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Thoughts on the End Time for Fa Rectification and Prophecies

March 1, 2021 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Some practitioners speculated in their sharing articles that the Fa rectification may end in 2022, and many other practitioners share the view.

Believing that the outbreak of the CCP virus (named after the Chinese Communist Party) marked the beginning of the mass elimination of human beings, these practitioners may have made wrong judgments about the pandemic’s development. 

Some practitioner-run media suggested Chinese people stock up on food, and many practitioners in China had prepared emergency supplies for catastrophes.  All of these views were based on the idea that the Fa rectification would end in one to three years.

In fact, I personally believe that the transition to the Fa’s rectifying of the human world may take longer than what most practitioners have anticipated.

Thoughts on the End Time for Fa Rectification

Master clearly told us:

“I can see that everything is heading into the final stage. It’s just that many people are afraid to acknowledge this reality and its progressive unfolding; that the number of lives to be saved before the final moment arrives has not reached the amount it should; and that there is still a portion of Dafa disciples that hasn’t kept up. That is the key reason why the end of this undertaking still hasn’t been enacted.” (“Be More Diligent,” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. X)

Master also said in 2017,

“I remember that someone once asked me how many people it would take quitting the CCP to make the Party fall. I showed five fingers; I didn’t give him a number (laughter).” 

“So as it’s being destroyed, I have to think about how to give those practitioners who haven’t cultivated well chances to cultivate, and let the evil beings that haven’t been eliminated act out. And you still need to look at these matters rationally.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the New York Fa Conference Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Dafa’s Spreading,” Team Yellow Translation)

From my understanding of the above two paragraphs, I think there are three criteria to meet before the Fa rectification ends.

First, the number of sentient beings saved globally should reach fifty percent of the entire population.

If Master wants to save half of the population, it would be 700 million Chinese and three and a half billion people worldwide. The number of people quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations is 350 million today, far from Master's requirement.

Second, more than half of Dafa disciples in China still have not stepped forward to save people. Master is waiting for them by repeatedly postponing the end time. If these Dafa disciples failed to fulfill their vows that they pledged before descending to this world, the consequences would be very tragic.

Third, the overall cultivation level of Dafa disciples has not yet reached Master's requirements, nor is it up to par for the new cosmos.

Future Foreseen by a Young Practitioner with an Open Celestial Eye

The prophet is Kunkun, a 15-year-old boy. His mother began to practice Falun Dafa in 1996. Kunkun's celestial eye has been open since he was little. He could see the dark minions and rotten demons in another dimension and used his divine power to eliminate them.

Kunkun did not freely talk about prophecies and said some should not be talked about. He revealed the following when we asked him during our group sharing after Fa study. I collected and organized them based on my own understanding and logic.

Here are ten prophecies from Kunkun.

I. The US Election

Though the election was over, the following prophecies laid the foundation for others.

Kunkun had always correctly predicted the result of the U.S. election since October 2020. We talked about it with him a dozen times from October 2020 to January 20, 2021, and he always said Biden would win.

In November 2020, most of the online commentary programs projected a Trump win. The media run by Dafa disciples also expressed the same view. Many believed that Trump would win his case in the U.S. Supreme Court, with five conservative justices on the bench. However, Kunkun told us, based on the situation he saw, that the Supreme Court would not support Trump.

The current president moved into the White House on January 20, 2021, which confirmed Kunkun's prediction of the election result.

Once we talked about Black Lives Matter in the US, Kunkun mentioned that it just used black people for their votes. 

II. Taiwan in 2022

Kunkun said the current U.S. administration will give up Taiwan. China and Taiwan will be united in 2022. The CCP will change Taiwan's education system and instill the CCP's communist ideology. They will first change the textbooks, and then change education methods.

The CCP will declare Falun Dafa illegal in Taiwan, but it will have little impact on Dafa disciples in Taiwan because most Taiwanese have long understood the truth about Falun Dafa and will not persecute Dafa disciples like in mainland China.

