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Additional Persecution News from China – March 12, 2019 (10 Reports)

March 23, 2019

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 10 cities or counties in 6 provinces, where at least 16 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province] Mr. Liu Yu Taken to Prison
2. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wang Enguo and His Wife Ms. Zhou Xiuzhi's Case Files Passed to Procuratorate
3. [Beijing] Three Practitioners Detained
4. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Che Shufeng Sentenced
5. [Shouguang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Xiumin Arrested
6. [Pingdu City, Shandong Province] Ms. Qu Yuanzhi Formally Arrested
7. [Weihai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Xu Yanyan Taken to Prison
8. [Huaian City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Shi Suhua and Mr. Wei Shanrong Sentenced
9. [Li County, Hunan Province] Ms. Xu Lian Detained
10. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Chen Yufen and Ms. Zeng Detained

1. [Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province] Mr. Liu Yu Taken to Prison

Mr. Liu Yu, 69, was sentenced to three and a half years, and has been taken to a prison.

Parties involved in persecuting Mr. Liu:Wang Yanbin (王彦彬), director, Tianqiao Police Station in Qingyuan Town: +86-13238133999Mu Wei (穆魏), deputy director: +86-15504932451Dong Guangda (董光大), Qingyuan County Procuratorate: +86-24-53030215, +86-24-53036059, +86-13030710111Zhao Lihong (赵立红), head, Qingyuan County Court: +86-24-53072101, +86-15641387788

2. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wang Enguo and His Wife Ms. Zhou Xiuzhi's Case Files Passed to Procuratorate

Mr. Wang Enguo and his wife Ms. Zhou Xiuzhi were arrested by officers from the Qikai District Domestic Security Division and Anqilu Police Station in November 2018. Their cases have been filed with the Qikai Procuratorate.

3. [Beijing] Three Practitioners Detained

Mr. Shi Yingji, from the Yanqing District, was arrested on February 28, 2019. He is being held in the Daxing Detention Center.

Ms. Bai Wenshu and her husband Mr. Wang Shufang, also from the Yanqing District, were arrested on March 1. Ms. Bai is being held in the Changping Detention Center, while Mr. Wang is being held in the Yanqing Detention Center.

4. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Che Shufeng Sentenced

Ms. Che Shufeng was arrested on September 8, 2018. She was tried by the Laishan District Court on February 26, 2019, and sentenced to seven months in prison.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Che:Lu Xiaodong (吕晓东), director, Donglai Police Station: +86-18660066898, +86-13645456767Wang Jipeng (王基鹏), deputy director: +86-18660067320, +86-5358788762, +86-1330545072Gao Qi (高琦), deputy director: +86-18660067371, +86-5358788138, +86-13376458877Wang Qingdong (王庆东), director, detention center where Ms. Che is being held: +86-18660066976, +86-5358788788, +86-13395455588

5. [Shouguang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Xiumin Arrested

Ms. Wang Xiumin was arrested by officers from the Shouguang City Police Department and the Shengcheng Police Station on March 4, 2019. Her home was ransacked and her computers, Falun Gong amulets, and other personal belongings were confiscated. She was taken to the police station.

6. [Pingdu City, Shandong Province] Ms. Qu Yuanzhi Formally Arrested

Ms. Qu Yuanzhi and Ms. Sheng Shuli, from Zhugou Town, were arrested in January 2019 and taken to the Pudong Detention Center in Jimo City. Ms. Qu's arrest was not approved until March 2, 2019.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Qu and Ms. Sheng:Mou Xiaofeng (牟晓峰), director, Zhugou Police Station: +86-53283321006, +86-13869839721Ge (葛某), instructor: +86-13964277668Guo Yucheng (国玉成), deputy director, Pingdu 610 Office: +86-15615887178

7. [Weihai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Xu Yanyan Taken to Prison

Ms. Xu Yuyan was arrested and later sentenced to two years in prison by the Rongcheng City Court. She was taken to Jinan Women's Prison on February 20, 2019.

8. [Huaian City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Shi Suhua and Mr. Wei Shanrong Sentenced

The Hongze District Court sentenced Ms. Shi Suhua to three years in prison, and Mr. Wei Shanrong to ten months in prison in January 2019. Both practitioners have appealed.

Ms. Shi and Mr. Wei are being held in the Huaian City Detention Center.

9. [Li County, Hunan Province] Ms. Xu Lian Detained

Ms. Xu Lian was arrested on March 8, 2019, and taken to the Baiheshan Detention Center.

10. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Chen Yufen and Ms. Zeng Detained

Ms. Chen Yufen, in her 60s, and Ms. Zeng (given name not known) were arrested on March 7, 2019. Their homes were ransacked.

Ms. Chen and Ms. Zeng are being held in the Longquan Detention Center.