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Being Attached to Comfort Is Effectively Putting Oneself in a Cage

Oct. 21, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I had a very long and vivid dream: I was arrested and detained in a place with many other practitioners.

This place had two buildings with elevators, and there were many people. One of my colleagues was staying with me. The food we ate every day was very good; we could also order takeout and do online shopping. My aunt also helped pick, wash and cook vegetables, and my boss came to see me. My husband also came in his car. He said to me, “I’m not leaving here either. If I go home, I have to cook for myself and turn on the air conditioner.” I said, “Okay, don’t leave.”

In the dream, I could tell clearly that no one was in charge of the building. There was a big and green prairie outside the building, very vast and empty, and no one was watching us. As long as I wanted to go out, I could go out. But a thought told me: there must be someone watching from a distance, so it’s better not to go out. I also “symbolically” looked within: Why was I arrested, and what are my attachments?

After I woke up, I immediately realized something was wrong. What was this long dream trying to tell me? It was obvious that I had been arrested, but no one was watching me, and not a single evildoer showed up. I was obviously locked up with other practitioners, but there was not a single practitioner anywhere in sight. Who was I arrested by? It turned out that I was arrested by the old forces and my own attachments! Attachment to comfort, yearning for a peaceful and quiet life, and I was afraid to be arrested again in real life and losing my current peaceful life.

What a big omission.

I am actually in the state I was in this dream. I would shuttle among ordinary people every day and live a comfortable life. On the surface, I did the three things, however, I have weakened my will to cultivate; thus I have put myself in the cage of the old forces.

What had arrested me was my own attachments. I imprisoned myself in the small circle of ordinary people’s lives. On the surface, there was no persecution from the evildoers, but in other dimensions, there was a real prison, which was a greater persecution for cultivators. Some practitioners believed that being arrested or sentenced are the persecution from the old forces. Little did they know that being trapped in ordinary people’s trivial matters and losing one’s true nature in cultivation is also a way for the old forces to destroy cultivators. Just like how the god Lord Haiyue in the movie Once We Were Divine was interested in a good life in ordinary society, but his soul was locked by a heart-locking chain in other dimensions, and in the end he completely lost himself and lost every chance to be saved.

The Three Realms were created for the Fa-rectification. Everything in the human world is a tool for our cultivation and can be transformed according to our minds. I hope that the practitioners who, as I, have been attached to ordinary people’s lives, can get out of the prison drawn by themselves, become truly diligent, put their hearts into doing the three things, and return to our origin with Master!