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My Mission Is to Tell People the Facts About Falun Dafa

Aug. 28, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hunan Province, China

(Minghui.org) I am 70 now and have practiced Falun Dafa for 28 years. I also have clarified the truth to people face to face for 13 years. Immersed in Master’s grace, my body is light and I am filled with energy. I have told people the facts about Falun Dafa as I have cultivated. My intent is to save people.

Study the Fa Well and Change the Environment at Home

I used to read Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, but in February 2018 I began to memorize it. The first time it took me eight months, the second time four months, then three months, two months, and one month. I felt deeply the energy that Dafa brought me flowing from my dantian to my whole body each time I memorized Zhuan Falun. When I memorized the poems in Hong Yin, magnificent scenes would appear in front of my eyes to encourage me in my cultivation. I feel lucky and happy to be a true cultivator of Master Li’s Fa.

Aside from studying the Fa, I often read the Minghui Weekly and other Dafa publications. I only sleep about two hours a night. But I am full of energy when I ride my electric scooter the next day. I do the exercises in the morning and send righteous thoughts for four hours each day. I always do the five exercises unless there are special circumstances. Because Master arranges everything, one must cultivate well to show respect for Master Li.

I continued to study the Fa, and over time I enlightened to more and more principles. I became more and more tolerant, forbearing, compassionate, and calm.

But there have been conflicts, too. For example, my husband interfered with my validating the Fa and opposed my going out to talk with people about Falun Dafa, because he was poisoned by the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) slanderous propaganda. He would not listen to me when I told him the facts about Falun Dafa. He even beat me and said disrespectful things about Dafa. When I clarified the truth about Falun Dafa to him, he responded with harsh words and quarreled with me endlessly.

Sometimes my xinxing was lacking and I wanted to argue. At such a time, one of Master’s poems came to my mind:

“Don’t argue when people argue with youCultivation is looking within for the causeWanting to explain just feeds the attachmentBreadth of mind, unattached, brings true insight”(“Don’t Argue,” Hong Yin III)

I was startled when I realized that I was acting the same as an ordinary person. I realized that I had a competitive mentality, felt anger and hatred, was eager to save my husband so as to accomplish something, and was fearful when I couldn’t get him to accept what I said. I realized that I held terrible thoughts, and it is such thoughts that allowed the old forces to take advantage of the loopholes and caused endless troubles.

Seeing that I had found my attachments, Master immediately helped me get rid of the corrupt stone-like substance. I felt fresh, comfortable, and bright in my heart in a way I had never experienced before. Kind thoughts arose spontaneously. I felt no resentment and got rid of a lot of my feelings of affection. Gradually, our quarrels lessened, and the atmosphere at home became more peaceful.

My husband got COVID during the pandemic, and I talked with him about Falun Dafa again. This time he accepted what I said. I told him that only Master Li could save him, that if you have done something wrong to Master or Dafa, you should quickly repent and ask for forgiveness, and that you should quit the Youth League and the Young Pioneers and issue a solemn statement repenting for ones’s wrongdoings. He agreed to quit his Party membership. He was able to get out of bed to make breakfast the next morning after I submitted the withdrawal statement for him. Master had saved him.

The power of Dafa and Master’s great compassion broke the fetters of the Party culture holding him. He no longer objects to my going out to clarify the truth, and I can clarify the truth to people on the road and at banquets.

When Master published the article “How Humankind Came To Be,” my husband studied it with us three times. He also bought the book the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and took Master’s new articles to his younger brother and let him study them three times.

Saving Sentient Beings by Telling Them the Facts About Dafa

I have walked the streets and talked with people about Falun Dafa to save them for over 10 years, whatever the weather and whatever the day, including holidays and on what the Party calls “Sensitive Days.” It was as if someone was waiting for me. I would be anxious if I did not go out, because saving sentient beings is of the utmost importance.

Once, when I was holding the law wheel doing Exercise Two, my celestial eye saw more than 20 people standing in a row—men and women, young and old. Three of them were facing me, and to my surprise, I started to cry when I looked at them. I realized that these beings were asking for help. After a quick breakfast, I rode my bike through the streets to talk to people and hoped I could save them.

I remember that it was the 15th day of that month. I sent righteous thoughts along the way to eliminate the evil factors that prevented sentient beings from hearing the truth. Now that people had to wear protective masks and get vaccinations, I told them that the plague was arranged by God to weed out the CCP members and those who walk with them. The CCP has killed countless numbers of people in its previous campaigns and even harvests Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) practitioners’ organs for profit.

