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I’m Proud to Be a Part of Falun Dafa Parades

Jan. 3, 2020 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in the USA

(Minghui.org) When I was at the lowest point in my life last year, I heard a Falun Dafa practitioner reciting Master Li’s “Lun Yu (On Dafa).” I was so inspired that I decided to practice Falun Dafa too.

Our Costumes Showed Me My Attachments

A fellow practitioner asked me to take part in Falun Dafa parades this year as a member of the group representing celestial maidens. 

I was very excited in the beginning. But when I received my costume for the parade, I was so disappointed. In my opinion, the clothes should be a light pink color. However, what I got was bright yellow with a yellow headpiece, which to me was more like a costume for the Chinese Opera. 

Later, I was surprised to hear that these costumes and headpieces were handmade by a few fellow practitioners in a few short weeks. They'd worked until 3 a.m. on the day of the parade to finish the last piece. 

I felt ashamed and realized that I wasn’t evaluating things as a practitioner should. I looked within and found several attachments, including vanity and lust.

I remembered what Master said, 

“...you are in the process of cultivating; every one of you is cultivating. That is to say that you all have ordinary human attachments. There might well be attachments involved when it comes to the questions you raise, the things you think about, how you talk about others, how you deal with each other and even with yourself, because each of you has the attachments of an everyday person. If someone does the work of Dafa in order to seek after fame and gain, I say that he can’t achieve Consummation without getting rid of that attachment. And if you sincerely want to do something for Dafa, you should put Dafa first and your own thoughts afterwards.” (“Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Canada”)

When I detected the root of my thought, immediately I didn’t care about the color at all. Instead, I put on the costume happily.

The World Falun Dafa Day Parade

I took part in the May 13th World Falun Dafa Day parade in Manhattan. The parade included nearly 10,000 practitioners in dozens of sections. The Tianguo Marching Band led the parade, followed by the dragon and lion dance teams and waist drummers. 

Our celestial maiden team was in the middle of the parade. We were very eye-catching in our bright costumes and headpieces. There were many pedestrians along the street watching and taking pictures. Many of them liked our group very much and had their pictures taken with us. I often heard people saying, “Great!” “Beautiful!” “Thank you!”

We changed positions within our formation in sync with the music. Each team member was beautiful and smiling. I truly felt the pure energy field of our parade, and deeply understood our mission as a Dafa disciple. 

I was so touched that my eyes were moist. How hard it is for Master and Dafa disciples to spread the Fa, yet how fortunate we overseas practitioners are! Without the Communist Party’s persecution, we can freely show the public how wonderful Falun Dafa is and express our feelings! I felt like I was walking in the clouds in heaven.

Improving Myself through Participating in Parades

The more parades I joined, the more I enjoyed being part of the celestial maidens group. I was often touched by team members’ selfless contributions. I understand that everything we do is to fulfill our historic vows. 

Our parades not only show people the positive character of Falun Dafa practitioners, but also awaken and save people. Seen from the higher universe, I believe it must be magnificent and extraordinary.

I also realized how important it is to cooperate with fellow practitioners and work as a whole body. I really appreciate fellow practitioners who pointed out my mistakes and helped me correct myself. 

Gradually, I eliminated my attachments of superiority and of always needing to be right, which were formed in my work environment. 

Now I am working to eliminate my attachments to competitiveness and vanity.

Master said, 

“Each person’s cultivation path is different, the way in which each validates the Fa is different, their social statuses are different, their occupations are different, and their surroundings are different, but they can all cultivate nevertheless. This is the path Dafa presents to its cultivators. Dafa disciples are one body, and I affirm everything they have been doing during Fa-rectification—they are all doing what Dafa disciples should do.” (“Comment on a Student’s Article” from The Essentials of Diligent Progress Vol.III)

I truly appreciate Master’s arrangement, and cherish the opportunity of being a member of the celestial maidens team. 

I will continue working hard as a true practitioner, cooperate well with others, and be a particle within the entire body of Dafa practitioners.