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Believing in Master and Dafa Is Essential for Breaking Through Tribulations

Oct. 22, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners understand that our compassionate Master has borne most of our karma for us. Some of the karma was also eliminated through Master’s benevolent resolutions. As Dafa practitioners, we still face various tribulations and tests throughout our cultivation. As long as we can truly consider ourselves practitioners, firmly believe in Master and the Fa, and act according to the principles of Dafa, Master will protect us. All tribulations will be resolved, leading us to the light at the end of the tunnel.

Truly believing in Master and Dafa, as well as keeping righteous thoughts and actions during our cultivation, is essential to break through tribulations. I would like to share with practitioners how I broke through tribulations with the belief in Master and Dafa.

Breaking Through Family Tribulations

I was born in the countryside in the 1950s. My parents were traditional and kind. Under their influence, I also became a kind and sensible, with a good temperament. I rarely got angry or engaged in arguments, and my parents never punished or scolded me.

In contrast, my husband had a very bad temper. At times he would scold me and throw things in frustration. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong (Falun Dafa), he scolded me almost daily in an attempt to force me to give up Dafa cultivation.

I was initially unmoved by his scolding and never fought back. As a Dafa practitioner, I already knew the true meaning of life and the tribulations a practitioner faces are due to karmic retribution. I could endure his mistreatment.

However, the CCP frequently harassed me and the other practitioners in my workplace. My husband could not bear it anymore and beat me without saying a word. Sometimes, he even threw things at me.

He once beat me throughout the night, and it felt as if he really wanted to kill me. I was not afraid of death. I believed our fate was determined by heaven and we are protected by our great Master. Moreover, he opened all the windows, dragged me to them, and repeatedly told me to jump out.

My husband treated me with violence, and even worse, he had an affair. He asked for a divorce. Meanwhile, I needed to manage the housework, cook and take care of my children. The CCP continuously harassed me, and I faced tremendous pressure at work. I endured immense suffering.

If I agreed to a divorce, I would live a very happy life. I had a stable job with a very good salary. However, as a Dafa practitioner, I could not take this path. I believe that as husband and wife, the way he treated me was all due to karmic retribution from previous lives. If I did not owe him any debt from previous lives, our paths wouldn’t cross in this lifetime. Nothing I encounter as a practitioner is accidental. It is not only to repay the debts I owe, but also to allow me to improve my xinxing. No matter what tribulations I encounter, I believe that Master is by my side and will make the best arrangements for me.

A righteous thought came to my mind: “I must not only pay off my debts in this lifetime, but also not have any resentment. I need to find my shortcomings according to the standards of the Fa.” Thinking about my husband, I said to myself, “Thank you for helping me reduce my karma and repay my debts. Thank you for helping me improve my xinxing. I need to be clearer about my goal in life and move one step closer to consummation. I will not resent you, and will find a way to save you.” This is just like what Master taught us, “You have gained four ways in one shot.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)

I calmed my mind and reflected on my shortcomings. I fulfilled my responsibilities as a good wife. I cared for my husband’s daily needs and used great compassion and tolerance, that I cultivated within Dafa, to positively influence him. I firmly believed that I am able to save him. When he was in a better mood, I shared with him the benefits of Falun Dafa and how I became healthy from cultivating Dafa. I demonstrated my tolerance and compassion. Meanwhile, I asked Master to strengthen me to eliminate all the evil spirits and demons behind my husband.

Gradually, my husband changed. He no longer loses his temper, scolds me or beats me. He took the initiative to handle all the housework, including cooking, washing, and cleaning. When I took off my clothes after taking a shower in the evening, he would get up in the morning to wash them for me while I was doing the Dafa exercises. He cares about me a lot and often praises me. He lives a happy life every day! He also read several Dafa books including the main book, Zhuan Falun. He understands Falun Dafa is good and quit the CCP and its youth organizations.

Nowadays, I find my husband is very kind and always considers others first. He once found a roll of money on the street and immediately handed it over to the owner of a nearby store. He said, “I don’t know who lost the money. Can I leave it with you? Please give it to the owner when he comes to look for it.” When my husband goes out to buy vegetables, he does not ask the price anymore and instead pays the farmers more. He appreciates how hard they work to earn a living and never takes advantage of them.

My husband has also greatly benefited from Dafa. He miraculously survived two car accidents thanks to Master’s protection. On one occasion, the car was damaged, but he emerged unscathed. Another time, he had a severe cough for a long time that did not improve with medicine. I encouraged him to silently recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He followed my advice for two days and fully recovered. During the three-year pandemic, while so many people were infected and some lost their lives, my husband and I remained safe and healthy.

My husband’s positive change made me realize that the person who scolded and beat me before was not truly my husband at all. It was the evil spirits and dark demons that controlled him. Now those evil entities have been eliminated by Master, and my husband has been liberated. He has been saved by Dafa, and now our entire family lives harmoniously. Our son, daughter-in-law and grandson have all benefited from Dafa.

Breakthrough Illness Karma

I had suffered from many chronic illnesses since I was young, but after I started practicing Falun Dafa, Master purified my body. Below are a few major experiences I had eliminating my illness karma.

Shortly after I started cultivating, I had a high fever over the weekend with a temperature of 39.6ºC, and severe pain all over. I was not afraid, knowing that Master was purifying my body and I had to endure some pain myself. I drank two cups of hot water before going to sleep that night, and to my surprise, got up the next morning without a fever. I still coughed up a considerable amount of yellow-green thick sputum for two more days. Such symptoms might suggest pneumonia, or even a lung abscess due to serious viral infection, which would require at least half a month’s hospitalization. Yet, I only had the fever for a night and coughed up sputum for two days. When I returned to work on Monday, I was completely free of fever and the cough. My body felt light and revitalized. It was truly a miracle!

Another time I had a tooth extracted and a dental implant at the same time under anesthesia. The doctor prescribed some antibiotics, but I decided not to take them. The next day, one side of my cheek became swollen and then both sides were affected by that afternoon. All of a sudden I couldn’t hear anything and my ears were buzzing.

I realized that my condition was the result of my omissions. I had heard and acknowledged the benefit of having dental implants, which was taken advantage of by the old forces and attracted persecution from evil spirits. I sent out a righteous thought in my heart, “I am a Dafa practitioner in the Fa-rectification period and Master is protecting me. I will not allow any evil to persecute me. If I have omissions, I will correct them through Dafa cultivation.”

After getting off work, I found my husband was watching TV at home but I couldn’t hear anything. I sat down to send righteous thoughts, “Master, please strengthen me to completely disintegrate all the evil beings and factors that persecute me.” Meanwhile, I silently recited the verses for sending righteous thoughts and continued sending them for half an hour. My ears felt like a boiling pot filled with a churning sound.

Suddenly, something fell out of my right ear with a “bang.” I opened my eyes and saw a hard, black object, roughly the size of a grain of rice, along with a little blood. A little blood came out of my ears that night. My hearing returned to normal the next day and the swelling of my cheeks subsided. It was really amazing! I had also suffered from persistent headaches in the past, which I now realize was the evil spirit persecuting me. This time, Master also eliminated that evil spirit and the headache symptoms disappeared from that moment on. My eyes were filled with tears when I realized what had happened. I was deeply grateful to Master.

Thank you, Master, for you compassionate salvation!