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A Convoy of Trucks Avoids a Flood Calamity

Oct. 25, 2024 |   By a Dafa Practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I go out with a fellow practitioner every day to let people know the truth about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) brutal persecution of Falun Dafa and other spiritual and religious practices.

I once encountered a colleague I hadn’t seen in 50 years. When we met, she held my hands tightly. I thought this was Master bringing someone in need of my information to me. I explained the truth about Falun Dafa to her and why it’s important to do the three withdrawals from the CCP’s affiliated organizations. She readily agreed and used her real name to withdraw from the Young Pioneers, which she had joined in her youth. She then shared a true story about her niece and her niece’s husband.

The couple drives a large truck, of often does long-distance hauling. A few days ago, while in the southern China, they encountered a major flood. Their truck became stuck on a road, with floodwaters blocking the way. Large trucks were backed up behind them, making it impossible to move forward or backward. With no way out, everyone was in a panic.

Just when they were at a loss, a farmer living near the road came out and said to the drivers, “Drive your trucks into my yard, and then you can turn around and go back along the road.” He opened the gate of his yard and let the trucks in. The niece’s husband drove into the yard to turn around, and the other trucks followed, crushing all the crops on the property. The drivers felt they had to compensate the farmer.

However, the farmer said, “I practice Falun Dafa, and our Master teaches us to think of others first and to be good people. I don’t want your money. There are so many natural disasters and calamities nowadays, please remember: Falun Dafa is good, and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. Do the three withdrawals for a safe future.”

I was deeply moved by the story. Just think about it: Those crops were the farmer’s livelihood and source of daily sustenance! Yet he turned down the drivers’ compensation—what a remarkable mindset! This farmer’s actions touched everyone present, and they all willingly did the three withdrawals.

After returning home, the niece and her husband were still immersed in deep gratitude, and told all their relatives and friends, “Those who practice Falun Dafa are truly good people. You should all believe in Falun Dafa!”

The farmer demonstrated the principles of Dafa through his actions, and each driver in that long convoy will spread the message of Dafa and bring salvation to those who are destined to receive it.