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Falun Dafa Brightened My Life

Oct. 11, 2024 |   By Jingxin, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Although I am just barely an adult, I’ve gone through many obstacles in life and a big detour in my cultivation. It is my deepest regret that I have let Master down. Luckily, I have come around with Master’s guidance and now truly cultivate in Dafa. Basking in the immense Buddha light, I’ve never been happier.

Dafa saved me and turned my life around—it lit up my life. From now on, my story will serve as a testimony, to family, friends, and people around the world, as to the preciousness of Dafa. Given my own experience, I want to show the world that Dafa’s incredible powers can rectify all incorrect states of being. Unparalleled in its might, Dafa can touch one’s heart and move one to tears.

Growing Up Among Family Conflicts

My life is far from being ordinary. For one, if it were not for Master and Dafa’s protection, I would have ended my life long ago. Who knows what overwhelming amount of karma I would have ignorantly incurred by ending my life.

My childhood was filled with endless family conflicts. My father practices Falun Dafa, a spiritual discipline of the Buddha School, based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Within a decade of being introduced to the public in the early 90’s, followers of Falun Dafa had outnumbered members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Green with envy, the then head of the Party Jiang Zemin outlawed the practice and launched a nationwide persecution. Hundreds of thousands of innocent practitioners were harassed, detained, put through brainwashing and forced labor, and imprisoned. They were subjected to brutal torture for remaining resolute in their belief. Some even lost their lives.

To incite hatred and justify its groundless persecution against innocent people, the CCP fabricated the Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident. It slandered and smeared the practice. My mother, heavily brainwashed by the CCP’s lies and propaganda, completely bought into it and became deeply prejudiced against Dafa and practitioners, including my father.

My mother often insulted and beat my father. In the heat of the moment, she grabbed and threw household items aimlessly, breaking them. Although my father didn’t argue or fight back most of the time, she did not let up easily. She could go on being angry and violent for a long time. My home was a war zone with my mother flying into a rage and starting a fight almost every other day. As a child, I couldn’t do anything but endure it. If my house was quiet, it would feel strange. Sometimes I could hear my mother’s harsh tones and cursing words in my mind. All this had a huge negative impact on me.

I was withdrawn, fearful, and extremely shy. I didn’t have any friends at school as the other kids saw me as a different species. They treated me as if I was an outcast and talked about me behind my back. Once home from school, I immersed myself in the toxic contents of the internet—video games, chat groups, and animations. I had no real purpose in life and the internet was my only escape. The more content I consumed, the more addicted I became. I couldn’t focus in class and was preoccupied by all kinds of thoughts. My grades plummeted. I was quick to lose my temper and blew up over trivial things.

By the time I entered high school, I could no longer sit through my classes. I either daydreamed, doodled, or started dozing off. I didn’t care to even maintain personal hygiene and could go for days without brushing my teeth, combing my hair, or taking a shower. I was disrespectful and had no manners. When people asked me questions I simply ignored them or completely brushed them off. The teachers discriminated against me and students stayed away from me. School was pointless and a complete waste of time. I started to ditch school and soon dropped out altogether.

Master Saved Me

I then spent all my time online and became a deeper prey to internet addiction. I stayed up all night playing games online or randomly browsing and slept until the afternoon the next day. I walked around muddle-headed all day, ate and drank whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and as much as I wanted. I was extremely lazy and self-indulgent.

My mother often scolded me, which made me even more rebellious. We got into huge fights that almost always ended with me climbing to the top of the building and threatening to jump off or run away from home, so she’d finally give in. My mother then blamed my father for my behavior and picked fights with him. After my fights with my mother, I withdrew from everyone, including my dad and my sister. Isolated and depressed, my life was a complete train wreck heading toward a dark place.

Without the love and support of my family, without a single friend in the world, I was sad and lonely. I lost all will to go on and became suicidal. I didn’t know at the time the dire consequences of killing a life, even one’s own. Strangely, my consciousness became truly hyper-aware every time I attempted to take my life. I could sense the excitement of a separate entity that was eager to finally claim my life. I knew I couldn’t let it have its way, but I couldn’t resist the thoughts of suicide. I was tormented. Now I know that it wasn’t my true self that was in charge. Yet, I was dangerously close to driving my life into the abyss.