Falun Dafa is based on the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. It teaches people to be good and to be considerate of others. I am telling people how they can save their lives during a pandemic—quit the CCP and its youth organizations. If one sincerely recites “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” one will be able to avoid the plague and be safe.

One day, I heard a voice loudly and clearly say: “I quit. I am a town official and previously joined the Party. My uncle urged me to quit the Party many times, but I did not. Today I understand and see clearly its rogue nature, and it’s a disaster to keep my membership. I’m quitting it using my real name. My name is Peng [pseudonym], and I’m quitting today.” She said that she had read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, and everything it said was true. I told the people who were there that more than 400 million people had quit the CCP organizations. More people wanted to quit the CCP afterwards.

I gave each person a truth-clarification flier and asked them to read it carefully. Twenty-three people were saved, and a few were sorry when they didn’t get a copy of the Nine Commentaries. I recalled what I had seen with my celestial eye that morning. Sure enough, sentient beings were waiting to be saved.

I was talking about Falun Dafa in a park on April 25, 2022, which the CCP considers to be a “sensitive day.” When I told a man the facts, he glanced at me and took out his mobile phone as soon as I mentioned Falun Gong. I guessed he might be a plainclothes police officer so I quickly rode away. I sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil, rotten ghosts that were behind him.

When I returned home my son asked me, “Mom, were you reported to the police? They asked what you were doing in the park.” I said, “Do you need to report to them whenever you go to the park?”

Three days later, four people from the town government and the community office came to my house. I thought “I must save them.” I said to them, “Please sit down. It is our fate to meet today. You are here to hear the truth. Falun Dafa has spread to more than 100 countries around the world. Only the CCP is persecuting it. The Tiananmen Square self-immolation was a hoax.”

After I stopped talking, one person said, “The Communist Party should fall.” I said, “Now, that the pandemic is severe, it is very dangerous for you guys who are still being deceived by the CCP’s lies and still working for them. Do you understand what I said? Hurry up and quit the CCP to save yourself.” Someone said, “Got it, got it.” Then those present quit the CCP one after another. They even said, “It was a worthwhile trip.” They seemed to have forgotten why they came to my place.

The Truth Is Salvation, the Truth Is Hope

When I clarify the truth, I always pay attention to the extent that people are understanding what I say, and I often use different information and techniques to explain the facts. After they learn the truth, many people say that they often recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

The miraculous thing is that one person recovered from his stomach problem, while others recovered from high blood pressure or high blood sugar, and one said that the osteonecrosis in the spine was cured. One deputy director of the police station said that he often recited the auspicious phrases and that his son and daughter were both admitted to good schools. One of his children is the provincial champion and the other is a part-time doctoral candidate.

A couple had been infertile for many years and tried IVF four times without success. After they often recited the auspicious phrases, the wife became pregnant without intervention and gave birth to an 8-pound boy. I was so happy that people learned the truth and were positively rewarded.

I met a village official and told him that COVID had killed 400 million people in over three years and that another 100 million people would be eliminated before the plague would end. He said, “I believe it.”

I went on to say that Master Li’s publication of “How Humankind Come To Be” is the Creator telling the world that human beings are facing great danger. We Dafa disciples have explained the truth for 20 years. We’ve been telling people to quit the CCP organizations and to recite the phrases to stay away from the plague and be safe.

At this point, someone got upset, and told me to go away, saying that the Communist Party paid his salary. I told him, “The Communist Party does not pay your salary. Your salary is what you earn through your hard work. Being patriotic is not the same as loving the Party. Here is a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and “How Humankind Came To Be” for you to read at home. You will understand that the Party is an evil specter that opposes nature, earth, and humanity. Its ultimate goal is to destroy mankind.”

He suddenly came to his senses and said, “My name is Qiang [pseudonym]. Please use my real name and help me quit the CCP and do the same for my family member Chang [psudonym].” I told him that he must tell the truth about Falun Dafa to his family and that they have to give their consent to quit for it to be valid. He agreed to do that and smiled. I was happy seeing that sentient beings were saved, Indeed, the truth is salvation and the truth is hope.

At this critical moment when the Fa-rectification is coming to an end, let us all do the three things well, demonstrate the extraordinary wisdom and abilities that God has bestowed on us, fulfill our prehistoric vows, and return with Master at consummation.