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Master’s Boundless Compassion Is the Reason for Every Miracle

Oct. 4, 2024 |   By Qiu Lian, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) I am 70 years old and started practicing Falun Dafa before 1999. I used to suffer from various health issues, including a frozen shoulder, cervical spondylosis, severe arm pain, stomach problems, and psoriasis. However, after practicing Dafa, all of these illnesses disappeared in a short period.

Many miraculous things have happened around me during my practice, and I know they were the result of Master Li’s boundless compassion.

I only attended school for two years and had a very limited vocabulary, but I was determined to study the Fa. Whenever I encountered unfamiliar characters in Zhuan Falun, I would ask my son or other practitioners for help. One day, I suddenly realized that Master had put all the characters I needed into my mind, allowing me to read Zhuan Falun without any difficulties.

A practitioner who met me for the first time noticed that I could read Zhuan Falun quite well but couldn’t write, and asked what grade I had completed in school. I replied that I had only attended school for two years, and the only reason I could read was because Master had put the characters in my mind. I was deeply grateful to Master.

My daughter-in-law gave birth to a baby boy in 2008, but one of his eyes would not open. We all thought it would open naturally, but after several days, it remained closed. The whole family became anxious, especially the maternal grandmother, who was so worried that she began saying unpleasant things.

The hospital scheduled an operation on the baby’s eye in four months, and we waited. The day before the operation, my son and daughter-in-law brought the baby to visit me. As I held my grandson and listened to Master’s lectures, he fell asleep in half an hour. When he woke up, both of his eyes were open.

The entire family witnessed the miracle of Dafa. The baby avoided surgery and was spared from suffering, and my son saved more than 20,000 yuan ($ 2,800). Our neighbors saw this and agreed that Dafa is truly great.

Once, my grandson had a high fever, and his hospitalization cost his parents 6,000 yuan. After that, I often taught him to recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good,” and he hasn’t fallen ill since.

On my way back from visiting a relative in a nursing home, my electric bike ran out of power while I was still about five miles from home. Worried, I asked Master for help, saying, “Master, I need to hurry home to study the Fa.” Amazingly, with that thought, the scooter regained power and took me all the way home.

In 2016, I had a denture made, but it was done so poorly that I couldn’t even chew a spinach leaf. I wanted to have a new one made, but I didn’t want it to delay my efforts to clarify the facts to people. I said in my heart, “Master, I must go out and clarify the facts every day.”

The next morning, my tooth was fine, and I could eat anything! It was incredible - Master had fixed my tooth! I was so happy.

I’ve been going out every day to let people know the truth about Dafa. During the pandemic, my neighbor suggested that I stay home. I responded, “I must let people know about Falun Dafa so they can have a bright future. I can’t stay at home, not even for a day.” Later, my neighbor’s entire family contracted the virus, and I helped to buy groceries for them daily.

She said, “Practicing Dafa works. It’s good to have Master’s protection.”

At that time, my son called me every day to check on me. I told him, “I have Master’s protection, and I won’t contract the virus.” I encouraged him to sincerely recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good.” My family has been doing well.

When I went out to talk about Dafa and how corrupt the CCP is, I told people, “This pandemic is targeting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In the face of heaven’s destruction of the Party, don’t be caught in the crossfire. The elders used to say that when this happens, no one will be left to bury the dead. So, it’s too dangerous to keep the beast’s mark on you.” Most people listened and quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

I am deeply grateful to Master for his saving grace, allowing me to become a Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple. It is truly an honor to be a selfless and moral person! In the limited time ahead, I will strive to do the three things well, cultivate diligently, and help to let more people know the truth. I will always listen to Master, and will complete my cultivation and follow Master home.