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Master Li Protected My Husband and Me

Oct. 4, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in South Korea

(Minghui.org) I’m 54 and I started practicing Falun Dafa in late 1996. When I was 18, I heard a voice telling me to wait here and he would come for me later. I waited for a long time, but no one came. I occasionally thought, “Was I forgotten?”

When I visited a relative in late 1996, I heard about Falun Dafa and remembered the incident when I was 18. I wanted to be a good person. My relative told me that by following Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance one could attain Buddhahood. I was interested and started to practice, but I didn’t know any other practitioners. Because I was young and had no illnesses I didn’t experience any unique physical reactions.

After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Dafa in July 1999, slanderous propaganda was broadcast on television every day. I knew they were lies since Falun Dafa was not like that. I explained this to my parents and they comforted me. Since I practiced by myself, I didn’t know what to do. I thought I would just focus on making money and resume practicing after things calmed down. I never forgot about Falun Dafa—but I drifted along with society and became an everyday person.

I moved to South Korea in 2006, but things did not go smoothly and I was sad. I saw Falun Dafa booths near subway stations and in the park. One day a practitioner gave me a flyer when I walked by and I accepted it, but didn’t say anything. I decided to resume my practice.

My Husband Becomes Supportive of Dafa

Around this time, I married a typical South Korean man. He wanted me to center my life around him, and he wasn’t interested in Falun Dafa. I continued telling him about Dafa, and he understood how to handle things according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

His attitude gradually changed and he became supportive of my practice. Afterward, his life changed dramatically. His job used to be dirty and tiring, but now he’s in the transportation business, which is much better. In the past, he worked long hours outdoors regardless of the weather. Now he drives a truck. Both he and I know these are blessings from Master, and we are very grateful.

We moved about three years ago. Starting in spring there was a strong stench in the village which was very unpleasant. It intensified when it rained and it was hard to breathe.

My coworkers at the furniture factory all complained about the smell. I didn’t notice anything and asked, “What smell?” They all looked at me. Suddenly, I could hardly breathe as if my lungs shrunk. Oh, this was the strong smell they were talking about. Suddenly, the air smelled normal. I felt blessed because I realized Master placed a shield around me and I didn’t know the air was so poor. My husband was thankful because I never complained about the bad smell.

Master Saves Us from an Accident

My husband’s job is to drive a large truck which usually carries a 20 ton load. There was a light snowfall early one winter, and the roads were icy. People and vehicles were very cautious. He was pulling a cart of feed and I was in the truck with him. We drove on a downhill road near the entrance to a village. There was a farmer’s warehouse on the curve of the road. Due to the slippery road, the brakes did not work. The heavy truck slowly slid towards the warehouse, and was about to hit it. My husband’s face turned pale.

At this moment, it felt as if a big hand gently turned the truck 90 degrees. My husband breathed a sigh of relief and said in disbelief, “How did the truck turn so quickly?!” I knew Master protected us. In addition to protecting my husband and me, he saved the truck and the farmhouse’s warehouse.

This happened several years ago, but I’m still moved to tears whenever I recall that day. My husband is an ordinary person. I watched helplessly as the accident was about to happen, but I couldn’t do anything. People are helpless when faced with disasters. Before he met me, he was helpless. If that accident really happened, it couldn’t be resolved even with money. The people, the truck, the warehouse, and maybe even families would be destroyed. In several similar dangers that later happened, Master protected us and saved us from danger.

Safe from Thieves

When I was home alone one night, thieves came and tried to steal my chickens and dogs. I drove the car to the chicken coop and dog kennel, and turned on the high beam headlights. I didn’t have the slightest fear—instead I felt enveloped by a calm energy. The thieves never returned.

One day when I was home alone a group of people came. They pointed at the lock on the gate and said, “Do you think this lock can stop thieves? People can steal your chickens and dogs. It doesn’t matter if your door is locked or not.”

I said to them calmly, “The padlock isn’t there to prevent thieves. It’s meant to tell visitors that there’s no one here. If you need to talk with us about something, please come in.” They looked at me blankly and then left without saying anything. They never came back.

I told my husband what happened when he came home. I said, “Nothing happened because I practice Falun Dafa, and Master Li protects us. When one person practices, the whole family benefits. Because you are my husband, Master also protects you, otherwise our lives wouldn’t be so safe and smooth.” He nodded in agreement. Thank you, Master!