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Brainwashing Center Dissolved by Continually Exposing the Evil

June 23, 2021


Master Li told us:

“Exposing the wicked policemen and bad persons and publicizing their evil deeds is extremely effective at shocking and restraining those irrational, wicked people. At the same time, by clarifying the facts to the people on a local level it most directly exposes, and generates public awareness of, the wicked persecution. It is also a great way to save the people who have been poisoned and deceived by the lies. I hope all Dafa disciples and new students in mainland China will do this well.” (“Comment on a Student’s Article,” The Essentials for Diligent Progress)

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) established an illegal brainwashing center in our city. They used all sorts of cruel and dirty measures to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners there. Practitioners did their best and worked together well to expose the persecution to the local people. After six years, they closed the brainwashing center.

The brainwashing center detained a female practitioner who had been released from a drug rehabilitation center. Fellow practitioners knew that we needed to expose the evildoer’s conduct and dissolve the brainwashing center, but we had no information about who the perpetrators were and what it was like inside the center. We did not even know its exact location. Unsure of what to do, all we could do was send righteous thoughts together in one place. There were days when we did this for an hour at a time.

The practitioner was released in a month. However, she told us that while she was detained she had been slapped, forced to stand for extended periods of time, handcuffed, deprived of sleep, and forced to watch videos defaming Falun Dafa to force her to transform.

The evildoers arrested two other practitioners and sent them to the brainwashing center not long after. The guards treated the practitioners in even worse ways this time. They stripped off the male practitioner’s clothes and used electric clubs to shock him all over his body. They sat on the female practitioner and beat and electro-shocked her. Several practitioners from other cities were also taken there and tortured.

We collected information about the perpetrators, distributed flyers, and sent righteous thoughts. The brainwashing center became empty after a while. Practitioners were very happy, thinking that the center was closed.

What we did not expect was that two other practitioners would be taken to the brainwashing center after they had been imprisoned for 10 years and were just about to be released. We felt that we needed to step up our efforts and expand the coverage to expose what was happening.

So we made a large number of posters and letters that exposed the location of the brainwashing center, listed the names of the guards in the facility, and described the various tactics used to persecute practitioners. A friend of the director of the brainwashing center called him and asked, “What’s going on with you? Your name is on the posters.”

The director was shocked and tempered his actions. The brainwashing center quieted down for a while afterward. But the CCP continued to harass and threaten the practitioners who had been released from there. They went to a practitioner’s home and asked if she had exposed them to the Minghui website.

A few practitioners were taken to the brainwashing center four years later. The director protested our previous exposure of what was happening at the center. He also beat the family members who visited the practitioners held there.

After a few discussions, we felt the brainwashing center should not exist at all. It persecuted practitioners as well as sentient beings and should be dissolved right away. We put aside our own needs and cooperated unconditionally to close it down.

We worked together to form one body and aggressively took action against the brainwashing center. Some of us prepared new flyers showing the horrible tactics they used and what articles of law they violated; some called the director of the center on his cell phone. He listened to all that was said and also heard half of the recorded message about tracking down the persecutors that was prepared by the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG).

Some practitioners stationed themselves in the residential building across the road and waited for the evildoers to appear in the brainwashing center windows, so that they could take pictures of them. We managed to take a picture of all of the guards and a particularly sharp image of the center's director.

Practitioners made a large number of posters using the pictures they took. One poster was focused on the center's director. It published his home address, the names of his wife and children and their workplaces, and listed the atrocities he had committed. The posters were seen on large streets, in small alleys, and on buildings and bus stations. Some posters were put on the gate of the building where the director lived. When they were repeatedly torn down, we just re-posted new ones.

According to the practitioners held in the brainwashing center at the time, the perpetrators inside were incredibly scared. They dared not go near a window for fear of being photographed. In the end, the CCP couldn't stand it anymore—they released all the practitioners and closed the brainwashing center.

But two years later, the center was reopened and a few practitioners were taken there. We discussed the matter and felt worried, not only for the persecuted practitioners, but also for the evildoers who unknowingly walked, step by step, toward the edge of a cliff.

Master said,

“..., and tell them about the cause and effect relationship of 'good and evil always have consequences.'” (“A Suggestion,” Essentials for Further Advancement II)

After reading Master's words, a practitioner wrote a letter to the director of the brainwashing center that reflected both the compassion and dignity of Dafa. Then we made posters to tell him not to gamble with his life and the lives of his family.

The text listed also mentioned details about Luo Jin, who worked hard to broadcast fake news and smear Dafa, and Chen Hong, who directed the Tiananmen self-immolation event. The letter stated that both men received karmic retribution.

The letter then described a few examples of local perpetrators and police officers who received karmic retribution and died. We concluded by saying that we sincerely hoped that he would change his course and leave a safe path for himself. Soon afterward, the brainwashing center declared, “We will cease operations after this session.”

The brainwashing center was closed down after six years. It was just as Master said,

“A demon will never be higher than a Tao.” (Lecture 5, Zhuan Falun)