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Young Falun Dafa Practitioners Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday (18 Greetings)

May 13, 2023

(Minghui.org) Thirty-one years ago this May, Master Li Hongzhi introduced Falun Dafa to the public in Changchun, China. Falun Dafa has since spread around the world. An estimated more than 100 million practitioners have been following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and have benefited in both mind and body.

In this report, we present a selection of 18 greetings sent by young practitioners across China. They express their gratitude to Master Li and respectfully wish revered Master a Happy Birthday.

Among the well-wishers, there are a child and her grandmother. A five-year-old little disciple from Dandong, Liaoning Province wrote, “Master! We are missing you!” He wishes Master Happy Birthday.

Messages of greeting were also received from young practitioners in the following places:

Chicheng County, Zhangjiakou, Hebei ProvinceZhuozhou City, Baoding City, Hebei ProvinceChangchun City, Jilin ProvinceQingdao City, Shandong ProvinceMainland ChinaShuangyashan City, Heilongjiang ProvinceNanchong City (three district, five counties, one city), Sichuan ProvinceJinan City, Shandong ProvinceJiamusi City, Heilongjiang ProvinceLianyungang City, Jiangsu ProvinceMeihekou City, Tonghua City, Jilin Province

Young Practitioners Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday and Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day!