I came so dangerously close to death on several occasions, but somehow always got away. Now I know it was Master who saved me over and over again. At each and every critical moment, a special and powerful force stopped me from hurting myself further and held off the evil force that wanted me dead. In the presence of this unknown force, I could hear a voice repeatedly reminding me that my main consciousness needed to dominate and I needed to be clear-headed. With the protection of this powerful force, I cheated death each time and lived on.

Besides being suicidal, depression also drove me to harm myself. It too became addictive. I hurt myself badly one time and my sister found out. She tried to talk some sense into me, and at one point said, “If you end your life, what’s going to happen to the countless beings in your heavenly world? Those innocent beings will perish because of you. What a pity. Remember, it’s not your true self that is suicidal.” It’s been years since we had that conversation and I just vaguely remember it.

What is amazing is that ever since that talk with my sister, whenever I had suicidal thoughts, I remembered her words and gave up the thought of killing myself. These suicidal or self-harming thoughts grew more and more faint and eventually disappeared. That was the last time I tried to hurt myself. People who have never experienced or struggled with self-harm may not know that the addiction is almost impossible to break. Once you do it the first time, you’ll likely to do it again and again. It can completely ruin your life. The possibility of quitting is very slim for an ordinary person. Yet, the incredible powers of Dafa saved me from going further down that path.

After the suicidal thoughts had disappeared my life gradually returned to normal. I even studied the Fa once in a while, and killing myself never crossed my mind anymore. I was doing a little bit better each day. This led to me eventually taking up Dafa cultivation.

I have no words to express my gratitude toward Master and Dafa. Growing up, I only knew that Dafa is good and the CCP is bad. But, I was ignorant—I had no clue what Dafa was about as I wasn’t truly cultivating in Dafa. Nonetheless, compassionate Master watched over and protected me. There is no way to tell how much Master has endured for me. I’m upset with myself every time I think of how much I had let Master down. The only way to make it up is to cultivate diligently from now on.

Truly Start Cultivating

Just as I worked my way through depression, my father was imprisoned for his faith in Falun Dafa. Like a lightning bolt from the sky, it broke apart my family. The ruthless CCP inflicted more pain on us.

To ensure that I had the help and support from another practitioner, Master arranged for me to contact my grandmother. My father’s arrest and sentence were hard on her too, and together we stayed steadfast in cultivation and got through those tough times. 

In the days immediately after my father’s arrest, my grandmother cried many times a day. As her heart was broken, doubts cropped up and her faith in Dafa faltered. She was sad to see family and friends holding prejudice against Dafa. I comforted her and helped to reinforce her faith by clearing away her doubts one by one, as I knew full well that Dafa saved me. Although I had just begun to cultivate, I truly believed in Dafa.

I told my grandmother that the CCP caused all the pain by cracking down on a group of innocent people based on their belief. It is the Party that put our family through these painful ordeals. Just like us, hundreds of thousands of happy families were broken up, and countless honest and kind people were wrongly persecuted. The crime the CCP has committed is enormous. It’s not wrong to cultivate in Dafa and try to become a better person.

With no school, I had lots of free time on my hands. I visited my grandmother regularly even though she lived far away. I took the bus, and then walked for almost half an hour each time, yet I didn’t feel tired. Grandmother was surprised to see how much I’d changed. As I worked on myself and gradually changed my lifestyle, I became happier, more outgoing, and more optimistic.

Grandmother used to worry about me a lot and always asked Master to help me. She just couldn’t believe how much better I was doing and was happy for me. Dafa’s powers are incredible. She stopped crying so much as well and became more optimistic. Her faith in Dafa was reinforced.

Grandmother and I read Minghui articles together when I visited her. At home, I also logged on to Minghui.org and read sharing articles on my own. Practitioners’ sharing helped me gain a better understanding of what Dafa is, who Master is, and how sacred Dafa cultivation is. I recognized many human notions and attachments I had and many mistakes I made. I can’t imagine what would have happened if I kept going down my old path.

Grandmother got a copy of the book Zhuan Falun for me. I read it for hours and hours each day. I learned so many precious Fa principles, which lit up my heart. I had read Zhuan Falun when I was a child but it was a completely different experience reading it again many years later, after so much had happened. I understood the Fa principles much better because I am truly cultivating. Only a true practitioner can see the true meaning of Zhuan Falun. I was enlightened and gained real wisdom. Dafa washed off the dust and filth that covered me and I was on my way up toward the light.

