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Additional Persecution News from China – August 11, 2019 (19 Reports)

Aug. 31, 2019

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 19 cities or counties in 11 provinces, where at least 25 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province] Mr. Ma Guobin’s Appeal Denied
2. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wang Jianhua Sentenced to Four Years in Prison
3. [Yiyang City, Hunan Province] Mr. Wu Xianwen Sentenced to 19 Months in Prison
4. [Tianjin] Mr. Gao Qingjian Arrested
5. [Chongqing] Ms. Liu Jinxiu and Ms. Lin Yurong Detained
6. [Zhongwei City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region] Ms. Jing Yuling Detained
7. [Linjiang City, Jilin Province] Ms. Wang Shiju and Ms. Qin Shiying Arrested
8. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Yao Xiulan’s Case in Procuratorate
9. [Zunhua City, Hebai Province] Three Practitioners Detained
10. [Yu County, Hebei Province] Ms. Yang Liping Detained
11. [Zhumadian City, Henan Province] Mr. Yan Weibin Arrested
12. [Dongying City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhou Guihua Detained
13. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Dong Yuqin and Ms. Chu Lianping Sentenced
14. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Meilian Arrested
15. [Daye City, Hubei Province] Mr. Ke Yaowen Incapacitated for 20 Years
16. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Mr. Long Arrested
17. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Mr. Liu Fuchun and Ms. Yang Wen Detained
18. [Guangning County, Guangdong Province] Mr. Chen Guoxing Detained
19. [Songming County, Yunan Province] Ms. Xu Fengxian Detained

1. [Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province] Mr. Ma Guobin’s Appeal Denied

Mr. Ma Guobin was arrested in Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, for talking to people about the persecution of Falun Gong. He had also used currency bills with information about Falun Gong written on them. Mr. Ma works in Zhoushan City, and is from Luobei County, Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province. The Dinghai District Court in Zhoushan City sentenced him to seven years and six months in prison and fined him 5,000 yuan. Mr. Ma appealed, but the Zhoushan Intermediate Court upheld the conviction on June 10, 2019.

Parties involved in persecuting Mr. Ma:Zhoushan City Political and Legal Affairs Committee: +86-5802281118Zhoushan City Dinghai District Political and Legal Affairs Committee: +86-5802040655, +86-5802033290, +86-5802327053Zhoushan City Dinghai District Court: +86-580-2826340, +86-13857215139Zhoushan City Dinghai District Procuratorate: +86-580-2566031Zhoushan City Dinghai District Detention Center: +86-5802261395,+86-5802027410, ext.3231

2. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wang Jianhua Sentenced to Four Years in Prison

Mr. Wang Jianhua from the Nanguan District was arrested by officers from the Nanlingjie Police Station on the evening of April 14, 2018. He has been held in the Changchun City Fourth Detention Center. He was tried by the Nanguan District Court on the morning of May 10, 2019. On August 9, 2019 he was sentenced to four years in prison.

3. [Yiyang City, Hunan Province] Mr. Wu Xianwen Sentenced to 19 Months in Prison

Mr. Wu Xianwen was tried by the Datonghu District Court in Nan County on July 24, 2019, and was sentenced to 19 months in prison in early August 2019.

4. [Tianjin] Mr. Gao Qingjian Arrested

Mr. Gao Qingjian from the Binhai New District was arrested at work by Li Shujun and others from the Banchang Police Station on the morning of August 7, 2019. The officers confiscated Falun Gong books and a picture of Falun Gong's founder.

Parties involved in persecuting Mr. Gao:Li Shujun (李树军), officer, Banchang Police Station: +86-15900218181

5. [Chongqing] Ms. Liu Jinxiu and Ms. Lin Yurong Detained

Ms. Liu Jinxiu and Ms. Lin Yurong from the Nanan District were arrested by officers from the Longzhouwan Police Station on the morning of November 7, 2018, for distributing Falun Gong informational materials in Longzhouwan, Banan District. The police confiscated Falun Gong books, pictures of Falun Gong's founder, computers, and other personal belongings. Ms. Lin was first held in the Jieshi Detention Center in Banan District, but is now being held in the Jiulongpo Detention Center.

6. [Zhongwei City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region] Ms. Jing Yuling Detained

Ms. Jing Yuling was arrested by officers from the Wenchang Police Station on July 31, 2019. She is being held in the Zhongwei City Detention Center.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Jing:Wenchang Police Station: +86-955-7060785Zhongwei City Detention Center: +86-955-7681298Xu Ran (徐冉), instructor, Domestic Security Division: +86-13739525876

7. [Linjiang City, Jilin Province] Ms. Wang Shiju and Ms. Qin Shiying Arrested

Ms. Wang Shiju from the Sangongli Community was arrested by officers from the Linjiang City Domestic Security Division at noon on August 7, 2019. Police ransacked her home and confiscated Falun Gong books and 2,000 yuan in cash bills which had information about written Falun Gong on them. Ms. Wang is being held in the Baishan Detention Center.

Ms. Qin Shiying was arrested on the morning of August 9, 2019.

8. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Yao Xiulan’s Case in Procuratorate

Ms. Yao Xiulan, 68, from the Dadong District, was arrested by officers from the Heping Domestic Security Division on the afternoon of July 10, 2019. Her case was submitted to the Heping District Procuratorate.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Yao:Xu Shi (徐适), attorney general, Heping District Procuratorate: +86-24-23381939Case officer: +86-24-31951561Wang Dahai (王大海), director, Heping District Police Department: +86-24-23526637, +86-24-23523556, +86-24-23507469

9. [Zunhua City, Hebai Province] Three Practitioners Detained

Mr. Wang Jian, 60, from Xingwangzhai, was arrested by head Liao Aidong and others from the Domestic Security Division on the morning of July 6, 2019. He is being held in the Zunhua Detention Center.

