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Moscow, Russia: Learning about Falun Dafa at Yoga Festival

July 17, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Russia

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners participated in the Ninth International Yoga Festival in Moscow on July 2, 2023. Held at the Tsaritsyno Museum Reserve, the event attracted more than 70 exhibitors and over 100,000 visitors. Russians from different walks of life learned the Falun Dafa exercises and many said they sensed energy.

Practitioners’ booth at the festival

At their booth, practitioners laid out meditation cushions and set up a special photo area so that anyone who was interested could have their photo taken surrounded by papers lotus flowers in front of display boards with the Falun Dafa principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

A visitor in front of the Falun Dafa booth.

During the day, practitioners taught people the five exercises and introduced them to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Many people agreed with the principles and commented on how important it is to apply them in daily life.

                      Visitors read the information and spoke with practitioners about Falun Dafa.

Many people said they were familiar with meditation and cultivation and were eager to try Falun Dafa. Many said that when they did the exercises, they felt energy flowing throughout their bodies, and they felt relaxed and warm. Some said they felt calm and at peace.

People learning the Falun Dafa exercises

Engineer: “I suggest everyone learn Falun Dafa”

Engineer Nikolai previously participated in online Falun Dafa exercise classes organized by practitioners. He went to the exhibition site that day, hoping to learn the exercises in person.

He said Falun Dafa was, “A cultivation method suitable for everyone, regardless of their level.” He also respected Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. He said, “I suggest everyone learn Falun Dafa. The principles are great, and I support them.”

Nikolai and Alexandra

Nikolai’s friend Alexandra is an artist. She said, “I also support Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, because there is spiritual improvement.”

Nurse: "Falun Dafa benefits people"

Kamola, a nurse, said she felt a special connection with Falun Dafa and practitioners. As she walked past the booth, the delicate little lotus flowers caught her attention. When she heard about Falun Dafa, she said it immediately resonated with her.


She said, “Cultivation and lotus flowers are related to me, because my name is Kamola, which means practice and cultivation in Persian.” She said that Falun Dafa can benefit both practitioners and those around them. “If you do good things for others, you will be rewarded. You will get good thoughts, happiness, and love.”

After learning the exercises, Kamola said that she felt fortunate that she’d found the Falun Dafa booth: “I feel balance and tranquility in Falun Dafa.” She took a few leaflets and said she was interested in participating in an online Falun Dafa class.

Makeup Artist: Smiling after Doing the Exercises

Makeup artist Dina practices yoga in her spare time and also studies meditation. She wants to have more energy at work. After she did the Falun Dafa exercises, she said she felt stronger and better.


“I felt energy in my hands and abdomen when I did the exercises,” said Dina. “It felt like a light expanding in my body. I felt like I was smiling.”

She said Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are important. She said that practicing Falun Dafa could bring people to their best state. “After today’s Falun Dafa class, people around me will feel my good state.”

Falun Dafa teaches practitioners to improve their heart nature, so as to obtain inner peace and physical health. Dina agrees with this and said, “Based on my experience as an entrepreneur, I believe that if a person puts morality and spirituality in an important position and gives up bad habits, his business will go well”

Students Feel Warm Energy

College students Nastya and Olya both learned the Falun Dafa exercise movements and said they were impressed by the energy they felt when they did them.

Nastya and Olya

This was the first time Nastya had heard about Falun Dafa. She was interested in knowing that the exercises could help increase strength and endurance and circulate energy in the body.

She said, “When I did the third exercise, I really felt as if there was water flowing in my body, which was interesting. If you keep doing this, your body will continue to improve. You will also constantly feel the energy of light and warmth.”

Olya said she also felt a comfortable energy while she did the exercises, “Energy accumulated and circulated in my abdomen.” But more importantly for her, the practice seemed to have improved her mental state.

She said, “I think it is important to practice Falun Dafa regularly. You can gain a sense of satisfaction about life, sense kindness, and understand the truth.”

Journalist: Falun Dafa Uplifts People

Inga, a journalist, was saddened to hear what happens to Falun Dafa practitioners in China. She said that the hope of practitioners and their firm belief in Falun Dafa can inspire others. “Falun Dafa brings people together and makes them spiritually better people,” she said.

Sonia who is a designer, said that she was attracted to the booth by practitioners' sincerity. She said she felt energy while she was making a little origami lotus flower.

When she heard practitioners talk about the principles of Falun Dafa, she said that these values are good for everyone and hoped that everyone could follow Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance in their lives.

“I hope everyone’s life is full of light and truth and that they can listen to their inner voice and walk on the true path. I also hope that people will be kind to each other and create kindness in themselves and be patient. This will give people the chance to improve and live a better life,” said Sonia.

Yoga instructor Valentina brought her daughter to learn how to fold origami lotus flowers. She was touched by practitioners’ kindness and admired how they followed the values taught by Falun Dafa.

Yoga instructor Valentina and her daughter Elina

Valentina said, “I like the kind and friendly atmosphere here. When a person lives with beauty, light, and love, they will bring these to the world, and then there will be more goodness and kindness in the world.”