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Elementary School Teacher Still Detained for Her Faith During Chinese New Year

Jan. 30, 2020 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) An elementary school teacher in Li County, Hebei Province, is still being held in a detention center for practicing Falun Gong even though the local procuratorate returned her case to the police for insufficient evidence on December 24, 2019.

Ms. Zhu Surong’s older daughter is going to give birth soon. Both she and her younger sister, as well as their bedridden, elderly grandmother, are worried and anxious about Ms. Zhu.

Ms. Zhu was taken away from her home on October 11, 2019, and has been held in Baoding Detention Center ever since. More than 300 local villagers signed a petition within a few days following her arrest, demanding that the authorities release her.

More than 300 villagers in Li County, Hebei Province, signed the petition in October 2019, calling on the government to release Ms. Zhu Surong.

A Beloved Teacher

Ms. Zhu used to suffer from severe stomach problems and was unable to keep food down. She sought many cures, but none of them worked. She went into debt to pay for the treatments and was often in a bad mood.

Soon after she took up Falun Gong in the summer of 1999, she recovered. Weeks later, the nationwide campaign of persecution started. 

Ms. Zhu didn’t give up the practice and continued to live by Falun Gong’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance and strove to be a good person.

As an elementary school teacher, she treats her students as if they were her own children. She teaches them not only textbook knowledge but also how to be a good person. 

When the children occasionally soiled their pants, she always cleaned them up before their parents picked them up. 

While most of her fellow teachers told their students to clean the classrooms by themselves, Ms. Zhu always stayed with her students and cleaned the classroom with them. 

Outside of school, she extends help to anyone in need, including total strangers. On one occasion, she met a father and a daughter who couldn’t find jobs in the city as migrant workers and ran out of money to get home. She brought them home, treated them to dumplings, and gave them 200 yuan to buy train tickets.