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Send Righteous Thoughts, Create a Better Environment for Practitioners to Save People in Wuhan

Feb. 25, 2020 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China

(Minghui.org) Since the central government in Beijing changed the leadership of Wuhan around mid-February 2020, the local situation has been getting even worse. 

Prior to the change, one person from each household was allowed to go out every three days for grocery shopping. But now, no one is allowed to go out. Many local residents are running out of food at home. If they aren’t allowed to go out and the government doesn’t provide food to them, I worry what’s going to happen to them. 

I read an online news story today saying that several elderly residents, both men and women, were arrested while taking a walk in their own neighborhood, and were then forcibly sent to Wuhan Sports Center for quarantine.

Just days ago, we could still go out to distribute materials or persuade people to quit the Communist Party, but we are now all stuck at home.

The government also released another regulation last night, stating that anyone who publicizes information about the epidemic would face detention or even more severe punishment, making local residents even more afraid of talking about the situation or receiving materials from us.

We are Dafa disciples. Saving people is our responsibility. People are in danger and we have to do something about it. It is time for us to wake up and take action.

I call for all Dafa disciples in Wuhan to send strong righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil and dissolve the old forces’ arrangement to destroy sentient beings. We should create a better environment to save people.