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Being a Good Person and Building Benevolent Relationships

March 13, 2020

(Minghui.org) I am a 55-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner from Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. I would like to share two stories about myself. 

Falun Gong Practitioners Are One Family

The police arrested a practitioner couple in July 2003. All of the local practitioners attempted to get them released, but the court sentenced them to three years in prison. The couple supported an 80-year-old mother, an older son in college, and a teenage son at the time they were arrested. They had a small business and a little bit of land, but after the arrest, the family lost all sources of income.

While the parents were jailed, no one was looking after their son. He began to skip school and sell things from the couple’s store to buy food and some beer. Learning about the situation, practitioners helped the family by sending the young man money and food. They even helped manage the land and reinstated it as a source of income. The grandmother eventually understood the reason behind the persecution of Falun Dafa and that good people were being arrested by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Some practitioners helped find a private boarding school for the teenage son. However, someone would need to take him to their home every second weekend and during the winter and summer breaks. Finally, my husband, a practitioner, brought the lad into our home.

We treated him like he was our own child. We taught him that Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa) has come to save the cosmos and that the CCP is here to destroy human beings. We also told him that he is the son of Dafa disciples and his parents are doing the most righteous thing in the world. He cannot bring shame to his parents or to Dafa, and being a good son is part of the vows he made.

Sometimes, when my husband and I were busy, he would stay at other practitioners’ homes, for as long as two months on some occasions. We encouraged him to study the Fa and do the exercises with us. Not long after, his parents were released.

Many locals heard about the family's story and praised the Falun Dafa practitioners for having such a big heart. Many said that not many people would take in a child who had no parents, but Falun Dafa practitioners did; Falun Dafa is wonderful.

Become a Good Person, Build Good Connections

I drove my tricycle to a field after lunch on March 27, 2017. A person on a scooter came out of an alley and ran into the side of my bike. I stopped immediately because if I continued going forward, I would drag her and her scooter with me.

Soon, many local farmers gathered around us. I asked people to call the woman's relatives, and I contacted the village doctor. At that moment, I wanted to validate Dafa and save more people.

The doctor and the husband arrived on the scene. She had a visible bump on her head so we took her to a hospital for a CAT scan and an EKG, to be sure she was alright. Her husband wanted her to stay in the hospital for two days, so I paid 2000 yuan toward the hospital fee and then left.

We visited her the next day hoping to clarify the truth to her. As a Dafa practitioner, people are depending on me to help them be saved, so I must do well.

In her hospital room, her brother and sister-in-law were chatting with her. The brother was a retired police chief from a local police department. He knew his sister was to blame for the accident. After I persuaded her not to ride the scooter anymore, her husband took me aside and asked us to leave.

The second day, her husband called and said that they didn’t have enough money to pay the hospital bill and wanted to discuss it with me. I told them that I would come the next day.

When I got there, the woman was sitting on the hospital bed looking healthy. She said she was fine and wanted to go home.

I asked, “Did the doctors give you any medication to take home? Why did it cost 1000 yuan for only one day?”

At first, she told me that the hospital was greedy and wouldn’t give her the medication if her family didn’t pay first. Finally, she revealed that she had part of her breast removed due to breast cancer a while ago and she had asked the doctors to do a blood test, which was why the bill came to be 1000 yuan.

I said, “Good. It was not a waste of money. Although the blood test was an elective procedure, it's okay.”

Her brother and his wife came to the hospital to take her home. While the husband was checking her out of the hospital, we told her brother, his wife, and the woman the facts about Dafa and the corrupted nature of the CCP. We informed them about the persecution of Falun Dafa, and the numerous CCP leaders who had advocated for the persecution that were imprisoned and faced the consequences of promoting the persecution. 

I told the brother that everyone related to the Party will face punishment from the heavens, which is why he needs to stop persecuting Dafa practitioners and renounce his Party membership. Seeming indecisive, I asked him to read a brochure on how to quit the Party or find another Dafa practitioner to help him renounce his membership.

After she arrived home, I helped her pay for her bills and helped her with the infusions. I also told her more about Falun Dafa. She told me that I am a good person and that she was fine and didn’t need anything from me anymore. She also told me that I could visit her anytime.

Learning about what happened, my sister-in-law told me that I shouldn’t have paid all the bills for the woman since the accident was her fault.

I replied that I practice Dafa and that the accident gave me the opportunity to tell the woman the facts about Dafa. I thought the money was well spent.

The people in our town that learned of this event all said that the woman was lucky she ran into me and that Falun Dafa is good.