Dafa Changed Me

I study the Fa, do the exercises, and send forth righteous thoughts every day. My daily routine became much healthier. I go to sleep after sending righteous thoughts at midnight and get up at 6 or 7 a.m. I try to join the global morning exercise whenever I can. Getting up at 4 a.m. is not easy for me, but I am working on it. I pay attention to personal hygiene and try to look presentable. I brush my teeth, comb my hair, and take showers regularly. When people talk to me, I try my best to respond, be polite and use my manners. By quitting many of my bad habits, I am now more calm and optimistic.

I am also back at school. High school in China is very competitive and demanding. Everything revolves around preparation for college entrance exams. It is nearly impossible to go back after taking two years off. But, with Master’s help, I was able to retain my academic standing at the top school I attended. I now find it much easier to focus and pay attention in class. I finish all my assignments and work hard to catch up. As I am friendly and participate more in class, my teachers and classmates gladly reciprocate.

Friends and family are amazed at how much I’ve changed. They compliment me on being considerate and tell me I even look prettier than before. My sister knows how far I’ve come better than anybody else. She gets teary eyes talking about it every time it comes up. My sister used to dream of scary ghosts and low-level spirits before she cultivated in Dafa. She knows Dafa is good and I know she wants to continue, but her situation is complicated. Since she stopped cultivating in Dafa, those dreams came back. When I get the chance, I will help her come back to Dafa.

I know full well that it is the power of Dafa that changed me—it is the most powerful and mighty Fa. Dafa guided me through dark times and lifted me up from the swamp. When I’m ready, I will spread the truth about Dafa to the world and show people how wonderful Dafa is through my own experience. It will be especially convincing because it is the true story of my life.

“If we ever fight again, it would all be my fault.”

I strive to cultivate my xinxing and improve my character. One of my goals is to relinquish my resentment toward my mother. This has been the biggest challenge thus far in my cultivation. Although I haven’t completely gotten over it, I have made great progress and had a few breakthroughs.

Immediately after my dad’s sentence, my mother and I were forced out of our home and had to rent a place temporarily. With Master’s help, we regained access to our home after a while and had both places available. To avoid getting into fights with me, my mother often stayed at our home instead of the rental place where I was. However, with the internet service there being suspended, she had to stay some nights at the rental place. When she did, she came back as late as possible so we didn’t have to spend much time together. When she came back late one night, I commented that she didn’t have to come to the rental place at all if she didn’t want to—it didn’t matter to me. To that, she responded, “Yes. When I stay here, we’re more likely to fight.”

Hearing those words, I felt a deep sense of guilt. If it were before, I would rather she stayed at our home, as far away from me as possible. I realized my resentment, jealousy, and tendency to blame others were keeping me from being kind toward my mother. It doesn’t matter what she has done, she loves me as a mother. She was the true victim here, being deceived by the CCP’s lies and turning against Dafa. When I let go of my attachments and human notions, I was able to see my mother in a different light. I thought for a second and told her, “No, mother. I will not argue or fight with you from now on. I will try to control my temper. If we ever fight again, it would all be my fault. You can blame me.”

A jolt went through my entire body as I said those words. I would have never said anything like that to my mother before—I didn’t have this much compassion. But it felt natural at that moment. Leading up to this point, I had been holding myself to higher standards and improving steadily. I was able to refrain from talking back when my mother scolded me. Instead of arguing with her, I tried to remain calm and not say anything. If I did explain myself occasionally, it was always with good intentions. I also stopped acting rashly and irrationally.

Taken by surprise, my mother didn’t know how to respond—she didn’t expect something like that from me. Eventually, she said, “It wasn’t all your fault.” After a while, as if thinking out loud, she said, “My baby is all grown up.”

When I Stopped Nitpicking, Conflicts Disappeared

My disdain toward my mother used to run deep. I nitpicked and hardly ate anything she cooked. I took a few bites of her food if I was in a good mood, otherwise I wouldn’t touch it. Even when she made something specifically for me, I wouldn’t eat it and blamed her for making it without asking me first. After I started working on my character and strove to meet the standards of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, I realized I was wrong to treat my mother that way. I worked on relinquishing my resentment and stopped nitpicking everything my mother did.

My mother made some porridge for breakfast one morning. I thought she made it for herself, so I made my own food. When she later asked if I had any, I gave her my honest answer. She was quiet and seemed a little disappointed. Then it hit me that I should have had some just to be considerate of her feelings. I told her I’d have some later. I am not a big fan of her bland porridge, but as I let go of my likes and dislikes, to my surprise, mother said, “Oh. You don’t have to. When I made it I put Chinese medicine in. It probably tastes like herbs and you won’t like it. Don’t worry. I’ll finish it.”

