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Am I the One Who Is Always Right?

Oct. 5, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I recently got upset when fellow practitioners didn’t reply to the messages I sent them.

I thought that wasn’t right for all kinds of reasons. A little voice inside me said that they were being disrespectful and impolite by ignoring my inquiry; even if they did not know the answer or agree with me, they could still have replied and said so. We are all veteran cultivators and should be able to talk to each other, even if we disagree. 

As a cultivator, I know that I should look within myself first, but I was so worked up that I couldn’t still my mind. And even after looking within for a few days, I did not find any attachment. Instead, the more I thought about it, the more upset I felt. 

Master told us:

“You should all be thinking this way, with your first thought being to scrutinize yourself to try to find the problem. Whoever is not like this is not in fact a true cultivator of Dafa. It is a magical tool in our cultivation. This is a distinguishing feature of our Dafa disciples’ cultivation. Whatever it is that you encounter, the first thought should be to scrutinize yourself, and it’s called “looking within.”” (“What a Dafa Disciple Is,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World Volume XI)

Did I look within as my first thought? If I don’t look within, I am not a Dafa disciple. This is such a serious problem. If this continues, it will create a gap between fellow practitioners. The old forces will be happy, but will Master be happy?

Only then did I realize that was jealousy that made me intolerant when I thought others disrespected me and I felt vengeful. I also discovered that I was very self-centered, unforgiving, and aggressive. When I spoke, I was full of sound arguments on the surface, leaving fellow practitioners speechless. I made it difficult for them to respond to me, and then I blamed them for not replying to my message. Digging deeper, I also discovered my inability to let go of my ego and the desire to show off or tell others what to do. When I found these attachments, I no longer thought that my fellow practitioners did anything wrong.

Master helped me get rid of jealousy, the show-off mentality, and other attachments. My heart was touched and tears welled up in my eyes: Where in the world is there a method of cultivation that points directly to the human heart and improves one so quickly? Master, how lucky I am to be your disciple!