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College Professor Detained after Being Reported for Talking About Falun Gong

Aug. 26, 2018 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Beijing

(Minghui.org) College professor Ms. Xu Rong was taking care of her bedridden mother at a hospital during summer break when she was contacted by the school security department and asked to return for an important meeting.

On July 13, 2018, Ms. Xu rushed back to Beijing College of Politics and Law, where she works as an associate professor. The security personnel asked her whether she practiced Falun Gong and whether she had talked to her colleagues about the practice. They kept her at the school until 2:00 a.m., when the police came and arrested her.

While supervising candidates for a test, along with four colleagues, in early July, Ms. Xu shared with them some information about Falun Gong and the persecution. One colleague reported her to the school, which then reported her to the police.

After Ms. Xu's arrest, the police ransacked her home and confiscated her computers and Falun Gong books. They charged her with “undermining law enforcement with a cult organization” and detained her at the Daxing Detention Center in Beijing. They interrogated her several times while she was detained.

Meanwhile, Beijing College of Politics and Law worked with the police to find out if there were other faculty members or students who also practice Falun Gong. They have also been trying to block information about Ms. Xu's detention.

Ms. Xu was released on bail on August 13, 2018, after being detained for one month. It is unclear whether she will face further prosecution by the authorities.