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Shandong Woman Arrested in Guangdong Province, Injected with Sedatives and Unknown Drugs at Two Mental Hospitals

Oct. 12, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) A mentally healthy woman was injected with sedatives and some unknown drugs at two different psychiatric hospitals after she was arrested for practicing Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since July 1999.

Ms. Liu Binghuan is from Jinan City, Shandong Province. After being released from an earlier arrest in late December 2021, she moved to Yangshan County, Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province to avoid the persecution. Her latest arrest took place on the night of September 29, 2024, when officers from the Yangshan County Domestic Security Division and a local police station pried open her rental place and broke in. They took her to the Cihang Mental Hospital in Yangshan County, where she was tied up and repeatedly injected with sedatives.

The police took her to the Qingxin Detention Center the next day, but she was denied admission after a mandatory physical examination found she had a systolic blood pressure of over 200 mmHg (when a normal range is 120 or lower). Instead of releasing her, the police took her to the Qingyuan City Third People’s Hospital (another mental hospital). She was again injected with sedatives, along with some unknown drugs. She had temporary memory loss as a result. She also became dazed and confused.

Her younger brother, Mr. Liu Binglei, rushed to Yangshan County from Shandong Province on October 1, 2024. He checked with all local detention centers but couldn’t find her. At 11 p.m. on October 3, he received calls from both his sister and an officer from Jinan City whose phone number was +86-18553186625. Both notified him to go to the Qingyuan City Third People’s Hospital to process Ms. Liu’s discharge.

Mr. Liu noted that his sister appeared haggard and weak. She said she had been on a hunger strike since her arrest. The Jinan officer called again and demanded that Mr. Liu be his sister’s guarantor to have her released either on bail or under house arrest. Both he and Ms. Liu rejected the idea. But the Jinan officer, together with his counterparts in Yangshan, put Ms. Liu under house arrest anyway and threatened to go after her later on.

The Yangshan police kept harassing Ms. Liu and her loved ones, including her friend and his family, at home and on the phone (one number was +86-19865209361).

A Prior Arrest in Shandong Province in 2021

Ms. Liu was arrested on December 30, 2021, as soon as she left her apartment building in Jinan. The police claimed that they monitored her for over six months and they knew she often went out to distribute Falun Gong materials and talk to people about Falun Gong. They listened to her cellphone and recorded videos of her. One officer said that he often stayed outside of her apartment and followed her when she went out on her electric bike.

The police snatched Ms. Liu’s keys and confiscated her Falun Gong books, photo of Falun Gong’s founder, Falun pins, her younger brother Mr. Liu’s 10,100 yuan USD, four cellphones, three iPads, as well as her passport and fine jewelry.

At the police station, an officer beat Ms. Liu. She asked for his name, but he refused to answer. He pulled her ears so hard that the skin behind her ears was rubbed off. He also slapped her face and choked her neck. He didn’t let go until she almost suffocated.

Ms. Liu was injured during the police beatings

The police also kept Ms. Liu handcuffed behind her back for a long time and covered her head with a black plastic bag. Only after her strong protest did the police remove the bag.

During the three rounds of interrogation, Ms. Liu wasn’t allowed to sleep for an entire day. In addition to questioning her about which practitioners she had contact with, the police also asked how many people were in her family and how much money was in her bank account. Her brother Mr. Liu was also arrested, beaten and interrogated.

Ms. Liu was released the next evening after she was found to have high blood pressure and a rapid heartbeat. She demanded the police return her personal belongings, but they only gave her 500 yuan back. In order to avoid further persecution, she moved to Guangdong Province, only to be arrested there in September 2024.

In addition to her latest arrest, Ms. Liu served a year of forced labor between 2008 and 2009. Her mother, Ms. Li Sufang, who also practiced Falun Gong, was sentenced to five years in 2017 for talking to people about Falun Gong. She developed high blood pressure due to the mental pressure and physical torture and passed away in late 2019.

Related Report:

Reported in Jan/Feb 2022: 782 Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested or Harassed for Their Faith