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Kostroma, Russia: Falun Dafa Art Exhibition Informs and Inspires

Jan. 21, 2019 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Russia

(Minghui.org) The Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance International Art Exhibition took place on January 2-13 in Kostroma, a historic city in western Russia. Many spectators were inspired by Falun Gong practitioners' perseverance amid the harsh persecution in China. Some were very interested in learning the exercises.

Spectators visit the Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance International Art Exhibition

One woman said she was shocked by the brutality of the persecution in China. “It is hard to believe that tragedies like this could happen in the 21st Century,” she said.

College student Anna said people can learn a lot from the works of art.

Anna, a college student who also works at a law firm, said the exhibit was an eye-opening experience. “Many of us have no idea of what is going on in China, such as torture and arrest. I feel bad about it. And I am really sorry for the families affected by the persecution,” she said.

A young woman named Elena was moved by a painting in which a young girl is standing alone in front of her front door because her parents were taken away in the persecution. “The sadness in her eyes tells us everything,” said Elena. “I can imagine how much the girl has suffered in the past and how much adversity she is facing.”

Nastya and Maksim, two college students, said the artworks were superb. “From them we can learn the true situation in China, how practitioners are mistreated over there,” explained Nastya. Since some of the artists had experienced the persecution firsthand, their paintings were able to present the tragedies vividly and accurately.

Vladimir hopes the persecution in China comes to an end.

Vladimir, who has written articles that criticized the Communist Party, said the brutality against innocent Falun Gong practitioners was striking and shocking.

Tatiyana is interested in learning the Falun Gong exercises.

Tatiyana, who is retired, said she wanted to try the Falun Gong exercises. “I think this will improve my health,” she said.