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Additional Persecution News from China – December 30, 2018 (16 Reports)

Jan. 13, 2019

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 16 cities or counties in 7 provinces. According to this report, 9 Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least 15 were illegally arrested.

1. [Shanghai] Mr. Liu Shunming Sentenced to Prison
2. [Huadian City, Jilin Province] Mr. Fu Renjiang Taken to Prison
3. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Sun Lingmin Detained
4. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Huang Xiangling Officially Arrested
5. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Li Jide Tortured in Prison
6. [Dongying City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhang Aili Officially Arrested
7. [Jining City, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Aixiang and Ms. Hao Zuozhen Arrested
8. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Mr. Cao Dong Taken to Prison
9. [Binzhou City, Shandong Province] Mr. Song Baoqing Taken to Prison
10. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Sun Pinghua Detained
11. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Aige Sentenced to Prison
12. [Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province] Three Practitioners Detained
13. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Guo Shihui Arrested
14. [Macheng City, Hubei Province] Mr. Xiong Youyi and Other Practitioners Arrested
15. [Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Li Sentenced to Prison
16. [Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province] Mr. Yang Xiaodong Sentenced to Prison

1. [Shanghai] Mr. Liu Shunming Sentenced to Prison

Mr. Liu Shunming from the Minhang District was sentenced to an 18-month prison term in the Fengxian District Court on December 25, 2018.

2. [Huadian City, Jilin Province] Mr. Fu Renjiang Taken to Prison

Mr. Fu Renjiang was sentenced to five years in prison in the Huadian City Court. He was taken to Gongzhuling Prison on November 28, 2018.

3. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Sun Lingmin Detained

Ms. Sun Lingmin from the Qingfeng area, Fate Town, Tiande Township, was arrested by officers from the Tiande Police Station on December 23, 2018. She is being held in the Nanshan Detention Center.

4. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Huang Xiangling Officially Arrested

Ms. Huang Xiangling from the Xindu District was arrested by plainclothes officers from the Chengxi Police Station on November 21, 2018. She was placed in criminal detention, and her arrest was made official by the Xindu District Procuratorate on December 27.

Participants in the persecution of Ms. Huang:Gong Guilian (龚桂莲), president, Xindu District Court: +86-28-68903129, +86-28-68903001, 86-13008188992Zhu Chuansheng (朱传生), deputy president: +86-28-68903007, +86-18010509168Jiang Hong (蒋洪), head, Political Division: +86-28-68903006, +86-13908086924

5. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Li Jide Tortured in Prison

Mr. Li Jide, 68, was sentenced on November 1, 2018. He was taken to the Jidong Prison, where the guards tortured him on December 25.

6. [Dongying City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhang Aili Officially Arrested

Ms. Zhang Aili from the Shengli Oilfield was taken to the Dongying Detention Center on November 25, 2018. She was officially arrested on December 29.

Participants in the persecution of Ms. Zhang:Dongying Domestic Security Division: +86-546-8926012Huda (扈大): +86-18706665929Cheng (程): +86-15205460567

7. [Jining City, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Aixiang and Ms. Hao Zuozhen Arrested

Elderly practitioners Ms. Li Aixiang and Ms. Hao Zuozhen from Jiaxiang County were arrested by officers from the Wanzhang Township Police Station on the morning of December 28, 2018, when they were distributing Falun Gong calendars in Wanzhang.

8. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Mr. Cao Dong Taken to Prison

Mr. Cao Dong from Zhangjia Village, Gaoqing County, was held in Gaoqing Detention Center for over a year. He was sentenced to a four-year prison term in December 2018 and taken to the Shandong Province Prison.

9. [Binzhou City, Shandong Province] Mr. Song Baoqing Taken to Prison

Mr. Song Baoqing from Boxing County was arrested in the office of his own company on July 15, 2018, and was taken to the Boxing Detention Center. He was sentenced to a two-year prison term in December and is now in the Shandong Province Prison.

10. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Sun Pinghua Detained

Ms. Sun Pinghua from Nanshanghe Village, Muyudian Town, Laiyang City, was arrested by officers from the Muyudian Police Station on the morning of December 28, 2018. She was taken to the Laiyang Detention Center.

11. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Aige Sentenced to Prison

Ms. Wang Aige, 69, was sentenced to a one-year prison term and fined 5,000 yuan in the Huangdao District Court on December 26, 2018. She was taken to the Pudong Detention Center by officers from the Dachang Town Police Station after the verdict. However, the detention center refused to admit her after she failed the physical exam.

Ms. Wang has since returned home.

12. [Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province] Three Practitioners Detained

Ms. Wang Xiaojun, Ms. Hao Liqin, and Ms. Wang Wenjie from Qinglong County were arrested by Mutoudeng Town Police Station officers on the morning of December 23, 2018. They are being held in the Qinglong Detention Center.

Participants in the persecution of the three practitioners:Song Xueqiang (宋学强), director, Mutoudeng Town Police Station: +86-13903340818Zhang Liguo (张立国), political head: +86-13833533915Sun Jianwei (孙建伟), officer: +86-13780580775Zhang Wenhua (张文华): +86-13582405727

13. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Guo Shihui Arrested

Ms. Guo Shihui from the Changqinghuayuan area, Dongxihu District, was arrested on December 15, 2018, when she was distributing Falun Gong materials in Zhongshan Park. Her home was ransacked.

14. [Macheng City, Hubei Province] Mr. Xiong Youyi and Other Practitioners Arrested

Mr. Xiong Youyi and five other practitioners were arrested by the Wuchang police in Wuhan City on the afternoon of December 25, 2018.

15. [Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Li Sentenced to Prison

Ms. Wang Li was sentenced to three years in prison by the Fengcheng Court.

16. [Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province] Mr. Yang Xiaodong Sentenced to Prison

Mr. Yang Xiaodong was sentenced to a three-year prison term on December 18, 2018. He appealed, but a few days later the intermediate court announced that it would uphold the original verdict. Mr. Yang's case files have now been returned to the Lianhu District Court.

Participants in the persecution of Mr. Yang:Liu Qun (刘群), president: +86-29-87626450 ext. 8103Shen Meining (申美宁), judge: +86-29-87627239