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Mr. Liu Shujing from Shandong Province Given a Two-Year Prison Term

Aug. 13, 2019 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) Mr. Liu Shujing, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Laishan Town, Shandong Province. was arrested by officers from the Yuangezhuang Police Station and the Domestic Security Division of the Laishan District on August 27, 2018. He was tried in the Laishan District Court on May 10, 2019. His lawyer pleaded not guilty to the charges on his behalf. He was sentenced to two years in prison, however, and secretly taken to the Shandong Provincial Prison.

The officers ransacked his home without showing any legal paperwork or IDs. Mr. Liu’s wife was also arrested that day.

The police went to his 84-year-old mother’s home the following day. His mother was not at home, and her door was locked. Officers broke in through the windows and ransacked the residence. They confiscated Falun Dafa books, photos of the founder of Dafa, two computers, and 1,500 yuan in cash.

Mr. Liu’s wife was released after having 5,000 yuan extorted from her. She returned home after midnight. The police threatened her, “After returning home, don’t go out. You have to be here whenever we show up.”

Mr. Liu was taken to the Fushan Detention Center on August 28, 2018. He was officially placed under arrest one month later.

Mr. Liu’s wife was not allowed to attend his trial. Over 300 people in Mr. Liu's village signed a statement attesting to his being a good person and asking the court to drop the charges and release him.

One month later, Mr. Liu’s lawyer informed him that he had been given a two-year prison term. The authorities took him to prison without notifying his family.

Related reports:Additional Persecution News from China – May 9, 2019 (10 Reports)