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Master Has Helped Me So Much

Oct. 5, 2024 |   By Dafa practitioner Siyu in China

(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in May 1996 and have encountered many setbacks, which has caused Master Li a lot of worry. So I want to thank Him for his hard work and for not giving up on me, a disciple who has not done well. He always encourages me, and many miraculous things have happened to me over the years. 

My Hunchback Disappears

I grew up with severe asthma. I remember, at the age of four, when I had difficulty breathing and couldn’t sleep at night. My breathing sounded like playing the erhu (a traditional Chinese instrument). I had to take penicillin in the spring and winter. I lived a life of suffering. Because I walked hunched over in my growth period as a young child, my back became permanentely hunched.

As an adult, I worked in a school, and the principal said to me: “If you don’t stand up straight, you’ll become like Liu Luoguo!” (A famous historical figure who had a hunchback). I thought to myself, “I’m suffering from a disease. My bones are bent. How can I straighten up!”

In May of that year, the water supply in my building suddenly stopped. I went downstairs to use the public toilet outside in the morning and saw people doing qigong exercises in the yard. I listened to the music, and it sounded so good! So I joined them and did the exercises with them the next day. The exercises were Falun Dafa. After doing the exercises for a few days, someone told me that I should also read the book Zhuan Falun, so I obtained a copy. A week later, during the break between classes, a teacher in our grade group told me, “Your hunchback is gone!” I went home and looked in the mirror. Miraculously, my back was straightened!

“It was her Master who helped her”

I was illegally detained in October 2000, for distributing truth-clarifying materials. My family spent 3,000 yuan to bail me out pending trial. When I returned to school, the principal didn’t allow me to teach anymore and assigned me to be a librarian. A few months later, he asked me to teach fifth-grade Chinese. I found out that this class had changed teachers eight times, but the students still could not write legible essays.

I made every effort to teach them and even took the students out of class to fly kites. The students’ essays improved rapidly. They used to write just 100 to 200 Chinese characters in the past, but the students improved and were able to write over a thousand characters. Our Chinese classes participated in the district’s elementary school essay competition, and the class I taught won first place. The principal of another school said, “Her class came first. It was her Master who helped her.” Yes! The principal was right. It was Dafa’s Master who helped me.

There was another miraculous occurrence: Because I practice Falun Dafa, it was noted with the school and Education Bureau. So the principal deliberately made things difficult for me to get promoted. I graduated from the Adult Education University and already had an intermediate professional title, and I should have been promoted for a higher position. However, she didn’t allow it.

I didn’t know how to use a computer. Many people of my age would pay people to get fake certificates. But I practice Falun Dafa and have to be honest. So I didn’t resort to those measures. Subsequently, I didn’t get a higher title until the computer certificate was no longer a requirement. Since the evaluation score was calculated based on my years with a professional title, I ended up being ranked at the bottom. 

When rating people at Level 5, they didn’t look at work performance, only at rankings. As a result, I was left out again. I didn’t complain and harbored no resentment. But Master does not let his disciples suffer injustice. Less than two months later, our district came up with a new policy: Anyone who had been on Level 6 for two years could advance to Level 5 automatically. What’s even more amazing is that in the year I retired, I was on Level 5. That policy was rescinded two months later, but my classification remained on Level 5. Many colleagues joked that the policy was formulated just for me.

As practitioners, as long as we assimilate to Dafa’s standards, Master will give us everything we deserve. However, we cannot go to extremes or force issues for ourselves. As long as our every thought is on the Fa, Master will protect us. 

“You’re right, you don’t have a fever!”

In the summer of 1997, I was helping other practitioners with the exercises in a small town square. My nine-year-old son suddenly appeared. I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat. I thought: “It’s far and the road is difficult to walk, how did he get here by himself?” A practitioner said to me, “It was Master’s Fashen (law body) who brought him here!” I suddenly enlightened to the fact that our home was five kilometers away from the exercise site, and he has never been here before. If it weren’t Master’s Fashen leading him, there is no way he could find me.

I once went to a practitioner’s home to study the Fa, but she wasn’t there. It was a very cold day in December. I walked along the streets a few times before she came back. After studying the Fa in the afternoon, I went home and felt cold all over. My husband saw me lying on the bed and asked, “Do you have a fever?” I didn’t say anything. He took a thermometer to measure my temperature. I refused to do it, but he insisted. A few minutes later, he said, “38.9°C (102.2°F)!”

I thought: I’m a cultivator. It’s not right to measure my temperature. I have not been to the school’s annual physical examination for more than 20 years. What happened today? I told him, “You’re wrong, I don’t have a fever.”

He insisted on measuring it again and exclaimed: “You’re right, you don’t have a fever!”

Master said: “Cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one’s master.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

This time my thoughts were positive, and Master helped me again.

We are Dafa practitioners in the period of Fa-rectification. If our every single thought is on the Fa, then Master will give us everything. Otherwise, our efforts will be counterproductive.

Master said,

“The Great Way (Dafa) is here to save people in these latter days, and it guides people to develop themselves spiritually. Some people have not truly worked on themselves spiritually, despite being among Dafa disciples. At key moments they always evaluate things with human attachments, human thinking, or human emotions. Some of them have even said things like, “I’ve done such-and-such for Dafa” or “I’ve sacrificed such-and-such amount for Dafa,” etc.” (“Stay Out of Danger”)

Master told us to measure ourselves with Dafa’s standards at all times and walk the righteous path of the Fa. Everything we do is done with His help. All we have to do is reach out to people and start talking about the goodness of Dafa.

Thank you, Master, thank you, Dafa!