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Forgiving Others

Aug. 12, 2018 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Once Fa-rectification is over, how many sentient beings will be left? When one is in the maze of life on this earth, he is unaware of his sin. We’d better forgive people for mistakes they’ve made while we can.

Ever since the persecution began, I have developed hatred towards Jiang Zemin, former head the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), his gang and the Party; especially the police who I felt were being controlled by evil. I never had any compassion towards them. In the early years of my cultivation, I even had a desire for revenge.

I once clarified the truth to a policeman who harassed me in my home. Later when I met him on the street and he greeted me in a friendly manner, I ignored him. Now, looking back, I feel that I did very poorly in this situation.

In 2016, I was seriously persecuted. I hated the people that reported on me, the personnel of the 610 Office and the police. Although the hatred wasn’t as strong as before, there were traces of it in me.

After the ordeal, with help from fellow practitioners, I summarized the experiences and cleared out many bad thoughts and human attachments in my mind. I also tried hard to study the Fa more. These efforts helped me see my thinking and notions, and I gradually became better and more positive. One of the changes that I noticed was that I was more compassionate.

My understanding was that we needed to persist and completely clear out evil with our righteous thoughts. The evil CCP was unworthy of moving our hearts. The Fa principle of “the appearance stems from the mind” (“Fa Teaching Given at the Epoch Times Meeting” from Teaching the Fa at the Conference X) reminded me that we are cultivators and that our mission is to assist Teacher to rectify the Fa. We need to completely clear away evil factors with our righteous thoughts.

On the other hand, for ordinary people, they are in the midst of suffering, and I have pity for them, as it is not even certain if they can stay after Fa-rectification arrives. Perhaps they have had glorious or solemn tragic moments during their life journey, and yet these are lives that Teacher cherishes. Therefore, although sometimes I had an opinion about what they said or did, when I thought of their situations, I no longer worried about my own losses or gains. I let things go and took things lightly. I no longer hated the police and the people that reported on me. I only looked inward and felt pity for them.

Regardless of where these people were from, perhaps what would happen to them at the end would be very miserable because they were completely controlled by evil and committed crimes against Dafa. They had fewer opportunities to be saved. Once they were eliminated along with the evil ones, they would face the most terrible and tragic ending in all of the universe.

When I arrived at this understanding, I changed my attitude and ways of doing things. I clarified the truth whenever the police or their boss came looking for me. This change was totally unimaginable years ago. I found that when I made this distinction between God and human, I became more compassionate. The compassion is from Dafa and has enormous power.

I was severely persecuted in 2016. After that, I was transferred to the work unit that I’m working in now. The person who was responsible for security monitored me and reported daily to his boss every afternoon at 4 pm.

Last year, I worked on a project with him. I felt that he was just an ordinary person that needed to be saved. I sent forth righteous thoughts then started to clarify the truth to him. As I continued to clarify the truth in more depth, he appeared anxious and walked away. Then he reported me to his boss. As a result, his boss came to look for me and I clarified the truth to him as well. The next day, the director brought police to the work unit. I used the opportunity to clarify the truth and they had no comments. They told me not to go out to clarify the truth. Then he handed me a form with questions and answers. I didn’t read it, nor did I sign it - and neither did they force me to do so. Later, they took off.

I know for a fact that most people in the ‘evil camp’ knew that they were doing bad things. So most of the time, they just superficially appeared to do their work. But after all, what they did was bad. The persecution is not over yet. We can’t take things lightly. We need to intensify sending righteous thoughts and leave nothing for the old forces to take advantage of.

That was how this situation ended. I didn’t hate the person. On the contrary, I regretted not saving him and I think this was due to interference. I continue to look inside, send righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil factors that control him and others in the work unit.

Soon after, I clarified the truth to a colleague and helped him quit the CCP and its youth organizations. He reported this encounter with me to his boss, who then checked with others to see who else I had spoken to. I felt that this was only a test to see if I would continue with my efforts. Although I wasn’t very calm in the following few days, I didn’t hate the colleague that reported on me. I thought, “Ordinary people just can’t understand Dafa disciples. What would I get angry with him for? I should just forgive him.” What I could do at that moment was to send righteous thoughts. I was also worried that because he had already quit the Party, if he regretted his action, it would mean that he was not saved!

I also heard that while the person’s boss was checking up on me, many people spread some negative comments like, “So-and-so advised that we quit the Communist party. If we did, and if he got into trouble, we’d be in trouble too!” I double checked with all the people that I have helped to withdraw from the CCP. I also spoke to them again to ensure that they fully understood and didn’t feel regretful. Anyway, that was how the incident ended. Throughout the whole process, I didn’t hold any hatred against anyone. Indeed, ordinary people are in the midst of illusion. It is so hard to save them!

I looked back and felt that although I had been studying the Fa continuously, somehow, I seemed to turn a blind eye on some Fa principles. Sometimes I understood certain Fa principles when I read the Fa, but then I couldn’t recall exactly what they were afterwards. That was because I didn’t think thoroughly and didn’t understand the inner meaning of why certain things happened from the perspective of the Fa.

I said earlier that I didn’t want to worry about my losses or gains anymore, as I took pity on ordinary people. The principle seemed to be simple, but if I didn’t understand it from the Fa, I couldn’t have reached the realm of the xinxing requirement, nor could I have made it to that cultivation state. It is the studying of the Fa from the heart that enables me to understand this Fa principle, and truly let things go and take things lightly.