gong practitioners who distribute flyers do not get a penny. Everyone of us is a beneficiary of Falun Gong. Everyone follows Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Look at those who play trumpets and drums—they bought their instruments themsleves.”

The practitioner pointed to the Tian Guo Marching Band and said, “You see some of these young people are Ph.D's. There are Harvard and Columbia graduates. Their academic qualifications are very high.

“They pay for their own instruments and uniforms to participate in these parades. They are all Falun Gong practitioners. They benefit physically and mentally from the practice. That is why, for so many years, Falun Gong has remained popular and why we continue to raise awareness of the persecution! We hope everyone will have a bright future.”

The man’s expression began to soften and he asked, “Are these all the practictioners in the northern United States?” The practitioner replied, “No. They are just some from New York.”

“Are there that many practitioners here?” the man asked.

The practitioner answered, “Yes, there are many more who did not come.”

He shook his head in wonder and said, “So many people.”

The practitioner said, “Sir, given your age, you experienced a lot of things in China. You should be very clear about yourself. It is very important to maintain a healthy body and mentality.”

He nodded, glad to take the flyer and to quit the Party. He said, “I will leave after watching the parade.”

Indeed, he waved to the practitioner at the end of the parade.