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Compassion in the Face of the Coronavirus Epidemic

Feb. 18, 2020 |   By Yue Gao

(Minghui.org) It has been more than a month since novel coronavirus broke out in Wuhan. The number of confirmed cases and death toll have since grown rapidly.

Concerned about the people in the epicenter of the epidemic, many Falun Gong practitioners outside of China are making phone calls to people in Wuhan, telling them that by reciting the phrases, “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” one might be blessed and protected from danger.

Some phone calls went to police stations, courts and procuratorates. People in the same office sometimes turned on the speaker and listened together. They expressed their gratitude to the practitioner, and some of them quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. One police officer said: “Thank you for still thinking of us now.”

An officer working for the Political and Legal Affair Committee, an extrajudicial agency tasked with the persecution of Falun Gong, resisted at first but thanked the practitioner in the end.

When a practitioner from Toronto, Canada called the home of a senior police officer, an elderly man picked up the phone. He said, “It's Falun Gong again!” and kept cursing. But his son said to him, “Dad, they are doing it for our good.” The old man stopped shouting and listened.

One practitioner called the deputy director of the Propaganda Department of a district in Beijing. The man was furious at first and said, “Our country is in trouble now, and you still ask me to quit the Party?”

The practitioner replied, “That's why I have to tell you how to protect yourself,” before explaining the CCP’s role in persecution innocent Chinese people. “All these years, Falun Gong practitioners have risked their lives telling people about the persecution. This is not related to politics. I’m paying for this call, and you’re not losing anything. We [practitioners] all hope you can make it through this disaster.”

The man finally understood and said with gratitude, “You are working hard to save people when the country is facing a calamity.”