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Let the Divine Side Lead the Way

Nov. 29, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I have been practicing Falun Dafa for over 20 years, and I have struggled along the way. With Master’s protection and constant enlightenment, I gradually broke away from human notions. Dafa transformed me.

Let the Divine Side Lead the Way

I was on my way to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Dafa in June 2000. While on the train, I kept reciting the Fa to fill myself with strong righteous thoughts and suppress my human notions.

When I arrived at Tiananmen Square, I met up with a few practitioners that I knew. Several of us held up large banners that said “Falun Dafa is good” and “Restore Master’s innocence.” In unison we shouted the messages. A group of plainclothes officers saw us and rushed over. They kicked and beat us before taking us to a stadium.

Many Dafa practitioners had already been taken to the stadium. Officers and soldiers with guns were patrolling the area. We were proud to step forward and speak up for Dafa. We were not afraid. At night, the practitioners recited Master’s lectures in unison. The scene was very serene and spectacular. The voices of thousands of Dafa disciples were extremely loud; the officers present looked surprised.

Later the authorities divided us into groups and interrogated us one by one. The person who interrogated me was an older officer. I refused to give my address or name. No matter what he asked me, I just kept reciting Master’s Fa in my mind without being distracted by my human notions.

I could feel the presence of both my true self and human side, and that my divine side was taking a leading role. In that wonderful and compassionate state, I felt I was standing at a high place of the universe and had transcended the human world. Even the officer interrogating me said he could feel the righteous energy from me. I clarified the facts about Dafa to him and two others. They were very receptive and released me. I felt I let go of many layers of my human self that day.

Letting Go of Oneself and Harmonizing with the One-body

At the end of last year, a practitioner living in my neighborhood was arrested at home while hosting dozens of practitioners for a gathering. The day before her court hearing, local practitioners asked if they could come to my home to send forth righteous thoughts for her.

Although I agreed, negative thoughts and fear occupied my mind. I could not concentrate while doing the exercises in the morning. I tried to reject the bad thoughts and I kept reminding myself, “We didn’t violate any law in practicing Falun Dafa and we shouldn’t be persecuted.” I held firm to that thought and the overwhelming negative notions were suppressed.

Later, when I sent forth righteous thoughts together with other practitioners, I felt that Master once again removed my negative thoughts and stubborn human notions. I let go of self and harmonized with the one-body. Once again, I felt good about being selfless.

Letting Go of Self and Cherishing the Opportunity to Save People

I once gave my seat to a woman in her 70s on a bus. She expressed her gratitude and we began to chat. She told me that her son was a police officer. I clarified the facts to her about Dafa and urged her to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its associated organizations. She agreed to quit the Youth League. While I was talking to her, everyone on the bus also listened quietly. I felt I was surrounded by a serene and benevolent energy field.

Before I got off the bus, I asked her to persuade her son to quit the CCP and protect Dafa practitioners. She thanked me for telling her the information and assured me that she would talk to her son about it.