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Maintaining Integrity and Self-Discipline and Validating the Fa in a Leadership Position

Nov. 21, 2023 |   By Fang Zheng, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I obtained the Fa in 1995 when I was 40 years old. I was a teacher. Though I didn’t have serious health problems at that time, I did suffer from conditions like rheumatism, lower back pain, trigeminal neuralgia, and vocal cord nodules. All my illnesses disappeared after I practiced Falun Dafa. Falun Dafa is really good. I read Zhuan Falun when I have time. I have benefited a lot physically and mentally from practicing Falun Dafa.

I was in high spirits every day after I started practicing Falun Dafa. I became energetic and had full confidence in my job. I complied with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in my daily life. Falun Dafa opened my wisdom. I did very well in my academic field and managerial duties, and was praised by the leaders, my colleagues and the students’ parents. I was appointed as the school principal in 1999.

Validating the Fa with Integrity and Self-Discipline

People are very materialistic and bribery is very popular under the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) rule. It is worse in the education sector. When I was promoted to be the principal, Dafa was in my heart and I was not afraid of people knowing that I practice Falun Dafa. I knew whoever learned the truth would benefit. I told people around me how wonderful Falun Dafa is and how Falun Dafa teaches people to be good according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I told myself that I must walk my cultivation path righteously and validate the Fa with my actions.

I didn’t pursue personal gain. The government policy allowed the schools in the city to cooperate with factories, and the school could get some of the income from the factories. This was good revenue for our school. It also allowed the school principal to have bonuses of a certain percentage, but I didn’t accept a penny from it. I believed that the income should benefit all the teachers. I set up a school cafeteria and provided free lunches and other benefits to the teachers with this income. The teachers were very happy with my actions.

I treated all the teachers as my friends and provided help wherever they needed it. The teachers worked hard and were actively involved in various school activities in return. We had a teacher who was going to retire and had done her job well, but she didn’t get a pay raise due to a quota issue. She was very upset. I gave my quota to her and let her have a pay rise. She was very touched. The brother of a teacher suffered from a skin problem. I went to see him during lunch break and brought him a copy of Zhuan Falun. I knew that whoever obtained Falun Dafa would be blessed. At the time the CCP had just started to persecute Falun Dafa. People were deceived by the lies. I was very anxious. The sister of a teacher at my school started practicing Falun Dafa and is very diligent. She is busy with the three things every day.

I can happily tell you that most of the teachers in my school know that Falun Dafa is a righteous Fa. We had five or six teachers practicing the Falun Dafa exercises in the classroom during lunch time at that time. They acknowledged that Falun Dafa is a great and righteous way. Falun Dafa purifies my mind and body. Our great Master guides me on my cultivation path and enables me to do my job well as principal.

Looking and Feeling Younger

Master not only purifies my soul, but also pushes me towards a younger stage physically. Though I am nearly 70 years old and elderly, I still walk briskly and don’t feel tired when doing laborious work. I can carry 20 kilos and climb the stairs without any issues. I’ve had my menstrual period back for quite a few years. I have fewer wrinkles on my face than I had in my forties.

I haven’t been on any medication in the past 28 years and have saved a lot of medical expenses for the country. People say that I am returning to youth from aging, but using our cultivation words, I am returning to my true self. I live happily every day like an angel. I listen to Master, study the Fa, practice the exercises, send forth righteous thoughts, clarify the truth, save sentient beings, and fulfill my prehistoric vow.

Master Gives Me a Happy Family

My previous supervisor always said to me when he saw me: “You are blessed due to your cultivation. You have a good husband and a good son.” I replied: “Yes, my husband is very virtuous. He never cheats or lies to me under any circumstances. He doesn’t spend money pointlessly. Specifically, he is a Falun Dafa practitioner. We share the same values by practicing Falun Dafa together, doing the three things together, and walking on the path to the divine.”

Our son is very supportive of our cultivation. He takes good care of us and never argues with us, even though he is already in his forties. He supports whatever we do. He thinks he should do whatever makes us happy.

I also must tell you that I have a good daughter-in-law and a good granddaughter. My granddaughter is smart and does everything really well. Her teacher said that she is an outstanding student.

All these were bestowed upon me by our benevolent Master. Falun Dafa leads me on a happy, solid path back to my original self. Thank you Master!

Precious people, do not miss this opportunity of millennia!

Zhuan Falun provides you with a ladder to Heaven. It is a true scripture! Please read it.