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Tempered Diamond Shines Through, Falun Dafa Disciples Vow to Be More Diligent in the New Year

Jan. 2, 2020 |   By a Minghui correspondent

(Minghui.org) With the arrival of the 2020 New Year, Falun Dafa disciples in China have made it through another fulfilling year, becoming more mature on their spiritual journeys.

Even though the persecution is still going on in China, Dafa disciples are perfecting themselves by passing the tests of life and death. 

On this special occasion, many practitioners in China are sending their heart-felt greetings to Master Li Hongzhi, thanking him for awakening their souls and guiding them to return to their true, original selves.

A practitioner in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, wrote, “We’ve learned how to cultivate ourselves in tribulations and conflicts. We’ve learned to see the bad in ourselves and good in others. We’ve also learned how to work with fellow practitioners, quietly making up for what is lacking. 

“We no longer argue with each other about who is right and who is wrong. We’ve become more rational and calm and are not confused by how things look on the surface. Thank you, Master, for helping us to become more mature!”

A Beijing practitioner wrote, “We are given a new life after taking up Dafa. We understand the true meaning of life. We are truly honored to be Dafa disciples.”

A practitioner in Gong’an County, Hubei Province, wrote, “Another year has passed. We’ve grown more mature in our cultivation. Master’s magnificent grace permeates the universe. Bathed in Master’s Buddha light, we are determined to do better in our cultivation in the new year—strengthening our will and overcoming the attachment to comfort to fulfill our historic vows.”

A group of practitioners in Jinan City, Shandong Province, wrote, “We can really see the improvement we’ve made in our cultivation over the past year. We are doing better with our Fa study and never missed the morning exercises. When we see police officers, we don’t run away. We face them and clarify the facts about Falun Dafa to them with compassion. The sharing articles on Minghui.org inspire us to be more diligent. We hope to continue to strive forward vigorously in the new year and not let Master down.”

Four elderly practitioners in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, thanked Master for everything he has done for them. “We always feel that Master cares for us and know how many things he has done for us. No words can express how grateful we are! We know our responsibilities. Time is pressing! We will be more diligent and do better in the new year!”

Another group of practitioners in Heihe City, Heilongjiang Province, wrote, “We all took up Dafa before the persecution started. The oldest among us is over 80, and the youngest is over 50. It’s the sacred destiny of Dafa that connects us. Every improvement we’ve made in the past 20 years on our spiritual journey is all because of Master’s compassionate protection and guidance. Thank you, Master!”

Practitioners in Changchun City, Jilin Province, wrote, “It’s been almost 28 years since Master introduced Falun Dafa to the public. We Dafa disciples in Changchun miss Master so much! 

“Looking back to the days when Master first taught the Fa in Changchun, we’ve witnessed the grand history of Dafa spreading across the country. Master held seven seminars in Changchun, and the attendance soon grew from over 100 people to thousands of people. Master selected practice sites and cleaned the energy field for us. Morning exercises groups were everywhere across the city parks and plazas. 

“To celebrate Dafa’s public introduction, we hosted two painting and calligraphy exhibitions, as well as experience sharing conferences.

“After the communist regime launched the persecution, dozens of practitioners tapped into the state television to broadcast the facts about Dafa on March 5, 2002. We are using our lives to validate the Fa and spread the truth—the historic responsibility we shoulder is enormous.”

Other greetings were received from:

A mother and daughter in Mengyin County, Shandong ProvinceZhaoyuan City, Shandong ProvinceLuchuan County, Guangxi ProvinceWuchang City, Heilongjiang ProvinceJiamusi City, Heilongjiang ProvinceTangshan City, Hebei Province