I realized that when you let go of human notions, conflicts automatically disappear. Now, when my mother makes food for me, I always have some and try to finish it regardless of whether I like it or not. It is one of the major ways I’ve changed.

My Mentality Changed When I Studied the Fa

Just before I went back to school, my teacher visited me at home. I needed to tidy up my room and my mother came to help. She didn’t trust me to do a good job as she still saw me as the unintelligent and irresponsible child that I used to be. Although she didn’t say it, just implying it was enough to upset me.

I was already very stressed out about the visit. I didn’t know if I was going to make a good impression. What if I’m just not good enough for school? Self-doubt and low self-esteem made me super sensitive to any criticism. The “fake” me didn’t want to be looked down upon and I was afraid of losing face. My emotions got the better of me and I lost it, completely forgetting about my promise to my mother.

As I went through the motions of arguing with her, I was conscious that I needed to stop. Still, it took me a while to calm down and keep my anger under control. I felt terrible to have lost my temper and failed the xinxing test. Distraught, I dropped everything I was doing and sat down to study the Fa. The second I thought of studying the Fa, a lot of evil elements and thought karma were instantly eliminated.

With both legs crossed in the full lotus position, I held Hong Yin in both hands. Word by word, poem by poem, I focused my mind and read with a pure heart. After just a few pages, I had calmed down and felt compassionate and peaceful. I looked inward to examine myself and regretted what I had done. I organized my thoughts and sincerely apologized to my mother. She accepted my apology and apologized as well. The conflict was resolved.

Given that incident, I realized the importance of Fa study and how it could manifest differently in different areas of our cultivation. We shouldn’t look at Fa study as “work” that we have to do, but as a guiding beacon that Master gifted us to help us cultivate and stay diligent.

My Mother Helped Me Improve

As my father was imprisoned, my mother had to take on more responsibilities, more chores, and more stress caring and providing for the family. I can imagine the challenge and knew it was not easy for her. Her treating me badly sometimes and making my life uncomfortable in her overbearing ways might seem to be a bad thing to an ordinary person, but is actually a good thing for a cultivator. Adversity is precisely what helps us improve. Resentment, hatred, frustration—are these what a cultivator should have? Instead of resenting my mother, I treat her with kindness so she can feel the compassion and patience of a cultivator. By doing so, I assimilate to Dafa like a true practitioner would.

While interacting with my mother, my thoughts, words, and actions sometimes are not kind or tolerant enough. I usually can recognize it and look inward to find the fundamental attachment that caused it. I try not to repeat the same mistakes. In the process, I found that as long I keep looking inward to examine myself, suppressing and eliminating my incorrect thoughts, even if I can’t get rid of them right away, my notions and attachments will grow weaker and weaker. In the end, even those deep-rooted and super stubborn notions became less and less, to the point where I could barely remember why I was so attached in the first place.

Before I took up Dafa cultivation, the conflicts between my mother and me were far more intense than ones shared between a typical rebellious teenager and her frustrated mother. My mother disliked me and I disliked her. It was so bad that at one point I even decided it was either her or me—I’d end my life if she didn’t die. I blamed her for all the suffering in my life. With Master’s help and Dafa’s cleansing, I was able to let go of my deep resentment and move on. This is how incredible and powerful Dafa is.

Of course, it is easier to talk about it now—going through those tribulations was extremely challenging. I will continue to work hard and cultivate myself solidly so one day I can completely eliminate this karma.

The Power of Righteous Thoughts

I realized how terrifying it is to the evil when Dafa practitioners send righteous thoughts. Dafa practitioners’ righteous thoughts have immeasurable powers. For two days in a row, I was so tired in the mornings that I couldn’t get out of bed. I slept until the afternoon and then when it was time to send righteous thoughts in the evening, a strong force stopped me. I somehow missed the global time to send righteous thoughts at midnight too. It was a huge mistake to miss two days of sending righteous thoughts.

As a result, a relative, who is also a practitioner, was arrested and his home was ransacked. It was only then that I realized how serious the matter was. I sent forth strong righteous thoughts for long periods of time several times a day over the next few days. Soon, the relative was released. If a practitioner’s righteous thoughts don’t have any impact, why would the evil try so hard to stop us from sending righteous thoughts? Evil wants us to be sleepy, to not have time, to want to stay comfortable. Besides, regardless of whether it has any impact or not, sending righteous thoughts is one of the things a practitioner must do. With my new found understanding, I am now much more motivated to send righteous thoughts and I take it very seriously. I keep my palm upright and I am getting better at focusing my mind and eliminating distracting thoughts.