The CCP will govern Taiwan as an autonomous region, with a different administrative system from mainland China and Hong Kong.

III. Trump

Two years after the current U.S. president was inaugurated, his vice president will succeed him as the president of the United States. Trump will win the presidential election in 2024 and become the next president in 2025.

When Trump takes office, the United States and the CCP will be evenly matched. The U.S will not be able to completely dominate the CCP.

IV. The CCP will continue the persecution of Falun Dafa in China Before the Fa-rectification comes to an end, the CCP will continue its persecution of Falun Gong as in the last two decades.

V. Pandemic

The pandemic will be contained in China in 2021 after the mass vaccination of the public is done.

The United States and other Western countries will take two more years to curb the pandemic. After it fulfills the divine's will, the God of Plague will clean up the CCP virus as instructed by a higher God. There will be no more major plagues before the end of the Fa rectification, only influenza.

VI. Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping will serve three terms, from 2013 till he is voted out in the CCP's election in 2028. The new administration will continue the suppression of Falun Dafa. But the CCP will collapse soon after the transition and Fa rectification will end soon as well.

VII. Wars

From now until the end of the Fa rectification, there will be small wars in the world, but no big ones.

VIII. End Date of Fa Rectification

The end day of the Fa rectification is on a total solar eclipse day. Since it is a heavenly secret, Kunkun could not tell us the exact date. Nonetheless we can list all the future solar eclipses: December 4, 2021; April 8, 2024; August 12, 2026; August 2, 2027; July 22, 2028; November 25, 2030; March 30, 2033; and March 20, 2034.

My inference is July 22, 2028, as the end date of the Fa rectification.

However, such a historical event is still subject to change. Master is in charge and no one else's words count. 

IX. Scene on End Day of Fa Rectification: Emergence of Super Virus

On the end day of the Fa rectification, a super virus will emerge for mass elimination. Half of the population will be wiped out in one day without a drop of blood.

At the same time, water from another dimension will pour into the human world.

Fist-sized raindrops will fall from the sky and the water level will rise up to four to five stories high, destroying almost everything, including all the cottages and the bridges. But the television sets will still function afterward.

On that day, the sound of a gong [a musical percussion instrument] will ring in the sky while the God of Gong is striking.

The mass elimination will happen in one area after another. Though some areas will be further down the line, people in those areas would have no time to react or take any countermeasures as the force of the mass elimination roars towards them too fast. During the first half of the day, the sky will be blood red. When the second half of the day comes, the golden color will gradually emerge from the west, demonstrating Gods and the Creator in battle.

They will be fighting with the last patch of dark minions from the high realms, including their most powerful great kings. What we usually encounter are all ordinary dark minions. We are unable to meet the ones from the ultra-high realms which likely are hidden in the microcosm of the human bodies. These kings are Gods from the high realms of the old cosmos, and the heights of their realms are at the levels of billions and trillions of 卍 symbols. All the old force's dark minions will be wiped out on this day.

Dafa disciples will achieve enlightenment on this day, with all their divine powers released. The flood will veer off Dafa disciples. People who are close by Dafa disciples or acknowledge Dafa will all be protected. Those who have quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations will all be safe as well.

X. Scenes of Dafa Disciples Returning to Their Heavenly Abodes

One day after the end of the Fa rectification, the Dafa disciples of the Fa rectification period will ascend in the broad daylight and fly away. They will go to another dimension to wait for the end of the Fa's rectifying the human world. Then all Dafa disciples will report their achievements to Master and leave for their places in their separate ways.

When the Fa begins rectifying the human world, a few disciples will stay behind to follow Master and participate in Fa's rectifying of the human world. They are the best practitioners and were arranged long ago to do this. They will lead half of the surviving population to practice Dafa, like the Great Abbots.

