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Why a Former Practitioner Now Even Doubts Falun Dafa Is Being Persecuted

Oct. 1, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I recently heard that a former Shen Yun performer who had gone over to the dark side changed after she made a trip to Beijing. When she came back, she doubted that Falun Dafa is truly being persecuted. She was even interviewed by a mainstream Western media outlet that slandered Dafa and Shen Yun.

That reminded me of what I saw in a forced labor camp and the sophisticated tactics the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses to try to brainwash practitioners. I hope by sharing such information, practitioners outside of China who have never been subjected to the CCP’s brainwashing and persecution can keep in mind the importance of always following the Fa, because that is how to tell lies from the truth. 

Before I was taken to a forced labor camp, I’d heard that many steadfast and diligent practitioners renounced their belief after being subjected to brainwashing. I did not believe that this could actually happen until I ended up in a labor camp myself. 

Based on my observations, nothing the guards or former practitioners said could change a practitioner’s mind unless she actively listened to and accepted it. One time the guards had former practitioners (collaborators) try to brainwash me and other steadfast practitioners. One practitioner who could see other dimensions whispered to me, “Don’t listen to them. There is an evil spirit behind every one of them. A female ghost is controlling the person speaking at the podium right now. If you listen to her, you accept whatever that ghost is spewing out.” We began to recite Master’s teachings in our minds, which stopped the evil elements from entering us. Those who paid close attention to what was being said, out of curiosity or a desire to please, were quickly “transformed.” 

When two other former practitioners tried to brainwash me, I recited the Fa in my mind and paid no attention to them. One of them later quit the brainwashing talk and said that it was wrong for her to try to “transform” me. Like a different person, she began wailing and looked genuinely sad. I believe that she did so because my mind was righteous and pure, and with Master’s compassion, that pure energy rectified her mind. The other person with her had no such reaction. I later learned that she was a secret agent pretending to be a former practitioner. 

During the time I was in the labor camp, many practitioners, “transformed” or not, wrote down sayings of ordinary people such as Confucius like it was a fashion trend. I wasn’t sure if I should do the same. One night in a dream I saw a flying carpet land inside the labor camp, and many of the practitioners who’d copied Confucius’ words got on it. As I was contemplating whether to get on the carpet with them, it took off. I felt bad that I’d missed out when all of a sudden the carpet flipped over and threw those practitioners to the ground. I woke up and realized that the dream was reminding me not to cultivate a second way. 

Those who renounced their faith would write so-called “experience sharing articles.” A regional Dafa assistant, whom I thought knew the Fa well, read those articles, saying that she wasn’t afraid to read them. She “transformed” shortly after.

I have come to the understanding that the words of former practitioners are powered by evil spirits or foreign entities. If you don’t let them inside your mind by listening to or reading them, they will have no effect on you. If you measure everything based on the Fa, you can tell that all the so-called theories they used to brainwash you are phony and meant to deceive. 

The substance behind the theories used to brainwash practitioners are evil spirits that seek to prevent you from doing the three things, to make you stop cultivating, and to make you fail in your mission to save people. If you ask those who’ve “transformed” if they still do the three things, you’ll find that they do not, and they will give you all kinds of reasons why. Only when we are determined to follow Master’s guidance will we not go astray. 

A practitioner told me that when she was being tortured and brainwashed, she heard a voice telling her that she would be doing the right thing if she “transformed.” She resisted the voice and insisted: “I’m not listening!” Her righteous thought saved her and allowed her to continue to walk the divine path. 

I’d like the encourage fellow practitioners with Master’s teaching in “Definitive Conclusion,” Essentials for Further Advancement:

“Dafa disciples, you must bear in mind that in the future any behavior such as dividing Dafa into branches, schools, sects, or denominations, by anyone, at any time, in any place, and with any excuse, is undermining the Fa. You should never do what I don’t allow you to. The desire to show off plus the attachment of zealotry are most easily exploited by the demonic part of your mind. Whatever you have enlightened to in Dafa is no more than a tiny portion of the Fa’s principles at a certain level within the boundless Fa’s principles. You must never define the Fa or a part of it—not even a sentence of it. If you do that in public, the moment you utter it you will have produced sinful karma. In serious cases, the sin can be as big as a mountain or the sky—how could you then cultivate yourself? If one alters Dafa and creates another system, his sin will be so great that it is boundless. When a life is paying for that bad karma, the pain from its being eliminated layer after layer will be eternal and endless.”