Letting Go of Ordinary People’s Things

By looking inward and examining myself, I found many of my shortcomings. My biggest problem was that I still could not completely let go of ordinary people’s things. After I had studied the Fa, sent righteous thoughts and read Minghui articles, I couldn’t wait to log on to ordinary people’s websites. My various notions and attachments, including to fame and self-interest, all flared up. I felt guilty afterward, but I just couldn’t control myself.

I could stay focused when I studied the Fa, sent righteous thoughts, and read Minghui articles, but as soon as I was done, my attachments and notions took over and compelled me to spend endless hours surfing the internet, watching and reading meaningless things shared by ordinary people. How was my gong ever going to increase? How was my character ever going to improve? How was that even cultivation? I felt so ashamed and decided that it must stop. I uninstalled apps and software and switched to Minghui Radio instead of listening to pop music.

My mind became clearer and my heart peaceful. Whenever I became anxious, I just tuned into Minghui Radio. My mind would instantly be cleared and my human notions suppressed.

Taking a few classes remotely this semester, I had to log onto ordinary people’s websites. As soon as I opened a page, different advertisements and pop-ups fought for my attention. The messages carried various degrees of CCP indoctrination and propaganda. The contents were filthy and behind them were evil elements inciting and reinforcing human attachments. I only had a vague idea of how harmful these things were before. Now coming back from a break, it is ever so clear that the sole purpose of these filthy contents is to destroy human morals and lead mankind to destruction.

Cultivate Truthfulness

I used to be a compulsive liar and habitually didn’t tell or include all the truth. To save face, protect my interests, or out of other selfish reasons, I gave narratives in a way that benefited me. But, as a cultivator of Falun Dafa, I must cultivate “Truthfulness.” I no longer lie, and when I talk, I pay extra attention to not say untruthful things. If I’m not sure about something, I use words like “perhaps” and “maybe.” If I can’t say “all,” I say “most” or “normally.” If I would like to give something a try, but was not 100% sure I could accomplish it, I say I “should be able to” or I “will try my best.” If I don’t have the answer to something, I just don’t say anything. If I can’t guarantee something then I don’t make a promise, and if I do, I make sure I see it through.

There were times when things were simply out of my control or I forgot about it, therefore I couldn’t make good of my word, but it is very rare. For the most part, I am honest and keep my promises. I try my best to tell it as it is and answer questions truthfully, with very few exceptions. I believe that as cultivators, we should be able to share most things we do openly and honestly. If we find it difficult, we’re probably not doing the right thing and our attachments are likely at play. Every statement of ours should be true, only then can we meet Master’s requirement for practitioners.

I stopped cheating on tests as well. I used to cheat in every way you could possibly imagine—with cheat sheets, flipping through books under the desk, or copying other students’ answers—otherwise, I would never pass any of my classes. Now, I know it is wrong to cheat. Even when the teacher leaves the room during a quiz and everybody around me is getting answers from each other, I just bury my head and try to do it on my own.

Continue to Improve In All Areas

I don’t like insects and was scared of them. I used to think killing small bugs, such as flies, cockroaches, and moths was not a big deal, thinking, “It sure isn’t considered ‘killing’ as Master mentioned in the Fa.” But now I know we shouldn’t kill regardless of the size of the being. How could a Dafa cultivator be scared of small insects? If we were scared of those things, how do we get rid of the fear of bigger and more scarier things? If we get annoyed by bugs, how do we get rid of deep resentment? How do we deal with more formidable karmic debts? Sure, little bugs cause inconvenience and annoyance, but that’s from the perspective of a self-centered ordinary person. To cultivators, we are held to higher standards. All things have life and we should cherish them.

When I used to log on to Minghui.org, I didn’t always greet Master when Master’s picture appeared. Probably because I felt ashamed and guilty, I was scared of looking at Master and scrolled down quickly. But, Master and the countless higher beings are watching me and know exactly what I was thinking—what I did was so disrespectful. Now, the first thing I do when logging onto Minghui is to look at Master’s picture and silently greet Master. I bow my head and press my palms together sometimes too. When I see pictures of Falun, I also greet them. I will continue to work in this regard and hope to do even better.