Master mentioned in the article “Deciphering the Last Three Stanzas of the Plum Blossom Poem” the phrase “With a courtyard of gorgeous flowers, the spring has her master” and “'The spring has her master' means that in the spring of a certain year, the persecuted Dafa disciples will meet their Master in an open and dignified manner.” (Essentials for Further Advancement II)

I personally think that that spring refers to the time of Fa’s rectifying the human world.

Dafa Disciples’ Responsibilities and Opportunities

Many Dafa disciples have not stepped forward to fulfill their vows that they pledged before descending to the human world. Even if a disciple only managed to persuade one person to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations, he or she is considered to have stepped forward to clarify the truth.

Among the 100 million people who attained Dafa, more than 60 percent have given up the practice during the past two decades of brutal persecution. More will give up in the years to follow. There will be a large number of Dafa disciples unable to step forward to save sentient beings before the end of Fa rectification. They will not be considered Dafa disciples of the Fa rectification period and will lose the title of Dafa disciples. By the end of Fa rectification, there will only be 10 million Dafa disciples.

Kunkun also talked about lawyer Gao Zhisheng. One practitioner outside China mentioned that he is imprisoned in a cave in Tibet. Kunkun saw that he is being incarcerated in a prison in Sichuan Province. He was not sentenced but illegally imprisoned indefinitely. The evil beings do not dare to torture him because the pain would be transferred to the perpetrators themselves.

Lawyer Gao pledged to help Dafa disciples before descending to this world. As one of the “Top Ten Lawyers in China,” he righteously defended Dafa disciples and made great contributions to Dafa. He will be by Master's side in the future in Heaven. The best Dafa disciples, no more than 100, will be by Master's side as well in Heaven. Lawyer Gao's great contributions to Dafa is another form of cultivation. In contrast to him, how should we Dafa disciples cultivate diligently to attain the righteous Enlightenment of selflessness and altruism? We are lagging behind compared to Lawyer Gao's contribution to Dafa.

As the saying goes, there is no dead end in heaven. There will be opportunities too. Because the cultivation level of Dafa disciples is still far below Master's expectation, Kunkun saw that Dafa disciples as one body will be substantially elevated in 2022. Master will continue to push the overall Dafa disciples' realm to reach a higher and higher level year after year so as to meet the requirements of the new cosmos.

Some Dafa disciples in good cultivation states will break through to more than a hundred times their current level. It would be powerful in saving sentient beings with better cultivation states. In the next few years, with the blessing of Master and the help of the divine, Dafa disciples will save sentient beings with unprecedented efficiency, accomplish the target of saving 50 percent of the world's population, and establish their everlasting mighty virtue in the future new cosmos.

Reason for Publishing These Prophecies

During our truth-clarification efforts, we often mention various prophecies, both ancient ones and modern ones. The Indian boy and the Mars boy have been constantly cited; there are also Dafa disciples with capabilities of predicting the future. What each person sees is what was they are allowed to see at their own levels, but what they see is not necessarily accurate. First, their level is limited, second, the situation will change, third, their personal state is different at different periods of time, which also determines if there are interference and false images in what they see.

But many of the prophecies weren’t realized in the end. Why?

Many prophecies were predicted based on the celestial signs and they failed because the positions of the planets have changed and the galaxies have been plucked out of the universe. So the celestial signs cannot accurately convey the celestial will. When interpreting today's reality and future through famous ancient prophecies, the predictors always got the time wrong due to the acceleration of time. The change of time factor in an event will affect the fortune of an event.

I hope that Dafa disciple's prophecies can help some practitioners who can take as reference from multiple angles, and look at issues with more rationality and less emotion.

Finally, I'd like to emphasize again that all the prophecies in this article were seen at the cultivator's personal cultivation level. No one can guarantee their accuracy and things may continue to change. They are only for your reference. Please do not be attached to them. Cultivation must be guided by the Fa and any attachment would be a loophole.

[Editor's note: views expressed in the article only represent the author’s own personal opinion, and the author is personally responsible for the right or wrong of the views. Readers are urged to evaluate the merit of the article themselves.


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