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People Share Some of Their Stories about Dafa with Me

Oct. 6, 2024 |   By Huilian, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I’ve been walking through township fairs and along the streets every day to find people with predestined relationships so that I can clarify the truth to them. While doing so, I’ve come across many people who told me their touching stories about Dafa. I’d like to share a few of them about how, after learning the truth, they knew that Falun Dafa was good and were grateful to Master Li for his saving grace.

A Fabric Vendor

After I finished talking to people at the market one winter’s day, I went to a vendor stand to buy a piece of fabric. I handed over what he asked for, and he examined the bill closely. I asked, “Do you have a problem with the bill?” He said he didn’t, but continued to twist and turn the 10-yuan note in his hand. I said, “Don’t worry. I practice Falun Dafa, so I wouldn’t spend counterfeit money.”

He put the bill in his pocket, and replied confidently, “Falun Dafa is great! People who practice Falun Dafa are good people.”

He told me that he used to help people cover the ground with plastic sheeting where seeds were sown to keep them warm. “Last year, I covered the ground with plastic for a man in Nanguan Village. Because he hadn’t bought quite enough plastic, he had to squat down and stretch it out with his hands. I was driving forward without paying much attention, when I hit the bar that was stuck through the plastic into the ground.

The bar fell over and hit him on the head, knocking him unconscious. I heard him shout when it hit him, so I quickly stopped the car to see how he was. His head wasn’t bleeding, but he was pale, which scared me. I wanted to take him to the hospital. He came to and said, ‘Don’t worry, I practice Falun Dafa. I’ll be okay.’ He slowly stood up and immediately looked better. I let out a big sigh and quickly finished the rest of the work.

After that, I told him I wasn’t going to charge him for my work that day, but he objected and paid me in full. I thought, ‘I met a great person today. If he didn’t practice Falun Dafa, who knows what would have happened when that bar hit him. It was solid iron. A regular person would have been hospitalized for sure. Even if I sold my car to cover his medical expenses, it might not have been enough to compensate him.’”

I was moved by his story and said, “That is great. By the way, did he mention quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations to ensure one’s safety?” He said he did, but he had never joined any.

I gave him an amulet, which he gladly accepted.

There was a lady nearby selecting fabrics, who overheard our conversation. I gave her an amulet and helped her quit the Young Pioneers.

Vegetable Vendor: “If everyone practiced Dafa, wouldn’t society be better?”

After I finished handing out truth-clarification materials one day, I went to buy some vegetables and asked the vendor if she had ever joined the CCP or youth organizations.

The vendor replied, “I joined the Young Pioneers, but I quit a long time ago. An elderly practitioner helped me do it.

“When that elderly lady bought my vegetables, I gave her two extra yuan by mistake. She discovered it after she got home and tried to return it to me the next time she came by. I happened to be busy and missed two market days, so she looked for me twice, but couldn’t find me. On the third market day, she finally saw me and was so happy that she could return the money. She was so excited, as if she had found a bargain.”

I laughed and said to the vendor, “Right. If she were a regular person, would she have continued to look for you? People nowadays have low moral standards and would never think of returning extra change.”

She said, “I agree. Only you practitioners are not greedy or possessive. If everyone practiced Dafa, wouldn’t society be better?”

I gave her a thumbs-up and said, “Yes, you said that right!”

Elderly Man on a Tricycle: “Falun Dafa’s Master is protecting me!”

I ran into an elderly man riding a tricycle at a market. I gave him Master’s two new articles wrapped in a package. I said, “These are articles Master Li has written to everyone in the world, including you.” He was very happy to see me put them in the basket attached to his bicycle and said, “I enjoy reading your books the most.”

He also told me in secret, “Falun Dafa’s Master is protecting me! A couple of days ago, the road was slippery after it snowed. I had a big fall, but I was okay.”

When I asked how old he was, he said he was 84. He got off his tricycle to show me that he was truly unhurt.

I told him, “You were blessed for believing that Dafa is good.” He cheerfully agreed and then rode away.

I turned around to give a copy of Master’s new article to a woman, but she told me she couldn’t read and didn’t want it. I said, “Then how about if you recite, ‘Falun Dafa is wonderful! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is wonderful?’”

She replied, “I’ve been doing that, even when I’m in bed.”

I saw a man riding an e-bike and gave him copies of Master’s new articles. He asked if I had an amulet, so I gave him one.

“I truly believe in Dafa,” he replied gratefully. “My sister also practices it. Not long ago, I had a car accident. Thanks to the amulet I had in my pocket, I came out safe and sound. Only my headlights were broken. I’d like to have another one so I could give it to someone.”

I said, “Since your sister practices, you were blessed.” He nodded and took Master’s new articles.

Elderly Man: “She was so kind that I wanted to thank her”

Something happened a few years ago that I still remember to this day. I ran into an elderly man pushing a cart. Seeing him all hunched over, I felt sad for some reason. I walked over and said hello. He parked his cart on the side of the road, squatted down on the ground, and cried, “You are dressed nicely and look almost like a Bodhisattva. How can you bear to look at a dirty old man like me and talk to me?”

I replied, “Please don’t be sad. Master Li told us that all beings are here for Dafa. You have the right to know the truth. Do you know that Falun Dafa is good?”

He wiped his tears away and exclaimed, “I do! One of you practitioners told me about that. I worked for the Communist Party my whole life, but because I once said the wrong thing and offended an official, they destroyed my family. I have been trying to sue them my whole life, but no one has paid any attention to me. When I got old, I had no one, and I had little to eat and wear. That person gave me clothes and shoes, and also bought food for me. She also told me to recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ She was so kind that I wanted to thank her.”

I said, “If you want to thank anyone, please thank Master Li. You’ve been saying the phrases, so he will help you for sure.”

He paused and said, “I’ve been saying them every single day. Now I feel much better. I’ll let you move on and talk to other people.”