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Released from Prison Emaciated and Weak, 77-Year-Old Woman Dies Three and a Half Years Later

Oct. 25, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province, China


Name: Liu FenglingChinese Name: 刘凤玲Gender: FemaleAge: 77City: FushunProvince: LiaoningOccupation: N/ADate of Death: September 2024Date of Most Recent Arrest: July 22, 2016Most Recent Place of Detention: Liaoning Province Women’s Prison

Once tall and healthy, Ms. Liu Fengling shrank in height and was haggard when she was released in April 2021, nine months before the end of her 5.5-year prison term for practicing Falun Gong. Upon returning home, she faced non-stop harassment from the police. She passed away in mid-September 2024. She was 77.

Ms. Liu, of Fushun City, Liaoning Province, took up Falun Gong in 1998. She was arrested on July 22, 2016, and taken to the Fushun City Detention Center. Due to the physical torture in custody, including long hours of standing, she had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital for resuscitation. Meanwhile, she also struggled with diabetes and couldn’t sleep well at night. 

Ms. Liu’s arrest came less than a month after Gao Hongbin, the former Municipal Party Committee Secretary of Benxi City in the same province, became the Party Committee Secretary of Fushun City on June 28, 2016. Ordered by Gao, at least 29 practitioners, including Ms. Liu, and their family members were arrested between July 20 and August 11, 2016. 

Ms. Liu was sentenced to 5.5 years by the Xinfu District Court at the end of 2016 and admitted to the Liaoning Province Women’s Prison in February 2017. As a result of the torture in prison, her teeth fell off and her legs became swollen. She had to use a walking stick to keep her balance. As her health quickly deteriorated, the prison released her in April 2021, nine months ahead of time. 

Due to ongoing police harassment and declining health, she passed away three and a half years later. 

Related Report:

Fushun Police Bring Charges Against 12 Practitioners for the Third Time