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My Heart is Forever Bright Walking on My Cultivation Path

Oct. 27, 2024 |   By Ling Yu, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) A few practitioners came to my home to study the Fa, memorize the Fa, and share with me when I lost my eyesight. They encouraged me to continue cultivating with determination.

Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts and Saving as Many Sentient Beings as I Could

I sent forth righteous thoughts with a practitioner whose third eye was open one day in 2013. After we finished, she said in surprise, “Sister, Master sent Godly soldiers and generals. Two teams were marching with grandeur holding weapons in their hands.” I lacked enlightenment at that time and didn’t understand why Master made such arrangements.

Master later arranged for a young practitioner whose third eye was open to come to my home. After we finished sending righteous thoughts, she grabbed my arm and said excitedly, “Auntie, we are not in a human state. I saw you fly out of the window when we were sending forth righteous thoughts.” I didn’t really believe what she said.

Master saw that I was not enlightened, and therefore hinted in my dream. I saw two large ancient wall clocks. One was at 12 o’clock and the other showed 6 o’clock. These two times were the time for sending forth righteous thoughts. I realized that Master was hinting that the side on which I had completed cultivation was leading heavenly soldiers and generals to dismantle evils in the other dimension.

From then on I made sure that I sent forth righteous thoughts ten times each day, or even every hour, for at least 15 minutes each time, or sometimes for hours each time. I led the heavenly soldiers and generals to dismantle the evils for 30 minutes to one hour at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. every day for many years.

I became anxious when I heard that the other practitioners went out to clarify the truth to people in person every day because I couldn’t go out. Master saw my heart and brought predestined people to me. My husband liked to play Mahjong. Our relatives, his friends, old classmates, and colleagues came to our home to play Mahjong with him. I took these opportunities to gave them pamphlets and ask them to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations. Thanks to Master’s strengthening, I helped some people.

Verifying the Extraordinariness of Falun Dafa

My family did everything for me when I had just lost my eyesight. Later on Master hinted that I should do the things myself. For example, that I should learn how to turn on and turn off the newly purchased music box, and operate the forward and backward controls. One day when I wanted to pause the music box, I pressed a button and it stopped. Actually Master knows everything!

When a practitioner saw me turn on and off a small recording pen one day, she said, “I admire you very much. I don’t know how you do it.” I said, “Master gives me wisdom.” I do everything myself except cooking. I even cut my fingernails and toenails myself. Others admire me very much.

I couldn’t move my back one day in March 2023. I couldn’t walk and had to crawl to the toilet. I pleaded with Master to let me get up. I slowly curled up my legs, grabbed the door frame, and stood up. I knew that Master helped me.

I held onto the wardrobe, slowly walked to the bedside, and sat down leaning against the headboard. I sent forth righteous thoughts and looked within. I then practiced the first set of the exercises nine times. It was tiresome. I took a rest and then practiced the second and third exercise sets. A miracle happened after I sent forth righteous thoughts. I held onto the wall, walked slowly to the sitting room, and sat down to have a meal as if nothing had happened. I recovered from the back pain within a week. I again verified the extraordinariness of Falun Dafa.

Master Gave Me a Heavenly Pen

I had posted sharing articles to the Minghui website a few times before I lost my eyesight. Master gave me a heavenly pen three times after I lost my eyesight and let me do impossible things.

I wrote my first sharing article to a practitioner who had symptoms of a stroke. She cried after she read my sharing. One day I spent four hours writing my sharing article for the Fahui, practiced the second set of the exercises, and felt a strong warm energy current enveloping me. It felt like my arms and hands didn’t exist, and that my body was soft and floating. It was so comfortable. Words can’t express how I felt at that time. I knew Master was encouraging me.

I have written more than ten articles in the past ten-plus years. Other practitioners reviewed my articles and sent them to the Minghui website. Because I couldn’t see, it was hard for me to write and also hard for the other practitioners to review my articles. I encountered interference many times during the process. Thanks to Master’s strengthening, these articles finally finished.

Though I cannot see anything I am walking on a sacred and bright path guided by our compassionate and great Master. My heart is forever bright when I walk on this path.