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Shen Yun Brings “Soul-touching” Tales to Three Continents

Jan. 2, 2020 |   By Minghui correspondents Tang En and Li Ruoyun

(Minghui.org) Shen Yun Performing Arts seven touring companies ushered in the New Year with its new 2020 program as it graced the stages of Italy, Japan, Canada, and the United States. 

The Shen Yun New York Company kicked off its 2020 Asia tour with sold-out performances at the Aichi Prefectural Art Theater in Nagoya, Japan, on December 25. 

After four sold-out performances in Berkeley, California, the Shen Yun Global Company traveled to San Jose on December 26, 2019. 

The Shen Yun World Company kicked off its 2020 Canada tour with a sold-out performance at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa. 

The Shen Yun Touring Company opened its 2020 Europe tour on December 27 at the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in Florence, Italy. Theatergoers celebrated the holidays by attending five sold-out shows December 27–30, 2019. 

The Shen Yun New Era Company's sold-out performance at the Jones Hall for the Performing Arts in Houston, Texas, on December 28, 2019. 

The Shen Yun International Company presented four sold-out performances at The Palace Theatre in Stamford, Connecticut, on December 25–27, 2019. 

Influencing the Dance World

Choreographer Davide Bombana (right) celebrated the holidays by seeing Shen Yun at the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in Florence, Italy, on December 27, 2019. 

Choreographer Davide Bombana attended Shen Yun's performance in Florence, Italy, on December 27, 2019. “I won’t mention names, but [Shen Yun] has already been inspirational for a lot of people,” Mr. Bombana said, referring to how the choreography of the classical Chinese dance company has influenced other choreographers in the dance world. 

Bombana added that he gleaned some inspiration from the performance himself, which he plans to incorporate into his artistic work.

“It Touched Your Soul”

Angela Reed at the Shen Yun performance in San Jose, California, on December 26, 2019. 

“It touched your soul! It was the most amazing experience,” said Angela Reed after seeing Shen Yun in San Jose, California on December 26, 2019. The Bay Area bank VP and business loan officer saw Shen Yun in San Jose, California, on December 26, 2019. 

“You felt every movement, you felt the music and I think each one of us probably came away with something different. It just touched my soul.

“Especially towards the end, the very last piece seems to bring everything back together. And that if you believe, you have faith, you will survive, and the world will become a better place. How could you not be touched by that?

“If you go back to your true beliefs and be a good human being, we can maybe save the world. It's just refreshing, a remembrance of what life should be, how you should treat people and better days are coming.

“I think [Shen Yun performers] are spreading hope to the world. I think they’re helping to make a statement in the world. Their way of sharing, their talent is sharing with the world how we should be.

“I would say if you have never seen this type of performance then you’d need to see it because it would awaken something in you—you’ll not be the same person that you were before you came in,” she said.

“Gives a Sense of Life to Us”

Hong Phuc Tran-Le and his wife Thuy Duong at Ottawa's National Arts Centre on December 27, 2019. 

Hong Phuc Tran-Le, a family doctor, and his wife Thuy Duong, a pharmacist, saw Shen Yun at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, Canada, on December 27, 2019. 

“It’s not only a show, but it reminds us of our roots. In this kind of world, it’s very important to know who we are, and the identity of where we come from,” Mr. Tran-Le said.

“It reminds me of—well I’m not Chinese, I’m Vietnamese—but we have the same heritage. We are Asian, and share a lot of the same culture. It makes me proud to see that very rich culture, 5,000 years, and the beauty, and the vision. That gives me more confidence, and also makes me proud to be an Asian.

“That impressed me in Chinese culture, the Asian culture. We have a way of doing [things]—we are soft outside but very strong inside. When we use grace, we don’t need to use violence or force to convince people. We can use grace, our inner strength and also the beauty, the sense of beauty. It will convince more people in that way than the use of force. I see this in this kind of performance.

“It is important that this kind of show reminds people that we are from God and we will return to God. That gives a sense of life to us, and gives us more energy and more motivation to live on and to overcome all the difficulties. And if we see all kinds of immorality or all kinds of conflict and all the lies in this world, we won’t lose hope because we know where we come from.

“We have come to an era where we have the extremes of evil and the extremes of good. More and more, the difference is clearer and clearer. I believe that sooner or later, there will be a huge clash between the two sets of values, and a judgment day will come,” he said. 

Ms. Duong said she particularly enjoyed Shen Yun’s artistry and uplifting messages. “It’s the beautiful dances, the performance, and the orchestra, the music. Also, the stories behind all these dances, it’s beautiful Chinese culture,” she said. 

Mr. Tran-Le wished to encourage the Shen Yun artists and said, “Continue your great work. You have a mission to bring back the culture and to remind us of who we are, the identity of Asian people. That is a very important thing, and it reminds us that we are from God, and will return to god. God bless all of you, God bless Shen Yun!” 

“Very Touching”

Hirose Yukio attended Shen Yun's performance at the Aichi Prefectural Art Theater in Nagoya, Japan, on December 25, 2019. 

Hirose Yukio, Professor of Psychiatry at the Aichi University of Education, and his wife attended Shen Yun’s opening performance at the Aichi Prefectural Art Theater in Nagoya, Japan, on December 25, 2019. 

Mr. Yukio praised Shen Yun and said, “It is indeed very touching. My concept of traditional Chinese culture has been changed... I found that I seem to have a keen interest in the profound 5,000-year [Chinese] history again.”

“In terms of [Shen Yun music’s] perfect coordination, it has come up with something new through harmonization. The backdrops are very natural... They exquisitely demonstrate the background [of the locale of the stories]. 

Mrs. Yukio also enjoyed the performances, “The dance performances are full of grace and strength. They are indeed very wonderful and impressive.”

“The music is terrific. It has a strong power of penetration and expression. 

“The power is embedded in peacefulness. It touches the bottom of the human heart by means of the power in peacefulness,” she said.

“Exquisite and Delicate” 

Maria Urbaez saw Shen Yun at Houston's Jones Hall for the Performing Arts on December 29, 2019. 

Maria Urbaez, an award-winning dancer, choreographer, and producer, saw Shen Yun at the Jones Hall for the Performing Arts in Houston, Texas, on December 29, 2019. 

“It’s beautiful. I thought it was divine. It was very exquisite and delicate,” she said. 

With her background in the performing arts, she admired the details, “The technique was on point. The choreography level was beautiful. The formations, the outfits, the scenery, the set design, so simple yet so nice.

“The music flowed beautifully—it’s like you’re in a dream. It was very well done. I loved it!” Ms. Urbaez said.

Upcoming Performances

Shen Yun continues its world tour with upcoming performances in San Francisco, California, January 2-5, 2020; Dallas, Texas, January 3-5; Montreal, Canada, January 2-5; Kyoto, Japan, January 3; and Stockholm, Sweden, January 3-6.

For more information on tickets and dates, please visit http://shenyun.com.