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The Power of Compassion

Oct. 16, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) In 2014 I was sentenced to three and half years and ended up in Liaoning Province Women’s Prison. At first I was placed in the Intensive Correctional Ward, which was designated for the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. At first the guards seemed nice and offered me all kinds of deals in exchange for giving up the practice. When they saw that I wasn’t going to give in, the guards began to torture me. They made me stand still all day and did not let me sleep, bathe, or use the bathroom. I can’t recall how many days I was subjected to this torture, only that when I finally got to use the bathroom, the minute I squatted down, a pool of blood gushed out of me.

The guards took me to the hospital to have my blood and urine tested without telling me what it was for. I felt that I was surrounded by evil entities, and I was in a lot of pain, to the point that I could barely breathe. I quickly realized that it wasn’t right and sent righteous thoughts asking Master to help me. After 20 minutes I could feel that the evil elements were cleared away, and I felt better and could breathe normally. I knew that Master had helped eradicate the evil entities gathered around me. Much later on I learned that the guards took me to the hospital that day to find out if I was a matching organ donor.

Back in prison I sent righteous thoughts more frequently, recited the teachings, and clarified the truth to the inmates who attempted to “transform” me. I would send righteous thoughts asking Master for help when a particularly vicious inmate tried to torture me. After that, she had bad diarrhea every time. After a while, she applied to transfer to another cell.

As for the next inmate who came to torture and try to force me to renounce my faith, I talked to her, explained the truth about Falun Dafa to her, and sang Falun Dafa songs for her. Moved by my behavior, she learned how to sing the songs and listened to me tell her how my health and thoughts improved by practicing. She learned that there wasn’t anything wrong with the practice and decided to be kind to me. When I clarified the truth to others, she would sit next to me and be moved to tears. When I was mistreated or tortured, she’d weep for me. When I left the Intensive Correctional Ward, she cried.

In the new ward, the division head and head guard had heard what I did at the Intensive Correctional Ward and knew that it would not be easy to “transform” me, so they did not bother to torture me. I continued to clarify the truth to the inmates there. Master empowered me with compassion. I’d smile when I met someone for the first time so that she could feel my kind intent. Often the person would quit the CCP after I clarified the truth to her.

I only ever had a couple of minutes to talk to other inmates privately, so I had to get right to the point and make sure they understood the truth quickly. Luckily, with Master’s arrangement, most of the inmates I talked to quit the CCP.

I went home in December 2014. The first thing I did was to spend as much time as I could studying the teachings, something I couldn’t do over the previous three and a half years. Besides catching up with Fa study, I began to memorize the teachings. In the process, I was often moved to tears, understanding how much Master has shouldered for us.