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Clarifying the Truth with Righteous Thoughts

Oct. 19, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I have practiced Falun Dafa for almost 26 years and have experienced many miracles. I would like to share some of my experiences of clarifying the truth and saving people under Master’s protection.

Clarifying the Truth at Work

I worked for a foreign-based company for a total of over 11 years. My first term of employment with the company ended in November 2008, when I was illegally sentenced to four years in prison for clarifying the truth to people. The fellow practitioners in my family, including my father, sister, and wife, went to my company to clarify the truth to the director of my department, the deputy general manager, and others, telling them how I became a better person after I started practicing Dafa and how I was persecuted for my faith.

I always did my work based on Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and I was always considerate of others, treated my colleagues well, and got along with everyone. Whenever I had the opportunity, I explained the facts about Dafa to my coworkers. Many people in my company, from the top leaders to regular employees, understood the truth about the persecution, so, when I was released from prison in 2012, the company rehired me.

For a period of time after I returned to the company, I was very timid about clarifying the facts and did not do it on a large scale. Then a female colleague said to me in the office, “You used to always tell us the truth about Falun Dafa and help us quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. Why don’t you do it anymore?” Just then, someone asked me to explain the facts to him and help him quit the CCP. I realized that Master was anxious about my cultivation state and used these people to remind me of what I needed to do. I also realized that Master had probably arranged for me to return to my company so that I could fulfill my prehistoric vow to save the people there. From then on, I worked on letting go of my fear and made more effort to explain the facts about Falun Dafa to people. The more often I did, the stronger my righteous thoughts became, and the less fearful I was.

When I spoke about to people at work, I first focused on those who worked in the offices. Then I began to talk to people who worked in the different workshops. When I spoke to them, I sent forth one thought: “Let those who understand the truth tell others about it, creating a snowball effect.”

I went from talking to one or two people a day to over 10 or 20. I went from one workshop to the next. There was a high turnover rate in the workshops, so when I finished all the workshops, I started over again. I found opportunities to talk to all of the employees, from the general manager and the department directors to all the regular employees. Many of them agreed to withdraw from the CCP.

I also clarified the truth to people who came to our company on business, such as for sales, logistics, engineering, cleaning, gardening, and so on.

Some of my coworkers even asked me for Dafa books. Before I was persecuted in 2008, a female colleague asked me for a Dafa book, but because I had heard people say bad things about her, I didn’t bring her one. When I returned to work in 2012, she asked me again, so this time I lent her several. She read them and was amazed and has been practicing Dafa ever since.

Clarifying the Truth to People in Public

I usually ride an electric bicycle to work. When the road conditions allow, I try to clarify the truth to the people I encounter. On my days off, I also go out on my electric bicycle to tell people about Dafa.

After I had explained the facts to most of the people I typically saw on my way to work, I would then take a different route or take a detour to run into other people. Most days, I helped around 10 people quit the CCP, but there were also days when I helped 20 or 30 people. They were police officers, security officers, government workers, teachers, neighborhood committee members, and so on.

I once met a retired government official who claimed to be Master’s “comrade-in-arms.” At first, he didn’t believe in Master’s abilities. I then told him how my health greatly improved after practicing Dafa and how, when my foot was fractured in three places, it healed in three days. I told him how Dafa has spread throughout the world and how Master guided Shen Yun to become the world’s number one show. He finally believed me and agreed to quit the CCP.

Another time, I saw a woman pushing a bicycle on the sidewalk. I caught up with her and asked her why she didn’t ride the bike. She said the chain had fallen off, so I offered to help her fix it. As soon as I touched the chain, I heard a snap, and the chain went back into place by itself. When she thanked me, I said, “Don’t thank me. I didn’t put it back on—it was a divine being who did. I barely touched it when the chain jumped back into place.” I then clarified the truth to her about Dafa. She witnessed a miracle of Dafa and withdrew from the CCP. She was very grateful and convinced of the power of Dafa.

