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Liaoning Woman Given One Year for Practicing Falun Gong

Nov. 6, 2019 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) A Fushun City, Liaoning Province resident was sentenced to one year in prison for her faith in Falun Gong.

Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a mind-body improvement discipline that has been suppressed by the Chinese Communist Party since 1999.

Ms. Huang Keqin, 55, was arrested on April 25, 2019 for hanging up a banner that said “Falun Dafa is good” and indicted by the Dongzhou Procuratorate on August 9.

Her family went to the local police station and procuratorate to seek justice for her, but to no avail.

Ms. Huang was tried by Dongzhou District Court in a makeshift courtroom at Nangou Detention Center on September 4, 2019. Her lawyer entered a not guilty plea for her. She also testified in her own defense.

Both Ms. Huang and her lawyer argued that no law criminalizes Falun Gong in China and it’s her constitutional right and freedom of belief to do the practice. The lawyer also cited a notice by the Chinese publication bureau that lifted the ban on Falun Gong books in 2011.

The judge recently sentenced her to prison with a 4,000-yuan fine.

Related report:Liaoning Woman Indicted for Her Faith in Falun Gong