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Thank You to Those Who Helped Imprisoned Dafa Practitioners

Oct. 11, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) It has been several years since I was released from prison. A lot of things happened during those years, but I will never forget the kind people who helped Dafa practitioners during those years. I wrote this article wishing that those kind people to retain their conscience despite the pressure perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), so they will be blessed.

I started practicing Falun Dafa at the end of 1998. I was filled with happiness and excitement at the time. However, only a few months later, the CCP launched its persecution. I was at a loss. What should I do? Such a good cultivation was banned. I looked for fellow practitioners to ask what we should do. Later, I began to participate in Dafa’s projects to raise awareness of the persecution. Because I didn’t study the Fa much, I was exploited by the old forces and was persecuted and imprisoned for many years.

During my unjust imprisonment, I met many kind people. They treated Dafa practitioners kindly in the harsh environment, protected us, and helped us transfer information or materials. Below I share just two examples of what I have seen.

Helping Bring Dafa Books Into the Prison

I could not read the Fa when incarcerated, and I felt miserable. I dreamed of reading Zhuan Falun. Not long after, one woman technician from a contract factory I knew was going home. I told her my request for the book. She said she understood me, but it was difficult to bring the book Zhuan Falun into the prison. 

She often liked to sit next to me and was willing to chat with me. She was also very sympathetic in her dealings with Dafa practitioners. I noted she was kind and simple, and she could definitely help me, but she needed to do some work outside to avoid being tracked. After all, she was an ordinary person, and I needed to interact with her more and get her trust. Later she said, “Don’t worry. I know what to do.”

Soon the book was really brought in, and almost every practitioner had a copy. We thanked Master for the successful arrangement. Later, this woman technician often helped me bring Master’s short articles in so that I could read them promptly. She also brought information about the persecution of fellow practitioners in the prison, and fellow practitioners outside promptly uploaded it to the Minghui website. In this way, the prison guards often received calls from overseas, which helped reduce the persecution in the prison a lot. At the same time, the environment for Dafa practitioners was also relaxed. 

Helping Practitioners Writing and Clarifying the Truth

Inmate Wang Lirong was imprisoned for drug trafficking. She graduated from college and was good at writing novels. One day, she came to me and said, “Don’t you like chatting with others?” I said that I would chat with those who held common opinions. She smiled, and just like that, we often got together. 

When talking to Lirong, she told me that she had encountered Falun Gong before and truly agreed that it was good. Later, because she was well-educated, the prison guards favored her and made her a cell head and later an inmate's head. Even so, she did not change and still insisted on being good to me. This provided me with a lot of opportunities to copy the Fa and clarify the truth. The inmates there were not allowed to have pens. They could only apply for a pen when writing letters home. However, they had to hand it back immediately after finishing writing under supervision. In this way, with her help, I could use the pens conveniently. 

One time, a Dafa practitioner in another group was severely persecuted. I discussed with her about writing a letter of accusation to the prison warden. She wrote the letter of accusation for me without hesitation. After I revised it, another inmate with a sense of justice put it in the warden’s mailbox for me while no one was paying attention. To be truthful, in that kind of environment, one wouldn’t even dare to do it without having courage.

Another time, I told Wang that the prison guard next to her was not nice to the Dafa practitioners in her group. Wang said, “I’ll go talk to her someday.” Seeing that I was a little skeptical, she smiled and said, “You have to believe in my persuasiveness.” Sure enough, one day when the prison guard was on duty, she went to help the prison guard clean up and talked to her. She started by talking about what books she liked to read. Finally, the prison guard said, “You are so knowledgeable. You should be asked to manage Falun Gong practitioners. [What she meant was try to convert practitioners to give up their belief].” 

Wang said, “I used to know many Falun Gong practitioners. They were all very nice to me. I also read the book Zhuan Falun. It’s also very well written. There’s nothing bad about it.” She also said that the rise and fall of each dynasty was predetermined. Later, the prison guard changed a lot in her treatment of Dafa practitioners. Once, a Dafa practitioner in her group was reading a book. After she found out, she wanted to take the book away. The Dafa practitioner told her not to destroy it, and she nodded in agreement. Once, a fellow practitioner’s handwritten copy was taken away by an inmate and handed over to the guard. After Wang found out, she took it back to me when helping the guard clean up her office at night. No one dared to do that in such an environment. She was amazing!

Later, when I was about to be released, she wrote an article titled, “The Power of Faith,” in which she expressed her admiration for Falun Dafa practitioners.