Mr. Wang Kun, 43, was arrested by officers from the Xinzhuangzi Police Station on the morning of July 6, 2019. His home was ransacked. He is being held in the Zunhua Detention Center.

Ms. Guo Shuhuan was arrested on the same day. She is being held in the Tangshan No.1 Detention Center.

Parties involved in persecuting them:Zhongshan Police Station, Qiaoxi District, Shijiazhuang City: +86-311-87023587Li Zhengbing (李征兵), the person responsible: +86-15830969603, +86-311-88892109Li Beijun (李备军), director: +86-311-87896623, +86-13785182511Qiaoxi District Procuratorate, Shijiazhuang City: +86-311-66603128, +86-311-87032000Shijiazhuang City No.2 Detention Center: +86-311-8778202432

10. [Yu County, Hebei Province] Ms. Yang Liping Detained

Ms. Yang Liping talked to people about the persecution of Falun Gong on the morning of July 19, 2019. The local Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary, Li Ju, saw her and confiscated her electric bike and gave it to the Village Committee. Ms. Yang was arrested by officers from the Xiagongcun Township Police Station and held for seven days in a detention center in Zhangjiakou City.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Yang:Zhao You (赵友), director, Xiagongcun Towhship Police Station: +86-13932356350Li Ju (李举), CCP secretary in Zhoubeipu Village: +86-13473346909

11. [Zhumadian City, Henan Province] Mr. Yan Weibin Arrested

Mr. Yan Weibin was arrested by officers from the Xuesong Police Station on August 2, 2019.

Parties involved in persecuting Mr. Yan:Xuesong Police Station: +86-396-2935291

12. [Dongying City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhou Guihua Detained

Ms. Zhou Guihua of Dongji Township was arrested by officers from the Dongji Town Police Station on August 3, 2019, after she was reported for talking to people about the persecution of Falun Gong. She is being held in the Liuhu Detention Center.

13. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Dong Yuqin and Ms. Chu Lianping Sentenced

Ms. Dong Yuqin was arrested by officers from the Jinmenlu Police Station on May 12, 2018 and subjected to 35 days in detention. She was granted a one-year release on bail on June 16, 2018. She was tried by judge Li Jianjun in the Shibei Court on June 11, 2019 and sentenced to six months in prison with a six month suspension, and fined 2,000 yuan on July 23.

Ms. Chu Lianping was sentenced to two years in prison by judge Zhu Yixin in the Shibei District Court on the afternoon of August 9, 2019.

14. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Meilian Arrested

Ms. Wang Meilian of Yangmeng Village was arrested on her way to work by officers from the Kaiyuan Police Station on the morning of August 8, 2019. Her home was ransacked. She was released due to poor health.

15. [Daye City, Hubei Province] Mr. Ke Yaowen Incapacitated for 20 Years

Mr. Ke Yaowen from Keyanjinwan, Longkou Village, Jinshandian Town suffered a mental collapse as a result of persecution in 1999. He has since been incapacitated and depends on his parents who are in their 70s.

16. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Mr. Long Arrested

Mr. Long was arrested on July 29, 2019 for talking to people about the persecution of Falun Gong.

17. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Mr. Liu Fuchun and Ms. Yang Wen Detained

Mr. Liu Fuchun and Ms. Yang Wen were arrested by officers from the Yuelu District Domestic Security Division on August 7, 2019. They are being held in the Changsha City No. 4 Detention Center.

Parties involved in persecuting Mr. Liu and Ms. Yang:Zhang Tianzhu (张天助), case officer: +86-15074919939Jiang Xinming (江昕明), director, Yuelu District Police Department: +86-731-8861954No.4 Detention Center: +86-731-88861909

18. [Guangning County, Guangdong Province] Mr. Chen Guoxing Detained

Mr. Chen Guoxing was arrested in his repair shop on the morning of July 3, 2019. The police confiscated Falun Gong books, a picture of Falun Gong's founder, informational materials about Falun Gong, a computer, cell phone, and other personal belongings. Mr. Chen is being held in the Guangning Detention Center.

Parties involved in persecuting Mr. Chen:Head, Domestic Security Division: +86-18807589725Wu Qiming (巫启明): +86-13822639875

19. [Songming County, Yunan Province] Ms. Xu Fengxian Detained

Ms. Xu Fengxian was arrested by officers from the Songyang Police Station and the Songming County Domestic Security Division on August 6, 2019. The officers ransacked her home and confiscated Falun Gong books, a picture of Falun Gong's founder, and other belongings. Ms. Xu is being held in the Kunming City Detention Center.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Xu:Yang Shaocong (杨绍聪), director, Songming County Police Department: +86-13888619119Li Qingfeng (李清峰), head, Domestic Security Division: +86-871-67913405, +86-18987167523Li Jinfu (李金福), deputy head: +86-13708430866Zhang Yajin (张亚金), officer, Domestic Security Division: +86-871-67913405Li Shaorong (李绍荣): +86-871-67913405Fu Liren (付立仁), commander: +86-18987167772Wang Yanming (王彦明), director, Songyang Police Station: +86-871-67911422, +86-18725199757