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My Illness Symptoms Disappeared

Oct. 19, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I’m 79 and live in the countryside. I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997. Over the years, Master has borne so many tribulations and protected us, for which I’m eternally grateful. I’d like to tell you how Master and Dafa helped me pull through a sickness tribulation two years ago.

My son lives out of town. In 2022, he brought me to his home to help look after my two granddaughters. I planned to bring them to my home for the Mid-Autumn Festival, but when I went to use the bathroom the morning we were scheduled to leave, my right hand stopped working and I lost feeling on the right side of my body.

“What should I do? I’m not home and there are no fellow practitioners around.” I started worrying but thought, “I must maintain strong righteous thoughts and negate this. I won’t allow the old forces to take advantage of my loopholes.”

I started sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the negatives entities and elements that persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. I had no fear and my mind was filled with righteous thoughts. I was able to move my right hand and feel the right side of my body again.

My son put our luggage and other things into the car. I slowly walked to the door but had trouble going down the steps because my legs felt weak. I quietly said, “Legs, you are part of my body. I need to get home for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Why aren’t you cooperating with me? We are one body, and I’m in charge. You should listen to me and work with me.”

Nothing happened, so I hopped down the steps with both legs together and hopped towards the car. Before I knew it, I was able to walk again.

When I got home, I told my second daughter what happened, and she said, “Mom, your symptoms are similar to what a woman lady in our village with hemiplegia has.”

“The symptoms are the same,” I said, “but the reason this happened and how it’s handled is different. She’s an ordinary person. She has to pay for medical care and her family has to take care of her. She still hasn’t recovered after such a long time. But I have Master, and I have high energy. I’ll soon be fine.” My daughter nodded and said, “You’re right. Our family is blessed. Master is good. Dafa is good!”

I had trouble holding chopsticks when I ate. I didn’t take it to heart and said quietly in my heart, “My body is a small universe. The entire cosmos is in the process of Fa-rectification, during which good lives are kept and the bad ones weeded out. All beings in my body recite with me, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’” I was able to hold the chopsticks.

The next morning when I walked out into the yard, I felt a bit unsteady and couldn’t stand properly. When I grabbed a tree branch it broke, so I fell down. I tried to pick myself up, but I couldn’t get up no matter how hard I tried. I called out three times, “Master, please help me!” I was able to stand, and as soon as I got back to the house, I did the exercises and then sent forth righteous thoughts for an hour. Afterwards I studied the Fa. I was gradually back to normal and felt a lot better.

I wanted to attend the local Fa study group that afternoon, but I was a little worried: “What if I fall on the way? It would have a negative impact on others.” But I denied the thought immediately, and thought, “I’m a Dafa disciple and I’m here to validate the Fa! Studying the Fa is a good thing and a righteous thing to do. I’ll be fine.”

Indeed, I had no trouble walking to where we meet to study the Fa. I told the other practitioners what happened, and they all supported me by sending righteous thoughts. I couldn’t hold up my right palm and couldn’t do the lotus hand gesture properly, either. But I knew that I wasn’t sick. I felt I had these symptoms because I didn’t clarify the truth to people while I was at my son’s because I cannot speak Mandarin, only our local dialect. Master was helping me clear out my accumulated karma. It was also an opportunity for me to improve in cultivation.

I went back to my son’s three days after the Mid-Autumn Festival. He wanted to check my blood pressure and take me to hospital for a checkup. I refused his kind suggestions and said, “I’ll conduct myself by the Fa standards for a Dafa disciple. Master has painstakingly saved me and has borne all the hardships and suffering that I can only imagine at the human level. How can I possibly give up halfway? I only listen to Master.” My son said, “All right, Mom. Keep up with your practice.”

I spent more time studying the Fa, doing the exercises, and sending righteous thoughts, and felt my entire body was melting into the Fa. In just a few days, all my sickness symptoms disappeared without a trace. Thank you, Master!