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Taiwan: Experience Sharing Conference Encourages Young Practitioners to Cultivate Diligently

Oct. 27, 2024 |   By Minghui correspondent Hsia Yun in Taipei, Taiwan

(Minghui.org) The 2024 Taiwan Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was recently held at the Taipei Heping Basketball Gymnasium. About 6,000 practitioners attended the event.

Some practitioners talked about their experiences after recently starting Falun Dafa cultivation practice, while others have practiced for more than 20 years. Many young practitioners started practicing Dafa under various circumstances, and some shared their thoughts after listening to fellow practitioners’ sharings. They saw their own gaps and expressed hope that they can progress in cultivation and strengthen their determination to practice.

Determined to Cultivate

Bai-jen and his wife Chun-meng from Taichung

Bai-jen from Taichung is a technical engineer in the media, and has practiced Dafa for 11 years. He said, “I saw that fellow practitioners, from young to old, are adhering to Dafa’s standards and moving forward on the path of cultivation, despite various difficulties. Although we are all different, everyone is striving to move forward on this path, which makes me more determined to cultivate.”

He said that what touched him the most was the practitioner who talked about how he learned 3D animation design. He was truly impressed and moved by how the practitioner described persevering in such a difficult environment. The practitioner said, “The most difficult thing is loneliness.” When that practitioner faced difficulties alone, he insisted on studying the Fa, and this motivated him to persevere. “That is the firmness of faith.” The practitioner said he could feel Master by his side, and he did not feel lonely.

Bai-jen, who started learning Dafa on the recommendation of a professor in college, said that practicing Dafa gave him a clear direction in life and made his outlook on life more open-minded. “Where do I come from? Where do I go after I die?” These were questions he had always sought answers to since he was a child. When he was studying, he pursued success and had a strong desire to get ahead. He had always thought hard, and planned everything. After he began practicing Falun Dafa, he understood the purpose and meaning of life, and his mind became calmer. “I now take things lightly. I am satisfied and happy.”

Bai-jen’s wife, Chun-meng, said that she was very touched by listening to the sharing. She said the young practitioners’ diligent cultivation showed her where she could do better.

Chun-meng, who is a Japanese language teacher, first came into contact with Dafa in 2013, through her mother. She said that she later gave up practicing cultivation, but recently resumed. She felt guilty about falling behind, but after listening to the sharing, she hopes to stop blaming herself and be more diligent.

Perseverance in Cultivation

Hsin-chiao from Tainan

Hsin-chiao, a jewelry designer from Tainan, said that listening to the sharing made her more determined to persevere in cultivation. She talked about the practitioner who shared the difficult journey of learning 3D animation design, and his determination to continue doing it. The result in the end was beyond his expectations, which deeply touched her.

Hsin-chiao has practiced Falun Dafa with her parents since she was six years old, and said that when she was young, she memorized a lot of Fa under the guidance of her mother, and she remembered the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. In her studies and social life, she followed the principles of Dafa to guide her words and deeds.

Hsin-chiao said she recently realized the importance of tenacity, which can only be done through in cultivation. She said that since she was a child, no matter what she was learning or doing, she often felt bored and found it difficult to persist. Looking back on the past few years since she decided to practice, she realized that “no matter what you want to accomplish, persistence, patience, and overcoming difficulties are a necessary process.” Listening to the other practitioners’ speeches made her resolute and encouraged her to persevere.

Resolving Conflicts

Ming-hua from Kaohsiung

Ming-hua, from Kaohsiung does mechanical and electrical engineering design, and said that after listening to the other practitioners’ cultivation experiences, she hopes to let go of many things she was attached to, but she realizes this can only be achieved through diligent practice. One can only achieve this by sincerely cultivating oneself. For example, Ming-hua heard a practitioner say that when her husband was having an affair, she chose to let go and face it. Ming-hua found this difficult. “It’s hard to accept such a thing.” Ming-hua realized that as long as she cultivates her mind step by step and lets go, things will change and conflicts and dilemmas can be resolved.

She started practicing Falun Dafa in her junior year of college, said that practicing helped her become clear on her values, and she now faces conflicts calmly and rationally. She said that during her studies, she heard people express both positive and negative views on various things. “There is no consensus on what is right and what is wrong.” She was confused by the complexity of people’s viewpoints, but after learning the principles of Dafa, she was able to judge right from wrong and see things clearly and quickly.

Ming-hua says that she had a bad temper in the past, but it improved after she began practicing. She said that now, when she encounters conflicts, she first looks inward to find her own problems in accordance with the Fa. “I know how to behave in line with Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, so I won’t be affected by other people’s emotions, and I respond with compassion.”