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Chicago: Rally Condemning the Persecution Held in Front of Chinese Consulate

Aug. 8, 2019 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Chicago

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners held a rally in front of Chicago’s Chinese Consulate after holding a peaceful march on August 3, 2019. Practitioners from eleven states joined in the activities. Michigan State Representative John Chirkun and Senator John Hoffman of the Minnesota State Senate sent letters of support to the rally.

Many passersby paused to watch the rally. A man named John stopped to talk to practitioners, and said that he was appalled that such a peaceful practice was persecuted in China. He recorded some video of the rally and told practitioners that he condemned the persecution.

Passerby John said he supports Falun Gong. He told the consulate: “Stop the persecution and stop the violence!”

Falun Gong practitioners held a rally in front of the Chinese Consulate in Chicago.

Passersby pause to learn more about Falun Gong.

Michigan State Representative John Chirkun sent a letter of support to the rally's participants. He stated in the letter, “I am greatly honored to add my voice in support of Falun Gong practitioners in their efforts to pursue peace, human rights and freedom of belief, and to raise awareness of their persecution with others so that the action can be achieved.”

“I firmly stand with you in your continued hard work and commitment to end these documented abuses and I condemn the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Especially heinous is the organ harvesting which targets Falun Gong practitioners.”

Letter to the rally from Michigan State Representative John Chirkun

Senator John Hoffman of the Minnesota State Senate sent a letter to the rally. He stated in the letter, “You are here today because since 1999 people have been persecuted because they choose to follow Falun Gong.”

“I oppose all unjust persecution and no matter where I am, I am with you in demanding such human rights violations be brought to an end. We cannot rest idly until everyone has their basic human rights respected. Thank you for being here today to carry this important message onward and know you have an ally in me always.”

Letter to the rally from Senator John Hoffman of the Minnesota State Senate

Falun Gong practitioners from eight states read letters from senators and congressmen in their states expressing support for practitioners during their 20 years of peacefully protesting the persecution.

Letter from Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin

Letter from Senator Mike Braun of Indiana

Letter from Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa

Letter from Congressman Rodney Davis of Illinois

Letter from Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer of Missouri

Letter from Congressman Steve Stivers of Ohio