(Minghui.org) I started to practice Falun Dafa in June 2018 for the purpose of curing my diseases and keeping fit.
I learned from studying Zhuan Falun (the main teaching of Falun Dafa) that Falun Dafa is a high-level practice of the Buddha School. Cultivating Dafa has xinxing requirements, and one must follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.
I follow the standards of practitioners: be kind to people, look within whenever a conflict surfaces, and never fight back when being hit or scolded.
With dedication I learned the five exercises of Falun Dafa. Soon my many diseases disappeared, including lumbar disc herniation, frozen shoulder, gastritis, knee joint effusion, insomnia, rheumatism and myocarditis.
My neighbor, who I seldom saw, had practiced Falun Dafa for more than 20 years.
I rarely went downstairs because of my knee pain. One day at dinner, I asked my granddaughter to come up for dinner. When she did not respond, I went downstairs one step at a time while holding on to the railing. When I reached my granddaughter, I saw my neighbor, and she asked what was wrong with my legs. I told her about my health problem.
She suggested trying Falun Dafa since it had great healing power. I was interested. She also told me about the persecution and why people needed to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its related organizations to stay away from the crimes it had committed against humanity. I asked for her help to quit the Communist Youth League. She also gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun. I went home with my granddaughter.
I felt encouraged after talking with my neighbor. I ate two bowls of rice with no discomfort in my stomach, which was amazing. My daughter was surprised and asked why I was so happy. I told her that I had talked with our neighbor and she told me about Falun Dafa. I felt hopeful for the future.
Two days later, I began reading Zhuan Falun. Soon I developed a high fever, and it lasted five days. My neighbor encouraged me, “Do not be afraid. Master is purifying your body.” I got better two days later.
Just like that, I began practicing Falun Dafa. I was fortunate that I had a good neighbor and was able to study the Fa and do the exercises with her and two others. I soon regained my health.
My husband planted some vegetables in our yard. It was amazing that I could now carry a bucket of water downstairs to water the plants. My family was impressed by the wonder of Falun Dafa, and all of them supported my practice.
I also go out with other practitioners every day to bring awareness of the persecution to people. I want to make more people aware of the facts and benefit from Dafa.
I am thankful for a wonderful neighbor who introduced me to Falun Dafa.
I am grateful for Master, the founder of Falun Dafa, for his saving grace!