I once encountered a former practitioner who had stopped practicing. She was from Heilongjiang Province and had been working away from home for many years. After I spoke with her, she expressed her desire to return to cultivation. I gave her Dafa books to read, as well as truth-clarification fliers and stickers. I later helped her participate in the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin. She was very grateful to Master for not abandoning her. She wrote an experience-sharing article and asked me to help her submit it to the Minghui website. About a year later, she returned to her hometown and told me that she was hosting a Fa-study group in her home.

Of course, there were also people who refused to listen. Some recorded me, some photographed me, some wanted to report me, and some wanted to arrest me. But Master protected me, and I remained safe.

When I did not pay attention to safety, I was persecuted again. In 2019, I spoke about Dafa to someone who turned out to be a plainclothes police officer. He wanted to arrest me, so I left on my bike, and he chased me. I thought I’d gotten away, so I stopped to clarify the truth again, and he caught up with me and arrested me.

Master has repeatedly talked about paying attention to safety. For many years, things went very well for me, so I stopped paying attention to my own safety. I was not rational and became obsessed with the number of people I helped quit the CCP. Even though I clearly realized that for a long time I’d had strong attachments, such as to fame and fortune, lust, jealousy, the competitive mentality, and so on, I didn’t work hard to eliminate them. I didn’t really change myself to disintegrate these deeply-rooted attachments. This was the real reason why the evil factors came to my door.

Clarifying the Truth While Illegally Detained

After the first arrest in 2008, I was detained in three police stations, three detention centers, and five cells. I was in prison for a total of 21 months. After the second arrest in 2019, I was imprisoned in two cells at a detention center for more than a year. At all these places, in addition to sending forth righteous thoughts, doing the Dafa exercises, and reciting the Fa, I also clarified the truth to all the people I encountered. I told the people I shared cells with to recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I recited poems published in Hong Yin to them and sang songs composed by Falun Dafa practitioners.

New people entered the cell I was in, and others left. This provided me with convenient conditions to clarify the truth to more people. I helped 70 to 80 people withdraw from the CCP during my two terms of illegal detention. Assistance from local practitioners also created a more relaxed condition for me to clarify the truth. Once when I was outdoors, the guard in charge shouted to me from upstairs, “You Falun Gong practitioners are really amazing and well organized. Whenever you go to a new cell, your fellow practitioners immediately know about it and call the guard in charge of that cell. They also write us letters to tell us not to persecute you. Once you Falun Gong practitioners get your name restored, you must attest that I did not persecute you!” His shouting helped me even more and made it easier for me to clarify the truth.

I met an inmate who was arrested for drug abuse. When he arrived, he was withdrawing from the drugs he was addicted to and couldn’t fall asleep. On the third day, seeing that he still could not sleep, I found an opportunity to clarify the truth to him and asked him to recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” The next day, he told everyone, “Reciting ‘Falun Dafa is good’ is very effective. I fell asleep after reciting it yesterday.”

An inmate from Harbin City really believed the facts about Dafa that I told him. He recited, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” 100 to 200 times every day and benefited a lot. When almost everyone in the cell was infected with scabies, he wasn’t, even though he was the first person to sleep next to someone with scabies. He said it was all thanks to Dafa and that he would find Dafa books to read after he was released.

There was an inmate who used to be a security guard in a state-owned enterprise. He’d been imprisoned for fighting. After he learned the truth, he recited, “Falun Dafa is good” every day. The charges agaist him were very serious, but he was only sentenced to 10 months. He said, “Because I believe in Dafa, I was blessed.”

Experiences Clarifying the Truth

I’ve many more such experiences. I feel that Master has always paved the way in all aspects for me: guiding predestined people to me, constantly enlightening me, strengthening my righteous thoughts, and helping me remove my fear. All I need to do is just talk to people about Dafa.

Looking back on my cultivation path, I am so grateful to our compassionate and great Master. I will study the Fa well, continue to do the three things well, and give my best to live up to Master’s expectations. Thank you, Master!