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The Importance of Cultivating Our Speech

Oct. 26, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning province, China

(Minghui.org) To help produce informational materials that clarify the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution, I began teaching practitioners how to install computer systems and other related skills. In the process I realized it was important to cultivate our speech.

I taught Aixi, who then taught Baozhen. We had a single line of communication: when Baozhen encountered a problem, he asked Aixi, and if she couldn’t solve it, she contacted me. I avoid contacting other practitioners unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Aixi often talked about Baozhen and his abilities. I told her, “There’s no need to tell me about him—just focus on the specific problems.”

In my understanding, helping practitioners solve technical problems is a cultivation opportunity but there’s no need to know who’s involved. Discussing other people’s issues might lead to speaking behind their back, which doesn’t align with the cultivation of speech required by the Fa.

Aixi once asked why I never mentioned who taught me. I explained there was no need to tell anyone which practitioner taught me the techniques, as I had to consider that practitioner’s safety. I felt this approach was consistent with what Master said about cultivating speech and maintaining security.

Caixing had trouble getting on the Internet and asked if I could help him. I also experienced difficulty accessing the Internet those past couple of days, but when I helped Dawei, he had no issues at all. I believe this was because Dawei didn’t feel there was a problem and that everything would be fine.

Caixing mentioned that three other practitioners who all worked with computers, couldn’t get online either. I felt I should encourage him to strengthen his righteous thoughts, so I smiled and said, “If you study the Fa more and look inward, you should be able to go online.” To my surprise, my own Internet connection improved shortly afterward, and I felt it was because I didn’t say anything negative.

When I saw Caixing again, he happily told me, “I’ve been able to get online for the past few days!” I replied, “That’s because you improved your xinxing (character) right?” He smiled and said, “Yes, I’ve been memorizing the Fa and doing the exercises every morning.”

Eiling submitted an article to Minghui Weekly and it was published. During our study group, another practitioner excitedly said that Eiling was the author. I said, “Please don’t discuss this; we need to consider the safety of other practitioners.”

I felt that if a practitioner’s cell phone or a family member’s phone was near us when we talked, and that phone was being monitored, mentioning fellow practitioners could be risky. If Eiling faces trouble because of this it could be because that practitioner casually mentioned him. The practitioner didn’t intend to report Eiling to the authorities, but her information may still end up with the police, so it’s important to watch what we say.

On the other hand, if we cultivate our speech, the police will have less concrete information, which gives them fewer excuses to persecute practitioners. The less they know, the fewer crimes they can commit against Dafa. This shows how important it is to watch our words.

I used to have trouble controlling my speech, but through continuous Fa study, I’ve come to realize that cultivating our speech reflects our cultivation status. It shows whether we can consider others, It also shows whether we have compassion.