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Liaoning Woman Arrested Again after Nine Years of Imprisonment and Torture for Her Faith

Aug. 27, 2018 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) Four years after Ms. Shao Changhua was released from a 4-year prison term for her faith in Falun Gong, she was arrested again by a group of police who broke into her home on August 17, 2018.

The police raided her home and confiscated her computer, printer, and Falun Gong-related materials.

Ms. Shao's family went to the Badao Police Station the next day to seek her release. They asked the police why they arrested her. One officer said that Ms. Shao was involved with a case of two other practitioners, Ms. Zhao Xuejing and Ms. Sun Lihao, who had been sentenced to prison for hanging up Falun Gong banners. The police said they were going to keep Ms. Shao in detention for seven days and would then release her.

Five days after her arrest, Ms. Shao's family went to the detention facility to visit her, but were told that she was no longer there.

They then went to the Dandong Detention Center, which wasn't far from the original detention facility, and found that the police had transferred her there and changed the status of her case to criminal detention.

Ms. Shao's family returned to the Badao Police Station and questioned the police as to why they deceived them. One officer, who refused to reveal his name, told the family that her case was changed on the afternoon after their morning visit. “I don't know about other details. It's good enough that I tell you this,” he said.

Ms. Shao's family is now extremely worried about her. Because of her refusing to renounce her faith in Falun Gong, she has been sentenced twice, in 2005 and 2010 respectively, for a total of nine years. She was brutally tortured at Liaoning Women Prison, causing severe injury. She became prematurely grey in detention.

During Ms. Shao's imprisonment, the Dandong Social Security Bureau withdrew her pension. After she repeatedly talked to them and requested that her pension be reinstated, they agreed to give her just 500 yuan each month.

Previous reports:Ms. Shao Changhua Recalls Brutal Torture in Liaoning Women's PrisonDandong City Procuratorate Persecutes the Shao SistersThe Persecution of Shao Changhua and Zhang Guilan from Dandong City, Liaoning ProvinceWoman With Serious Health Problems Tried, Sentenced, and Imprisoned