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Additional Persecution News from China – December 25, 2018 (12 Reports)

Jan. 10, 2019

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 10 cities or counties in 6 provinces. According to this report, 11 Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least 7 were illegally arrested.

1. [Beijing] Ms. Niu Hong and Ms. Wang Sentenced to Prison
2. [Daqing Ctiy, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Meng Qingying Officially Arrested
3. [Liuhe County, Jilin Province] Mr. Li Zhenxiang Given a Four-Year Prison Term
4. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Ms. Ni Detained
5. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Ms. Ji Yufeng and Ms. Yang Xin Detained
6. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Mr. Zhang Liyou Arrested
7. [Yishui County, Shandong Province] Mr. Yang Hongkuan Faces Trial
8. [Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Hu Fengyu Taken into Custody
9. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Xu Huifang Remains in Custody
10. [Chongqing] Ms. Lin Yurong Detained
11. [Suining City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Wu Mingshu Sentenced to Prison
12. [Huili County, Sichuan Province] Ms. Zheng Qiong and Other Practitioners Face Fourth Trial

1. [Beijing] Ms. Niu Hong and Ms. Wang Sentenced to Prison

Ms. Niu Hong and Ms. Wang were arrested by officers from the Changyang Police Station, Fangshan District, in January 2018. They were detained. They were indicted by the Procuratorate in September, and tried in court on October 15.

Ms. Niu was given a one-year-and-six-month prison term, and Ms. Wang a one-year-and-five-month prison term on December 19, 2018 They are being held in the Fangshan Detention Center.

Participants in the persecution of the two practitioners:Dong Jie (董杰), presiding judge, Fangshan District Court: +86-10-80381448, +86-18610701448Zhang Jun (张君), prosecutor, Fangshan Procuratorate: +86-10-59558057Fangshan District 610 Office: +86-1089350079Kui Youqing (隗有清), head: +86-1089350079Jing Shun (井顺), deputy head: +86-1089350010, +86-13501071386Shao Mingyan (邵明艳), president, Fangshan District Court: +86-1089368866, +86-1089364837, +86-1089368604

2. [Daqing Ctiy, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Meng Qingying Officially Arrested

Ms. Meng Qingying was arrested on November 9, 2018. She was officially placed under arrest recently.

3. [Liuhe County, Jilin Province] Mr. Li Zhenxiang Given a Four-Year Prison Term

Mr. Li Zhenxiang from Liuhe County, Jilin Province, was arrested, and his home was ransacked by officers from the Xuyi County Domestic Security Division, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, and the Liuhe Police Station on August 17, 2017. It was reported that Mr. Li was given a four-year prison term by the Xuyi County Court.

4. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Ms. Ni Detained

Ms. Ni, from Kaohe Village, Baoshou Township, was arrested at home by local police on December 21, 2018. She was taken to the Yushu City Detention Center for five days of detention.

5. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Ms. Ji Yufeng and Ms. Yang Xin Detained

Ms. Ji Yufeng and Ms. Yang Xin from Chengfa Township were arrested at home by the local police on December 17, 2018. They were taken to the Yushu City Detention Center for five days of detention. They have returned home.

6. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Mr. Zhang Liyou Arrested

Mr. Zhang Liyou was recently arrested by the local police.

7. [Yishui County, Shandong Province] Mr. Yang Hongkuan Faces Trial

Mr. Yang Hongkuan from Longjiaquan Town was arrested on May 11, 2018. His case was turned over to the Yinan County Procuratorate on July 18. He will be tried in the Yinan County Court on December 28.

Participants in the persecution of Mr. Yang:Wei Yousen (魏友森), procurator-general, Yinan County Procuratorate: +86-539-3011900, +86-539-96699, 86-539-311966Yinan County Court: +86-539-3276110, +86-539-3221008Yinan County Political and Legal Affairs Committee: +86-539-3221415

8. [Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Hu Fengyu Taken into Custody

Ms. Hu Fengyu was arrested when she was talking to people about Falun Gong on December 19, 2018. She is being held in a detention center.

9. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Xu Huifang Remains in Custody

Ms. Xu Huifang from Wuchang District was arrested by officers from the Dongting Police Station, Shuiguo Lake area, on December 9, 2018. She was held in the Wuhan No. 1 Detention Center for 15 days of detention. Her family went to the detention center to bring her home on December 24. However, Ms. Xu was taken to another detention center in Jiang'an District for continued custody.

10. [Chongqing] Ms. Lin Yurong Detained

Ms. Lin Yurong from Nan'an District was arrested on December 15, 2018. She is being held in the Banan District Detention Center.

11. [Suining City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Wu Mingshu Sentenced to Prison

Mr. Wu Mingshu from Shidong Township was recently sentenced to prison by the Anju District Court. He was taken to the Leshan Prison.

12. [Huili County, Sichuan Province] Ms. Zheng Qiong and Other Practitioners Face Fourth Trial

Ms. Zheng Qiong, Ms. Luo Jiping, Ms. Ma Lingxian, Ms. Dong Xiuqiong, and Ms. Shen Jiafeng were sentenced to prison. They appealed. The Intermediate Court revoked the criminal judgments and sent the cases back to the Huili County Court for retrial. The five practitioners were to be tried for the fourth time on December 25, 2018.

Previously, the Huili County Court held two trials on October 26 and November 29, 2018. Both trials were called off after the defense attorneys were prevented from defending the practitioners.

Participants in the persecution of these practitioners:Yang Lupo (杨鲁坡), president, Lihui County Court: +86-834-5623511, +86-13980282212Luo Wen (罗文), deputy president: +86-13508202313Yang Jilan (杨继兰), president, No. 1 Criminal Tribunal: +86-13881583050Zhang Yupeng (张羽鹏), court clerk: +86-15282971677