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Japan: Falun Dafa Practitioners Call for Release of Relatives Detained in China

Oct. 28, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Japan

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners gathered at the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo on October 12, 2024 to demand that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) immediately release their relatives who are illegally detained in China. Enver Tohti, a former Chinese surgeon who now lives in the UK, and Hiroaki Maruyama, a representative of the SMG network (Stop Medical Genocide – Society for the Study of Organ Transplantation in China) and a member of the Zushi City Council, also met at the Tokyo Embassy to read an open letter and place it in the embassy’s mailbox.

Mr. Hiroaki Maruyama (second from left), Council Member of Zushi City, Mr. Enver Tohti (middle), and Ms. Zhang Shuhui and Ms. Liu Xiyue stand as an open letter is read in front of the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo on October 12, 2024. 

Zhang Shuhui, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Saitama Prefecture, demanded that the CCP immediately release her illegally-detained aunt, Ms. Zhong Fangqiong, a Dafa practitioner from Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Ms. Zhong was taken away by police from the South Police Station in Xindu District, Chengdu City on June 27, 2024. In July, she was arrested without any evidence of wrongdoing and is now detained in the Chengdu Detention Center in Sichuan Province, where her family is not allowed to visit her. 

Ms. Zhang said, “I strongly demand that the Chengdu Detention Center immediately stop illegally detaining my aunt and other Falun Dafa practitioners, and immediately and unconditionally release my aunt and all Falun Dafa practitioners.”

Practitioner Liu Yue (also called Liu Xiyue) from Yokohama said, “Liaoning Provincial Public Security Department Director Zheng Yi and others abused their power and violated the law. Without an arrest warrant or search warrant, they ordered their subordinates to illegally search and arrest Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Cong. Liu Cong has been illegally detained in the Huludao City Detention Center in Liaoning Province for three months. 

“I sincerely hope they immediately release my sister Liu Cong and all illegally detained Falun Dafa practitioners,” she added.

Practitioner Zhang Yiwen, who lives in Tokyo, demanded that the CCP immediately release his illegally-detained mother, Wang Guaiyan from Baoji City, Shaanxi Province. On April 11, 2024, Ms. Wang Guaiyan was forcibly taken away from the home of another practitioner by Baoji Public Security Bureau police and detained in the Baoji City No. 2 Detention Center. Her family has not been allowed to visit her since then. 

On the morning of September 25, 61-year-old Ms. Wang Guaiyan was illegally tried by the Jintai District Court, but no verdict was announced due to insufficient evidence. However, the CCP not only refused to release her, but also plans to re-prosecute her. 

Zhang Yiwen said, “The CCP advocates ‘rule of law,’ but it does not follow proper judicial procedures at all.” He demanded that the CCP immediately stop the persecution and release his mother and all detained Falun Dafa practitioners.

Falun Dafa practitioner Gong Jinjun, who works in Japan, said, “I will do my best to rescue my mother as soon as possible.” On September 20, his mother Yao Jiaxiu was seized by police from Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, and was detained in Xichang City, Sichuan Province. Her family has not been allowed to see her.

Supporting Falun Dafa and Calling for Justice

Mr. Hiroaki Maruyama, Council Member of Zushi City

In his open letter, Mr. Hiroaki Maruyama urged the CCP to respect human rights and immediately stop the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. He also called for the immediate release of all illegally-detained practitioners, the immediate cessation of live organ harvesting, and the unconditional release of Ding Yuande, Wang Guaiyan, Liu Cong, and Zhong Fangqiong. He said in an interview, “We will continue to work hard to stop this tragedy as soon as possible. A government without a conscience will soon collapse.”

Mr. Enver Tohti, a former Chinese surgeon who now lives in the UK

Mr. Enver Tohti read out a statement in front of the Chinese Embassy and placed it in the embassy’s mailbox. He warned the CCP that if it continues to ignore these friendly letters of persuasion and does not immediately stop its evil deeds, it will be digging its own grave. Moreover, he said, the CCP’s collapse is near. When asked why he attended this event, Mr. Tohti said, “Because the CCP owes me [a debt], the CCP government owes me, and it also owes the Chinese people and the world.”

He explained that the CCP persecutes Falun Dafa, ethnic minorities, and other Chinese citizens, and even harvests organs from living people for political gain and money. The Party owes the people an untold amount in blood debts. He also encouraged Falun Dafa practitioners: “Don’t be disheartened. We are fighting for you.”

Organ Harvesting Is Related to Everyone

That afternoon, Mr. Enver Tohti attended a symposium titled, “Organ Harvesting Is Related to Everyone” at the Public Office Building in Nakano District, Tokyo. He talked about the reality of organ harvesting, which is spreading not only in China but also around the world, and called for an end to this evil practice. In his speech, Mr. Tohti talked about his personal experience of harvesting organs from living prisoners in China when he was a physician there. He also talked about how in China today, there is a complete system for organ harvesting and distribution: big data can search for matching organs within five minutes, and organ harvesting and trading has become an industry.

A participant asked whether the frequent disappearance of children in China in recent years was related to organ harvesting. Mr. Tohti said that there was a connection between the disappearances and the increasing industrialization of organ harvesting.

According to Canadian human rights lawyer David Matas, the CCP systematically harvests organs from prisoners of conscience on a large scale. There is evidence that China performs 60,000 to 100,000 illegal organ transplants each year for make huge profits, and the main targets are imprisoned Falun Dafa practitioners.

The Independent Tribunal into Forced Organ Harvesting from Prisoners of Conscience in China (also known as the China Tribunal), which convened for months in London, UK, issued a final written judgment in March 2020: “Forced organ harvesting has been committed for years throughout China on a significant scale and that Falun Dafa practitioners have been one – and probably the main – source of organ supply.” Addressing additional developments, the tribunal stated: “The concerted persecution and medical testing of the Uyghurs is more recent and it may be that evidence of forced organ harvesting of this group may emerge in due course.”

Liu Xiyue addressed the symposium. 

Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Xiyue also spoke at the symposium, calling for the rescue of her sister Liu Cong who is illegally detained in China.

Ms. Liu said that every day, she thinks about what she can do to rescue her sister. Whenever she thinks of her sister, her heart is pained. Ms. Liu Xiyue said, “My sister was illegally tried before. When she was released after serving four years in prison, she was forced to undergo a blood test. Given her age, I am very worried that she will become a target for organ harvesting.” She hopes that more Japanese people will understand the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners and support their release from detention in China, including her sister.