I used to just wait around for Freegate (anti-censorship software) to open and connect to the internet after clicking on the icon. It never occurred to me to thank this software. In other dimensions, all things have life, including Freegate, which enables us to bypass the great firewall of China, log on to Minghui.org, and connect with practitioners around the world. Each time I use Freegate and other software, I now sincerely thank them in my heart.

My frame of mind elevated as I continuously improved my character and assimilated to the Fa. It creates a sense of freedom associated with detachment from worldly things—it is the true joy in life. Any being that has obtained the Fa is the most fortunate.

Incredible Things That Happened to Me

Since a very young age, I have known and believed that Dafa is good. With just this belief, I have been blessed with good health and haven’t needed to take any medication since I was a child. After I took up Dafa cultivation, some of my lesser ailments also disappeared.

I was prone to having a dry throat and bleeding gums in the mornings, which also completely disappeared. When people around me catch a cold, cough, or sneeze, I feel just fine. I seem to be immune to all the sicknesses around me. I used to suffer from severe motion sickness and would throw up even during a short ride. Now I can handle long rides. I felt a little sick, but not nearly as bad as it used to be. My family was so surprised that I would last a whole trip without throwing up.

To go back to school and be able to eventually graduate, I needed to catch up on some standardized testing. Before I dropped out, I was barely learning anything. In the two years I was gone, I forgot almost everything I knew. I had one month to cram for the exams and didn’t feel prepared when the day came.

I had no clue how to answer half of the questions on the tests. In the end, I thought I did okay on two subjects but failed everything else. As I mentally prepared myself to take them again at a future date, the results came back—I passed all of them. What a surprise. I just couldn’t believe my eyes, “It’s gotta be a mistake.” It was completely unexpected, but then I realized, “Only Dafa has such incredible power.”

Instant Karmic Retribution

Turned against Dafa by the CCP’s lies, my mother often picked fights with my father throughout my childhood. She must have been controlled by evil spirits, as she acted irrationally and often cursed and insulted Master and Dafa. With a vicious and harsh tone, she repeated those words over and over.

It just seems that the evil behind my mother has subdued because I changed over the last couple of years. She had not said anything disrespectful in a long time. That was until recently when she was triggered by something and said something disrespectful. But, her voice was low and shaky, not as strong as before. I fought the urge to talk back and stopped myself from arguing. Quietly, I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate all evil elements behind her.

A cellphone charger was plugged into the wall plug behind her. Just when she turned around to leave, the charger cables tangled around her feet. She tripped and almost fell. It may seem like a small coincidence, but I knew it was not that simple. I felt sorry for my mother—being disrespectful to Dafa would surely bring retribution. There are countless higher beings just three inches above our heads, closely watching every move, every word, and every thought of ours. A few disrespectful words toward Dafa could produce a lot of karma. I believe it wasn’t mother who said those words but the evil behind her.

On the Right Path

I was in a dark and lonely place, headed straight toward destruction when Master saved me. He rinsed me off with profound Fa principles and guided me with compassion. Cultivating in Dafa lit up my life. I am the luckiest Dafa practitioner.

I still have many human notions such as jealousy, lust, not taking criticism well, and attachment to fame and self-interest that I need to work on. I still have a lot of thought karma I need to eliminate. I will not let Master down this time. I’m taking some time to focus on myself right now, but when the time is right, I will clarify the truth about Dafa in person and tell people how wonderful Dafa is.

I am eternally grateful to Master who compassionately watches over me, guides me, and saves me. Thank you, Master. There are so many things I want to say but everything sums up to these sacred words, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Falun Dafa is a righteous Fa with mighty virtue. The ultimate goal of the CCP is to destroy humankind. Delusional, the CCP launched relentless persecution, thinking it would stop people from obtaining and being saved by Dafa. Hundreds of thousands of happy families were broken up. Countless honest and kind practitioners were wrongfully accused and incarcerated. Some even lost their lives for upholding their faith.

If you ever hear about Dafa, please take a minute to learn more about it. All of your questions and doubts will be resolved. If you have yet to learn the truth about Dafa, please seek out Dafa practitioners around you. As long as you let go of the prejudice and listen to practitioners’ accounts with a calm and open heart, all the lies will disappear. Heaven will soon eliminate the CCP. Only by separating yourself from it and its youth organizations can you be safe from disaster. I truly wish all good people would be saved.