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Germany: People Sign Petition Calling for an End to the Persecution in China

Dec. 28, 2019 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Germany

(Minghui.org) Augsburg, located in southern Germany, is Bavaria's third-largest city. Falun Dafa practitioners have been holding activities twice per month at Konigsplatz, Augsburg's city center since spring 2019. They introduce the ancient spiritual practice and tell people about the persecution, which has been ongoing for over 20 years.

Practitioners hold activities at Konigsplatz, Augsburg's city center, on December 21, 2019. Many young people wanted to know about Falun Dafa.

Practitioners held an informational day at Konigsplatz on December 21, 2019. Despite the cold, many people stopped to watch practitioners doing the peaceful exercises and ask questions. People were shocked upon hearing that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes practitioners and even kills them for their organs. Several people signed the petition urging the German government to adopt The Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act.

One young couple came with their baby in a carriage. They signed the petition after learning the facts. An elderly woman returned to the booth several times and said she was very concerned about practitioners being persecuted in China. She waited in line to sign the petition.

Two couples listened as a practitioner talked about Falun Dafa and the persecution. One man asked whether a signature would really make any difference. The practitioner told him that the more people who sign the petition, the greater its impact. The man said that he'd heard about ethnic minorities being persecuted by the CCP, but had never heard about Falun Dafa. The practitioner explained in detail about how practitioners are being persecuted. The man was shocked and could not believe what was happening. Both couples signed the petition.

After signing the petition, a woman said that she was interested in Chinese culture and had read many books about China. She said that she couldn't understand why, in the 21st century, such a cruel persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners was happening.

Another woman signed the petition and said she felt that the world's morals are sliding further and further downward. After asking several questions she said she was interested in Falun Dafa's principles, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She said that she practiced yoga and wanted to know more about Falun Dafa.